program sequence, rclass version 11 syntax varlist(min=1 max=30 numeric), diaryid(string) diaryst(string) quietly { count local startN=r(N) count if tslot==1 local ndiaries=r(N) count if tslot==. local missing=r(N) drop if tslot==. tempvar slotcounter nslots minslot maxslot sloterror mine maxe x a b c sort `diaryid' tslot bysort `diaryid': gen `slotcounter'=_n bysort `diaryid': egen `minslot'=min(tslot) bysort `diaryid': egen `maxslot'=max(tslot) bysort `diaryid': egen `nslots'=max(`slotcounter') * (a) flagging if not all diaries start at slot 1 count if `minslot'!=1 gen `a'=0 replace `a'=1 if r(N)>0 * (b) flagging if all dairies dont have the same number of slots. sum `nslots' gen `b'=0 replace `b'=1 if r(min)!=r(max) * (c) flagging if the slots do not have the right values: gen `c'=0 replace `c'=1 if `nslots'!=`maxslot' gen `x'=0 // tracking errors. replace `x'=1 if `a'==1|`b'==1|`c'==1 sum `x' local error=r(mean) } if `error'==0 { quietly { count local startN=r(N) count if tslot==1 local ndiaries=r(N) count if tslot==. local missing=r(N) drop if tslot==. tempvar slotcounter nslots minslot maxslot sloterror mine maxe sort `diaryid' tslot tempvar id egen `id'=group(`diaryid') sum tslot local time_interval=1440/r(max) foreach var in `varlist' { replace `var'=999999 if `var'==. replace `var'=888888 if `var'==.a replace `var'=777777 if `var'==.b replace `var'=666666 if `var'==.c replace `var'=555555 if `var'==.d replace `var'=444444 if `var'==.e replace `var'=333333 if `var'==.f replace `var'=222222 if `var'==.g replace `var'=111111 if `var'==.h } xtset `id' tslot foreach var in `varlist' { tempvar diff_`var' gen `diff_`var''=`var'-l1.`var' recode `diff_`var'' (0=0) (.=.) (else=1) replace `diff_`var''=10 if tslot==1 // guarantees that the first slot } tempvar superdiff gen `superdiff'=0 foreach var in `varlist' { replace `superdiff'=`superdiff'+`diff_`var'' } drop if `superdiff'==0 capture drop epnum bysort `diaryid': gen epnum=_n capture drop start gen start=tslot*`time_interval'-`time_interval' capture drop end xtset `id' epnum gen end=f.start replace end=1440 if f.start==. capture drop time gen time=end-start * clockst * xclock`diaryst' label value start xclock`diaryst' label value end xclock`diaryst' capture drop clockst decode start, gen(xxxxx) split xxxxx, p(:) gen yyyyy=xxxxx1+"."+xxxxx2 destring yyyyy, gen(clockst) drop xxxxx xxxxx1 xxxxx2 yyyyy foreach var in `varlist' { replace `var'=. if `var'==999999 replace `var'=.a if `var'==888888 replace `var'=.b if `var'==777777 replace `var'=.c if `var'==666666 replace `var'=.d if `var'==555555 replace `var'=.e if `var'==444444 replace `var'=.f if `var'==333333 replace `var'=.g if `var'==222222 replace `var'=.h if `var'==111111 } drop tslot order `diaryid' epnum start end time clockst `varlist' lab var epnum "episode number" lab var clockst "start time on 24-hour clock" lab var start "start time of episode (minute of day)" lab var end "end time of episode (minute of day)" lab var time "duration of episode (minutes)" count local endN=r(N) local change=`endN'-`startN' local mean1=`startN'/`ndiaries' local mean2=`endN'/`ndiaries' local check=`startN'-(`ndiaries'*`mean1') } if `missing'>0 { disp as text "`missing' observations have been dropped because tslot had a missing value." } else { } * The report: disp as text "the starting file had `startN' time-slots ("`ndiaries' " diaries with" %4.0f `mean1' " time slots per diary)" disp as text "the new file has `endN' episodes (Avg. of " %3.1f `mean2' " episodes per diary)" } else { disp as error "The variable tslot does not take the same values across diaries. Fix and run program again" } end