* Run several examples set more off version 10.0 * 1. Store regression results in the active dataset: sysuse auto.dta, clear regress price mpg trunk headroom length regsave cf _all using "examp1.dta" * 2. Store regression results in a file: sysuse auto.dta, clear regress price mpg trunk headroom length regsave using results, tstat covar(mpg trunk) replace use results, clear cf _all using "examp2.dta" * 3. Store regression results in table form: sysuse auto.dta, clear regress price mpg trunk headroom length regsave, tstat pval table(regression_1, parentheses(stderr) brackets(tstat pval)) cf _all using "examp3.dta" * 4. Store a user-created statistic and label a series of regressions: sysuse auto.dta, clear regress price mpg trunk headroom length if gear_ratio > 3 regsave using results, addlabel(scenario, gear ratio > 3, dataset, auto) replace regress price mpg trunk headroom length if gear_ratio <= 3 regsave using results, addlabel(scenario, gear ratio <=3, dataset, auto) append use "results", clear cf _all using "examp4.dta" * 5. Store regression results and add coefficient and standard error estimates for an additional variable: sysuse auto.dta, clear regress price mpg trunk headroom length local mycoef = _b[mpg]*5 local mystderr = _se[mpg]*5 regsave, addvar(mpg_5, `mycoef', `mystderr') cf _all using "examp5.dta" * 6. Run a series of regressions and outsheet them into a text file that can be opened by MS Excel: sysuse auto.dta, clear regress price mpg trunk headroom length regsave mpg trunk using results, table(OLS_stderr, order(regvars r2)) replace regress price mpg trunk headroom length, robust regsave mpg trunk using results, table(Robust_stderr, order(regvars r2)) append use results, clear cf _all using "examp6.dta" * 7. Run a series of regressions and output the results in a nice LaTeX format that can be opened by Scientific Word. (This example requires the user-written command {help texsave:texsave to be installed.): sysuse auto.dta, clear regress price mpg trunk headroom length regsave mpg trunk using results, table(OLS, order(regvars r2) format(%5.3f) parentheses(stderr) asterisk()) replace regress price mpg trunk headroom length, robust regsave mpg trunk using results, table(Robust, order(regvars r2) format(%5.3f) parentheses(stderr) asterisk()) append use results, clear replace var = subinstr(var,"_coef","",.) replace var = "" if strpos(var,"_stderr")!=0 replace var = "R-squared" if var == "r2" rename var Variable cf _all using "examp7.dta" * Test time series notation for one lag sysuse "tsline1.dta", clear regress ar L.ar F1.ma S1.ma regsave L1.ar F1.ma S1.ma using results, replace addlabel(Scen, 1) regress ar L1.ar F.ma S.ma regsave L.ar F.ma S.ma using results, append addlabel(Scen, 2) use results, clear cf _all using "ts0.dta" * Test the order option, with time series variables and an added var sysuse "tsline1.dta", clear regress ar S2.ar local mycoef = _b[S2.ar]*5 local mystderr = _se[S2.ar]*5 regsave, addvar(mpg 5, `mycoef', `mystderr') cf _all using "ts1.dta" regsave S2.ar, addvar(mpg 5 somebad^&chars and a very long name, `mycoef', `mystderr') table(my_tbl, order(_cons)) cf _all using "ts2.dta" regsave S2.ar using results, addvar(mpg 5, `mycoef', `mystderr') table(my_tbl, order(_cons)) replace regsave S2.ar using results, table(my_tbl2, order(S2.ar r2 mpg)) append use results, clear cf _all using "ts3.dta" * Equation example sysuse auto, clear gen selection = trunk>15 heckman price mpg, select(selection = rep78) regsave mpg rep78, table(eqtbl) cf _all using "eq.dta" * Wildcard example sysuse auto, clear tempfile t regress price mpg rep78 headroom trunk turn regsave t* mpg-headroom using "`t'", replace use "`t'", clear cf _all using "wildcards.dta" * Dprobit and coef/varmat examples sysuse auto, clear gen bin = price>8000 dprobit bin trunk mpg regsave using "`t'", replace addlabel(Scenario, dfdx) regsave using "`t'", coefmat(e(b)) varmat(e(V)) addlabel(Scenario, std) append nlcom (ratio: _b[trunk]/_b[mpg]) regsave using "`t'", coefmat(r(b)) varmat(r(V)) addlabel(Scenario, nlcom) append use "`t'", clear cf _all using "dprobit.dta" * Asterisk examples sysuse auto.dta, clear regress price mpg trunk headroom length regsave mpg trunk, table(OLS, order(regvars r2) format(%5.3f) parentheses(pval) asterisk(30 15)) pval cf _all using "asterisk.dta" * ci examples sysuse auto.dta, clear regress price mpg trunk headroom length, level(80) regsave mpg trunk, ci level(80) table(OLS, order(regvars r2) format(%5.3f) brackets(stderr)) ** EOF