{smcl} {* 06apr2011}{...} {hline} help for {hi:scheme_tufte}{right:(Ulrich Atz)} {hline} {* index schemes}{...} {title:Scheme description: tufte} {pstd} Schemes determine the overall look of a graph; see help for {help schemes}. {pstd} The {cmd:tufte} scheme is {it:schemename}{col 22}foreground{col 34}background{col 46}description {hline 70} {col 9}{cmd:tufte}{...} {col 22}monochrome{...} {col 36}white{...} {col 46}black/dark gray on white {col 46}with gray axes {col 46}and gray background lines {hline 70} {pstd} For instance, you might type {p 8 16 2} {cmd:. graph} ...{cmd:,} ... {cmd:scheme(tufte)} {p 8 16 2} {cmd:. set} {cmd:scheme} {cmd:tufte} [{cmd:,} {cmdab:perm:anently} ] {pstd} See help {help scheme_option} and help {help set_scheme}. {title:Description} {pstd} {cmd:tufte} is Ulrich Atz's original personal default scheme. It aims for a minimal look with gray background lines and gray axes inspired by Edward Tufte (1983). The mother scheme is Stata's {help scheme_s2mono:s2mono}, yet it follows more closely {help scheme_rbn1mono:Roger Newson's rbn1mono scheme} and the even more minimal {help scheme_lean:Svend Juul's lean schemes}. {pstd} The background is white and the default marker shape is a hollow circle. The axis labels use value labels if these exist and the tick labels are horizontal for improved readability. The default {help by_option:by-graph style} avoids clutter. {help histogram:Histograms} have light gray bars with white lines that separate them. Also the {help graph matrix:matrix plot} is improved by alleviating auxiliary output. The default number of columns in a {help legend_option:legend} is 1, to enable long and explicit labels. {pstd} Any of these defaults can be overridden by the user. {title:References} {pstd} Tufte, E. R. (1983). {it:The Visual Display of Quantitative Information}. Cheshire, CT: Graphics press. {title:Author} {pstd} Ulrich Atz, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK. Email: {browse "mailto:u.atz@lse.ac.uk":u.atz@lse.ac.uk} {title:Also see} {p 4 13 2} {bind:}Manual: {hi:[G] schemes}, {hi:[G] {it:scheme_option}}, {hi:[G] set scheme} {p 4 13 2} Online: help for {help schemes}, {it:{help scheme_option}}, {help set_scheme}, {help scheme_s1mono} {break} help for {help scheme_lean} and {help scheme_rbn1mono} if installed {p_end}