set varabbrev off // Basque u "", clear qui xtset local lbl: value label `r(panelvar)' loc unit ="Basque Country (Pais Vasco)":`lbl' loc int_time = 1975 qui xtset cls g treat = cond(`r(panelvar)'==`unit' & `r(timevar)' >= `int_time',1,0) scul gdpcap, ahead(3) treat(treat) /// obscol(black) cfcol("170 19 15") legpos(11) scul gdpcap, ahead(3) treat(treat) /// obscol(black) cfcol("170 19 15") legpos(11) trans(norm) cls // Prop 99 Division loc int_time = 1989 u "", clear qui xtset local lbl: value label `r(panelvar)' loc unit ="California":`lbl' qui xtset g treat = cond(`r(panelvar)'==`unit' & `r(timevar)' >= `int_time',1,0) cls scul cigsale, /// ahead(1) /// treated(treat) /// obscol(black) /// cfcol(blue) /// legpos(7) cv(adaptive) cls /* // BP Analysis loc dv score loc covs index_score buzz_score /// impression_score /// quality_score /// value_score satisfaction_score /// recommend_score loc int_time: di tm(2010m4) Run only if you have an hour and a half to spare. u "", clear replace yougovname = subinstr(yougovname, ".", "",.) labmask id, value(yougovname) local lbl: value label id loc unit ="BP":`lbl' qui xtset cls g treat = cond(`r(panelvar)'==`unit' & `r(timevar)' >= `int_time',1,0) format date %tm lab var date "Month" xtset id date, m // !! Makes our data panel data keep if date <= tm(2012m6) cls scul score, /// ahead(6) /// treat(treat) /// obscol(black) /// cfcol(red) /// legpos(5) /// cv(adaptive) */ cls //West Germany u "", clear loc int_time = 1990 cls qui xtset local lbl: value label `r(panelvar)' loc unit ="West Germany":`lbl' g treat = cond(`r(panelvar)'==`unit' & `r(timevar)' >=`int_time',1,0) // ssc inst labvars labvars gdp treat "GDP per Capita" "Reunification" scul gdp, /// tr(treat) /// ahead(8) /// cfcol(red) obscol(black) cv(adaptive) /// legpos(9) // scul gdp, /// tr(treat) /// ahead(8) /// cfcol(red) obscol(black) cv(adaptive) /// legpos(9) plat times(1/2) // cls //Kansas Tax Cuts u "", clear loc int_time: disp tq(2012q1) cls qui xtset local lbl: value label `r(panelvar)' loc unit ="Kansas":`lbl' g treat = cond(`r(panelvar)'==`unit' & `r(timevar)' >=`int_time',1,0) scul gdp, ahead(4) treated(treat) /// obscol(black) /// cfcol(blue) /// q(.5) cv(adaptive) legpos(7) cls //Ukraine Invasion Effect on GDP u "", clear loc int_time = 2014 cls qui xtset local lbl: value label `r(panelvar)' loc unit ="Ukraine":`lbl' g treat = cond(`r(panelvar)'==`unit' & `r(timevar)' >=`int_time',1,0) scul gdp, ahead(4) treated(treat) /// obscol(black) /// cfcol(blue) /// q(.5) cv(adaptive) legpos(7) scul gdp, ahead(4) treated(treat) /// obscol(black) /// cfcol(blue) /// cv(adaptive) legpos(7) pla sqerr(1.2) cls //Effect of Stadium on Housing Prices u "", clear loc int_time = 2017 cls qui xtset local lbl: value label `r(panelvar)' loc unit ="Cobb":`lbl' g treat = cond(`r(panelvar)'==`unit' & `r(timevar)' >=`int_time',1,0) scul realgrossvpa, ahead(4) treated(treat) /// obscol(black) /// cfcol(blue) /// q(1) cv(adaptive) legpos(7) cls //Gas Holiday Studies u "", clear xtset id date, d scul regular, /// ahead(28) /// treat(treat) /// obscol(black) /// cfcol(170 19 15) /// legpos(7) /// before(28) after(28) /// donadj(et) /// rellab(-28(7)28) //