*! version 1.2 18-Oct-2011 *! adapted from saveold ado file *! Thanks to Nick Cox for highlighting the redundancy of the line indetifying Stata7 or lower. program define save9 version 8 local 0 `"using `0'"' syntax using/ [, noLabel REPLACE ALL ] if "`replace'"=="" { confirm new file `"`using'"' } preserve ** line above is needed to preserve the dataset. display as text "This is Stata " c(stata_version) " software:" if c(stata_version)>=13 display as text "Stata " c(stata_version) " cannot save in Stata 9 format." if c(stata_version)>=10 & c(stata_version)<13 save `"`using'"', oldformat `label' `replace' `all' if c(stata_version)>=10 & c(stata_version)<13 display as text "in Stata 9 format by using the option: oldformat." if c(stata_version)>= 8 & c(stata_version)<10 save `"`using'"', `label' `replace' `all' if c(stata_version)>= 8 & c(stata_version)<10 display as text "in Stata 9 (or 8) format without using the option: oldformat." end ** end of program