* Henrik Stovring, June 5, 2008 * Henrik Stovring, July 2, 2008: Update showing it works with just one event variable. * Thanks go to Hans-Peter Blossfeld for making the data available clear webuse set "http://oldsite.soziologie-blossfeld.de/eha/stata/do_files/Data/" webuse rrdat1.dta * Convert event times to dates. Are arbitrarily set to fifteenth day of month. foreach var of varlist tstart tb te tmar ti tfin { gen `var'date = mdy(mod(`var' - 1, 12) + 1, 15, (`var' - 1) / 12 + 1900) local labvar : variable label `var' la var `var'date "`labvar'" format %d `var'date } * replace with missing where observation is actually right censored replace tmardate = . if tmar == 0 la var tmardate "Date of marriage" replace tfindate = . if tfin == ti * Example 1: Observation window evhistplot *date, id(id) start(1jan1900) end(31dec1981) more * Example 2: Lexis plot evhistplot tstartdate tedate - tfindate, id(id) start(1jan1900) end(31dec1981) birth(tbdate) nsub(50) more * Labels for job number levelsof noj, local(nojvals) foreach i of local nojvals { lab de nojlab `i' "Job # `i'", add } la val noj nojlab * Example 3: Lexis plot with date of job starts labelled according to rank evhistplot tstartdate, id(id) start(1jan1940) end(31dec1981) birth(tbdate) evtype(noj) nsub(20) more * Example 4: Lexis plot with date of marriage and job starts labelled * according to rank evhistplot tstartdate tmardate, id(id) start(1jan1940) end(31dec1981) birth(tbdate) evtype(noj) nsub(20) xtitle(Calendar time)