{smcl} help for {cmd:setdtapaper}{right:also see: {helpb dtapaper}} {hline} {title:Title} {p2colset 5 16 18 2}{...} {p2col :Create global macros for {helpb dtapaper}} {p_end} {p2colreset}{...} {title:Syntax} {p 8 17 2}{cmd:setdtapaper, [{help setdtapaper##opt:{it:options}}]} {p 8 17 2}{it: - or - } {p 8 17 2}{cmd:setdtapaper, clear} {title:Description} {pstd} You can use {cmd: setdtapaper} to create global macros that will be used as default values in {helpb dtapaper}. With {cmd: setdtapaper} you can also enable (value "1") or disable (value "0") the checkboxes in {helpb dtapaper}. Thus you avoid entering all the information, that is required for {helpb dtapaper}, over and over again. {title:Options} {pstd} For a detailed description of each field see: {helpb dtapaper} {marker opt} {it:options}{col 38}description {hline 70} {cmdab:t:itle:()}{col 30}{...} Dataset title {cmdab:ab:stract:()}{col 30}{...} Short description {cmdab:k:eywords:()}{col 30}{...} Keywords describing the data. Separate by ";" {cmdab:s:ource:()}{col 30}{...} Original source of data {cmdab:ac:cess:()}{col 30}{...} Access to data: DOI, URL, ... {cmdab:f:rom:()}{col 30}{...} Year of data: start {cmdab:t:o:()}{col 30}{...} Year of data: end {cmdab:au:thor:()}{col 30}{...} Author. Separate multiple authors with "and". {col 30}{...} Format: {it: (lastname, firstname)} {cmdab:i:nstitution:()}{col 30}{...} Institution {cmdab:c:ontact:()}{col 30}{...} Contact (E-Mail, Address, ...) {cmdab:p:ath:()}{col 30}{...} Path to an *.html file on your computer {hline 70} {cmdab:cb_var()}{col 30}{...} Include list of variables and labels (default 1) {cmdab:cb_val()}{col 30}{...} Include value labels (default 0) {cmdab:cb_lab()}{col 30}{...} Label dataset (default 1) {cmdab:cb_note()}{col 30}{...} Add note to dataset (default 1) * {cmdab:cb_drop()}{col 30}{...} Drop old note (default 0) {cmdab:cb_save()}{col 30}{...} Save and replace data (default 0) {cmdab:cb_n()}{col 30}{...} Include number of observations (default 1) {cmdab:cb_nvar()}{col 30}{...} Include number of variables (default 1) {cmdab:cb_name()}{col 30}{...} Include filename (default 1) {hline 70} {cmdab:clear}{col 30}{...} clears out all global macros * The single notes cannot be modified by {cmd:setdtapaper}. If you want to enable/disable those checkboxes you have to use {helpb dtapaper}. {title:Examples} {cmd:. setdtapaper, author(Thewes, Christoph) contact(thewes@uni-potsdam.de)} {cmd:. setdtapaper, ///} {cmd:{col 4} title(A new Panel Survey) ///} {cmd:{col 4} abstract(This new panel survey is based on ...) ///} {cmd:{col 4} keywords(Panel; Income; Inequality; Germany) ///} {cmd:{col 4} access(http://webserver.com/files.zip) ///} {cmd:{col 4} from(2011) ///} {cmd:{col 4} to(2014) ///} {cmd:{col 4} author(Thewes, Christoph and Saalbach, Claudia) ///} {cmd:{col 4} institution(University of Potsdam) ///} {cmd:{col 4} contact(thewes@uni-potsdam.de) ///} {cmd:{col 4} path(D:/Folder/filename.html)} {cmd:. setdtapaper, ///} {cmd:{col 4} author(Thewes, Christoph and Saalbach, Claudia) ///} {cmd:{col 4} title(A new Panel Survey) ///} {cmd:{col 4} cb_var(1) ///} {cmd:{col 4} cb_val(1) ///} {cmd:{col 4} cb_lab(0) ///} {cmd:{col 4} cb_note(1) ///} {cmd:{col 4} cb_drop(0) ///} {cmd:{col 4} cb_save(1) ///} {cmd:{col 4} cb_n(1) ///} {cmd:{col 4} cb_nvar(0) ///} {cmd:{col 4} cb_name(0)} {p 1 17 2}{it: with abbreviations:} {cmd:. setdtapaper, ///} {cmd:{col 4} t(A new Panel Survey) ///} {cmd:{col 4} ab(This new panel survey is based on ...) ///} {cmd:{col 4} k(Panel; Income; Inequality; Germany) ///} {cmd:{col 4} ac(http://webserver.com/files.zip) ///} {cmd:{col 4} f(2011) ///} {cmd:{col 4} t(2014) ///} {cmd:{col 4} au(Thewes, Christoph and Saalbach, Claudia) ///} {cmd:{col 4} i(University of Potsdam) ///} {cmd:{col 4} c(thewes@uni-potsdam.de) ///} {cmd:{col 4} p(D:/Folder/filename.html)} {p 1 17 2}{it: Clear out all global macros:} {cmd:. setdtapaper, clear} {title:Author} {pstd}Christoph Thewes, University of Potsdam, thewes@uni-potsdam.de{p_end} {psee} {hi:http://www.uni-potsdam.de/soziologie-methoden/thewes.html} {title:Version} {pstd}1.0.0: 02/12/2015