*! 1.0.2 NJC 7 December 2005 *! 1.0.1 NJC 6 August 2004 *! 1.0.0 NJC 8 December 1999 with code from Jeroen Weesie's -keyb- program def repcmd version 6 if "`1'" == "" { error 198 } gettoken cmd 0 : 0, parse(" ,") local cmd : char _dta[`cmd'] if `"`cmd'"' == "" { di in r "no such characteristic" exit 198 } syntax [, Showonly ] if `"$BUF_DISP"' != "" { di in wh `". `*'"' } * put the command in the command buffer push `cmd' if _caller() == 7 { local vv : di "version 7:" } else local vv : di "version " string(_caller()) ", missing :" * execute the command (unless -showonly-) if "`showonly'" == "" { `vv' `cmd' } end