*! reghdfejl_load 1.0.1 25 April 2024 cap program drop reghdfejl_load program define reghdfejl_load version 15 local JLVERSION 1.0.1 if `"$reghdfejl_loaded"'=="" { cap jl version if _rc { di as err `"Can't access Julia. {cmd:reghdfejl} requires that the {cmd:jl} command be installed, via {stata ssc install julia}." di as err "And it requires that Julia be installed, following the instruction under Installation in {help jl##installation:help jl}." exit 198 } parse "`r(version)'", parse(".") local v1 `1' local v2 `3' local v3 `5' parse "`JLVERSION'", parse(".") if `v1'<`1' | `v1'==`1' & `v2'<`3' | `v1'==`1' & `v2'==`3' & `v3'<`5' { di as txt "The Stata package {cmd:julia} is not up to date. Attempting to update it with {stata ssc install julia, replace}." _n ssc install julia, replace } local gpulib = cond(c(os)=="MacOSX", "Metal", "CUDA") local blaslib = cond(c(os)=="MacOSX", "AppleAccelerate", "BLISBLAS") jl AddPkg `blaslib' jl AddPkg `gpulib' jl AddPkg StableRNGs jl AddPkg FixedEffectModels, minver(1.11.0) jl AddPkg GLFixedEffectModels, minver(0.5.3) jl AddPkg Distributions, minver(0.25.107) jl AddPkg Vcov, minver(0.8.1) _jl: using `blaslib', `gpulib', FixedEffectModels, Vcov, StableRNGs, Distributed, DataFrames, GLFixedEffectModels, Distributions; _jl: module reghdfejl end; // name space for the package global reghdfejl_loaded 1 } end