{smcl} {.-} help for {cmd:regwls} {right:()} {.-} {title:Title} regwls - Estimates Weighted Least Squares, making use of the {help wls0} and {help areg} command, incorporating support for factor variables and the possibility to absorb one fixed effect variable. {title:Syntax} {p 8 15} {cmd:regwls} {help depvar} {help indepvars} [{help if}] [{help in}], wvar(varlist) type(wlstype) [noconst robust hc2 hc3 graph Absorb({help varname}] {p} {title:Description} {p} This command incorporates support for factor variables for the command {help wls0}. It also allows for the absorbtion of one fixed effects using the algorithm of the command {help areg}. This is particularly useful when in the need of running a Weighted-Least Squares (WLS) model that requires a large number of dummy variables. {title:Options} {bf: wvar({help varlist})}: Variables in the weightling equation. {bf: type(wlstype)}: The wls type. The choices are: abse - absolute value of residual e2 - residual squared loge2 - log residual squared xb2 - fitted value squared {bf: noconst}: do not include a constant in the weighting equation. {bf: robust}: using robust standard errors in the final regression. {bf: graph}: plots the wls residuals vs fitted. {bf: absorb({help varname})}: categorical variable to be absorbed {title:Author} {p} Dany Bahar, Harvard University {p} Email: {browse "mailto:dbaharc@gmail.com":dbaharc@gmail.com} Comments welcome! {title:Acknowledgements} This program uses the code of {help wls0} and makes use of the {help areg} command when required. {p} {title:Also see} {p 0 21} {help wls0} (if installed), {help areg} {p_end}