Exact sample size calculation for single-stage designs
sampsi_fleming [, options]
options Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Main p0(#) specifies the null proportion. p1(#) specifies the alternative proportion. alpha(#) specifies the type I error, the default is 0.05. power(#) specifies the power, the default is 0.9. start(#) specifies the start sample size in the initial sample size search, the default is 1. end(#) specifies the largest sample size in the initial sample size search, the default is 40. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
A single stage design requires all n patients to receive and experimental treatment. Within a specified time period they will be observed to have responded (success) or not (failure). The probability of a success in the trial is p and this is compared to a fixed value p0, which is the probability of a success under the null hypothesis, this could represent no treatment or standard treatment. The trial therefore tests the null hypothesis H0:p=p0 against the alternative hypothesis H1:p>p0. A particular value p1 (p1>p0) is considered to be the desired probability of success.
The number of successes, S, will follow a Binomial distribution with parameters n and p. A sample size is found by using a search such that P(S>=u|p0)<=alpha and P(S>=u|p1)>=power. The design is therefore characterised by the sample size n and the critical value u, the null hypothesis is rejected if there are u or more successes in a trial of size n.
Latest Version
The latest version is always kept on the SSC website. To install the latest version click on the following link
ssc install sampsi_fleming, replace.
+------+ ----+ Main +-------------------------------------------------------------
p0(#) specifies the null proportion.
p1(#) specifies the alternative proportion.
alpha(#) specifies the type I error, the default is 0.05.
power(#) specifies the power, the default is 0.9.
start(#) specifies the start sample size in the initialgrid search, the default is 1.
end(#) specifies the largest sample size in the initial grid search, the default is 40.
The default sample size calculation
The default design has a sample size of 47 and a critical value of 15, the type I error is 0.0366 and power is 0.9012.
sampsi_fleming, p0(0.45) p1(0.5) s(800)
A sample size of 861 and a critical value of 412 gives a type I error of 0.0499 and a power of 0.9024.
sampsi_fleming, a(0.01) p(0.8)
A sample size of 52 and a critical value of 18 gives a type I error of 0.0099 and a power of 0.8245.
sampsi_fleming, p0(0.1) p1(0.35) a(0.01) p(0.8)
A sample size of 25 and a critical value of 7 gives a type I error of 0.0095 and a power of 0.8266.
Adrian Mander, MRC Biostatistics Unit, Cambridge, UK. Email adrian.mander@mrc-bsu.cam.ac.uk
R.P.A'Hern (2001) Sample size tables for exact single-stage phase II designs. Statistics in Medicine 20:859-866.
J.Whitehead (2008) Bayesian sample size for exploratory clinical trials incorporating historical data. Statistics in Medicine 27:2307-2327.
T.R. Fleming (1982) One-sample multiple testing procedure for phase II clinical trials. Biometrics 38:143-151.
Also see
Related commands
HELP FILES SSC installation links Description
samplesize (if installed) (ssc install samplesize) Sample Size graphics sampsi_reg (if installed) (ssc install sampsi_reg) Sample Size for linear regression sampsi_mcc (if installed) (ssc install sampsi_mcc) Sample Size for matched case/control studies sampsi_rho (if installed) (ssc install sampsi_rho) Sample Size for Pearson correlation