help for scheme_tufte                                              (Ulrich Atz)

Scheme description: tufte

Schemes determine the overall look of a graph; see help for schemes.

The tufte scheme is

schemename foreground background description ---------------------------------------------------------------------- tufte monochrome white black/dark gray on white with gray axes and gray background lines ----------------------------------------------------------------------

For instance, you might type

. graph ..., ... scheme(tufte)

. set scheme tufte [, permanently ]

See help scheme_option and help set_scheme.


tufte is Ulrich Atz's original personal default scheme. It aims for a minimal look with gray background lines and gray axes inspired by Edward Tufte (1983). The mother scheme is Stata's s2mono, yet it follows more closely Roger Newson's rbn1mono scheme and the even more minimal Svend Juul's lean schemes.

The background is white and the default marker shape is a hollow circle. The axis labels use value labels if these exist and the tick labels are horizontal for improved readability. The default by-graph style avoids clutter. Histograms have light gray bars with white lines that separate them. Also the matrix plot is improved by alleviating auxiliary output. The default number of columns in a legend is 1, to enable long and explicit labels.

Any of these defaults can be overridden by the user.


Tufte, E. R. (1983). The Visual Display of Quantitative Information. Cheshire, CT: Graphics press.


Ulrich Atz, London School of Economics and Political Science, UK. Email: u.atz@lse.ac.uk

Also see

Manual: [G] schemes, [G] scheme_option, [G] set scheme

Online: help for schemes, scheme_option, set_scheme, scheme_s1mono help for scheme_lean and scheme_rbn1mono if installed