/* Sample data used in Logan (1983: 332-333) Data are from the 1972-1978 merged Genderal Social Surveys (GSS) of the National Opinion Research Center (NORC). The selection is restricted to males, aged 25 to 34 at the time of the interview, who were in the labour force at the time of interview, and who had non-missing values for respondent's education and occupation and for father's occupation and education. N=838. Logan, J. (1983). "A multivariate model for mobility tables." American Journal of Sociology 89: 324-349. */ #delimit ; label define occs 1 "Farm" /* occupations */ 2 "Operatives" /* service, and laborers */ 3 "Craftsmen" /* and kindred workers */ 4 "Sales" /* and clerical" */ 5 "Professional"; /* technical, and mangerial"*/ #delimit cr label define race 1 "black" 0 "non-black" infile byte(occ focc educ black) using logan label variable occ "occupation" label variable focc "father's occupation at age 16" label variable educ "education in years" label variable black "race" label values occ occs label values focc occs label values black race save logan describe summarize tab focc occ tab black