*! version 3.1 20240926 - DIME Analytics & LSMS Team, The World Bank - dimeanalytics@worldbank.org, lsms@worldbank.org cap program drop repado program define repado, rclass qui { version 14.1 syntax [using/], /// /// Optional commands [ /// nostrict /// lessverbose /// /// Old undocumented but still supported yntax adopath(string) /// mode(string) /// ] /*************************************************************************** **************************************************************************** TEST INPUT **************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************/ * If using is used, use that path, otherwise use old syntax if !missing("`using'") { local adopath "`using'" } * Mimic stata's built in check for using if missing("`adopath'") { noi di as error "using required" error 100 exit } * Test adopath input mata : st_numscalar("r(dirExist)", direxists("`adopath'")) if (`r(dirExist)' == 0) { noi di as error `"{phang}The folder path [`adopath'] in adopath(`adopath') does not exist.{p_end}"' error 99 } * Test that if the old undocumented option mode() was used, * its value is still strict/nostrict or missing if !inlist("`mode'","strict","nostrict","") { noi di as error `"{phang}When using the old and undocumented but still supported option {inp:mode()}, its value must be {inp:strict} or {inp:nostrict}. See helpfile {help repado} for the option {inp:nostrict} that replaced the option {inp:mode()}.{p_end}"' error 99 } *** Handling supporting the old undocumented command mode * Option nostrict not used if missing("`strict'") { * Neither is mode, so use default strict mode if missing("`mode'") local mode "strict" //else: kept value from mode() already in `mode' } * Option nostrict is used else { * test that mode(strict) was not used with nostrict if ("`mode'" != "strict") local mode "nostrict" else { * nostrict was used with strict - thats ambigious noi di as error `"{pstd}Option {inp:nostrict} cannot be used together with value {sf:"strict"} in the old undocummented option {inp:mode()}.{p_end}"' } } /*************************************************************************** **************************************************************************** ADO PATH SECTION **************************************************************************** ***************************************************************************/ **** * STRICT MODE if ("`mode'" == "strict") { * Set PLUS to adopath and list it first, then list BASE first. * This means that BASE is first and PLUS is second. sysdir set PLUS `"`adopath'"' adopath ++ PLUS adopath ++ BASE * Keep removing adopaths with rank 3 until only BASE and PLUS, * that has rank 1 and 2, are left in the adopaths local morepaths 1 while (`morepaths' == 1) { capture adopath - 3 if _rc local morepaths 0 } * Update the paths where mata search for commands to mirror adopath mata: mata mlib index } **** * NO STRICT MODE else { * Set PERSONAL path to ado path sysdir set PERSONAL `"`adopath'"' adopath ++ PERSONAL adopath ++ BASE } * Print user output noi print_output, adopath("`adopath'") mode("`mode'") `lessverbose' return local repado_mode "`mode'" return local repado_path "`adopath'" } //quietly end cap program drop print_output program define print_output syntax , adopath(string) mode(string) [lessverbose] **** * Print Intro * Strict intro if ("`mode'" == "strict") { noi di as text _n `"{pstd}{inp:repado} has set the PLUS adopath for this Stata session to {inp:`adopath'} and removed all other adopaths except for BASE. PLUS has second priority after BASE.{p_end}"' } * No strict intro else { noi di as text _n `"{pstd}{inp:repado} has set the PERSONAL adopath for this Stata session to {inp:`adopath'} and given it second priority after BASE. All other adopaths remain unchanged.{p_end}"' } **** * Print details unless lessverbose is used if missing("`lessverbose'") { noi di as text _n "{pstd}This means that in this session (until you restart Stata), the following is true:{p_end}" * Strict details if ("`mode'" == "strict") { noi di as text `"{phang}- Only Stata's built-in commands in BASE and user-written commands installed in the new PLUS folder {inp:`adopath'} are available to scripts run in this session.{p_end}"' noi di as text `"{phang}- If a script runs without error in this session, it indicates that all user-written commands required by that script are in the new PLUS folder {inp:`adopath'}.{p_end}"' noi di as text `"{phang}- Any other user who has access to the same folder {inp:`adopath'} (shared over Git, a syncing service, etc.) will use the exact same version of the commands installed at that location if they also use {inp:repado} to point to that folder..{p_end}"' noi di as text `"{phang}- In this session, both {help ssc install} and {help net install} will install new commands in the new PLUS folder {inp:`adopath'} instead of the previous location where PLUS was pointing.{p_end}"' } * Nostrict details else { noi di as text `"{phang}- User-written commands installed in the new PERSONAL folder {inp:`adopath'} are available to scripts run in this session{p_end}"' noi di as text `"{phang}- Stata's built-in commands in BASE and user-written commands installed in other adopaths, such as PLUS, are also available.{p_end}"' noi di as text `"{phang}- The exact version of user-written commands installed in the new PERSONAL folder {inp:`adopath'} will be used instead of any other version of a user-written command installed with the same name in the PLUS folder.{p_end}"' noi di as text `"{phang}- Any other user who has access to the same folder {inp:`adopath'} (shared over Git, a syncing service, etc.) will use the exact same version of the commands installed at that location if they also use {inp:repado} to point to that folder.{p_end}"' noi di as text `"{phang}- If a script runs without error in this session, then all user-written commands required in the script are either installed in the new PERSONAL folder {inp:`adopath'}, or in any of the other adopaths specified on this user's machine.{p_end}"' noi di as text `"{phang}- Both {help ssc install} and {help net install} will install commands in the PLUS folder as usual and not in the new PERSONAL folder {inp:`adopath'}.{p_end}"' } **** * Print outro noi di as text _n "{pstd}You can run {stata adopath} to see your current setting. These settings will be restored the next time you restart Stata.{p_end}" } end