Scatter plot with one y variable shown by vertical bars -------------------------------------------------------
^sbplot5^ barvar [otheryvarlist] xvar [^if^ exp] [^in^ range] [ ^, w^idth^(^string^) b^ase^(^string^) join^ graph_options ]
Description -----------
^sbplot5^ plots barvar -- the first-named variable -- against xvar -- the last-named variable -- as a series of unshaded bars rising above or falling below one or more base lines. The height of each bar is given by barvar, the width via the width option, the base via the base option and the horizontal centre of each bar by xvar.
In addition any other variables will also be plotted against xvar.
Options -------
^width(^string^)^ specifies how the widths of the bars are determined. ^width(^widthvar^)^ specifies that they are given by widthvar. ^width(^#^)^ specifies that they are constant and equal to #. The default is ^width(1)^.
^base(^string^)^ specifies how the bases of the bars are determined. ^base(^basevar^)^ specifies that they are given by basevar. ^base(^#^)^ specifies that they are constant and equal to #. The default is ^base(0)^.
^join^ specifies that bars that do not touch will be joined, i.e. connected by fragments of a baseline. Joined bars often look better with time series plots.
graph_options are options allowed with ^graph, twoway^. The default for ^symbol^ is ^i^ followed by ^OpSTd^ (repeated) and for ^connect^ ^L^ followed by ^.^ for every other y variable. For the first variable to be plotted as bars it is essential that ^symbol^ starts with ^i^ and ^connect^ starts with ^L^. For the other y variables ^connect^ may include one or more of ^.lJ|I^ but none of ^Lms^. Note that these graph options do not include ^shading^.
Examples --------
. ^sbplot5 rain max min dayofyr, c(Lll) sy(iii)^ . ^sbplot5 est estpse estmse id, c(LII), sy(ii)^
Author ------
Nicholas J. Cox, University of Durham, U.K.
Also see --------
On-line: help for @graph@, @barplot@ (if installed)