/* Copyright 2007-2017 Brendan Halpin brendan.halpin@ul.ie Distribution is permitted under the terms of the GNU General Public Licence */ #delimit ; program omamatv3, plugin; mata:; real matrix function expandpwdist(real matrix raw, real matrix seqid, real matrix nd) { output = mm_expand(raw,nd,nd,1) return(output[invorder(seqid), invorder(seqid)]) } end; program define sdhollister; version 9; syntax varlist [if] [in] [using/] , SUBSmat(string) PWDist(string) LENgth(string) TIMEcost(real) /* x in formula */ LOCalcost(real) /* y in formula */ [WORkspace STAndard(string) DUps]; local norm 0; if ("`standard'"=="longer") {; local norm 1; }; else if (inlist("`standard'","none")) {; local norm 0; }; if (`norm'==1) {; di "Normalising distances with respect to length"; }; else {; di "Not normalising distances with respect to length"; }; marksample touse, novarlist; // novarlist mean keep cases with missing vars tempname twtype; local twtype 4; tempvar idvar; tempvar lengthvar; gen `lengthvar' = `length'; tempname indelcost; scalar `indelcost' = 0.0; /* tempvar hol_x; */ /* scalar `hol_x' = `timecost'; */ /* tempvar hol_y; */ /* scalar `hol_y' = `localcost'; */ local hol_x = `timecost'; local hol_y = `localcost'; local printworkspace 0; if "`workspace'" ~= "" {; local printworkspace 1; }; local adjdur 1; local facexp 1; tempname ndups; tempname first; preserve; gen `idvar'=_n; sort `varlist'; // mkmat `idvar'; mata: st_matrix("`idvar'", st_data(.,"`idvar'")); by `varlist': gen `ndups' = _N; by `varlist': gen `first' = _n==1; qui count if `first'; di "`r(N)' unique observations"; qui keep if `first'; // mkmat `ndups'; mata: st_matrix("`ndups'", st_data(.,"`ndups'")); // matrix `pwdist' = J(_N,_N,0); mata: st_matrix("`pwdist'", J(`=_N',`=_N',0)); /* Arguments hardcoded into omamatv3: 0: substitution matrix name 1: indel cost 2: output matrix 3: dimensions of subsmatrix 4: adjust for duration? 5: show workspace? 6: exponent */ /* Checks? 1: is subsmat a matrix, a square matrix, with dimension >= n-states 2: is indel an integer? relate to max subscost? 3: let pwdist be a name only */ scalar subsrows = rowsof(`subsmat'); scalar subscols = colsof(`subsmat'); if subsrows!=subscols {; di "Error: non square substitution matrix"; exit; }; plugin call omamatv3 `idvar' `lengthvar' `varlist', `subsmat' `indelcost' subsrows `pwdist' `adjdur' `printworkspace' `facexp' `twtype' 0 0 0 `hol_x' `hol_y' `norm' ; capture mata mata which mm_expand(); if _rc {; di as error "mm_expand() from -moremata- is required; type -ssc install moremata- to obtain it"; exit 499; }; mata: `pwdist'= expandpwdist(st_matrix("`pwdist'"),st_matrix("`idvar'"),st_matrix("`ndups'")); mata: st_matrix("`pwdist'",`pwdist'); restore; end;