p zandrews module to calculate Zivot-Andrews unit root test in presence of structural break p zb_qrm module to Recoding multiple responses into binary variables p zinb module to estimate zero inflated negative binomial model on count data p zip module to estimate zero inflated Poisson model on count data p zcq module to score Zurich Claudication Questionnaire p zicen module to estimate a finite mixture model of a degenerate distribution with mass at zero and one or two censored (Tobit) normals p zipffit module to fit the Zipf distribution or the Zipf-Mandelbrot distribution by maximum likelihood p zippkg module to create ZIP archives of community-contributed content for offline distribution p zipsave module to save and use datasets compressed by zip p zmap module for binned scatter maps p zoib module to fit a zero-one inflated beta distribution by maximum likelihood p zscore06 module to calculate anthropometric z-scores using the 2006 WHO child growth standards p ztg module to estimate zero-truncated geometric regression p ztnbp module to estimate zero-truncated NegBin-P regression p ztpflex module to estimate zero-truncated Poisson mixture regression