help for ^showgph^

Show graphs previously saved ----------------------------

^showgph^ [filespec] [ ^, d^ir^(^directory^) a^sis ^l^ist ]

Description -----------

^showgph^ shows graphs previously saved as .gph files and present in the same directory or folder. Graphs are drawn one at a time in alphanumeric filename order.

filespec can take one of the following forms:

(nothing) -- treated as ^*.gph^ ^*^ ^*.gph^ ^*.gph^ ^*.gph^ name name^.gph^ name.^gph^ name^.gph^ name^*^ name^*.gph^ name^*.gph^ name^*.gph^

In addition, ^?^ means any single character. For example, ^t?^ will pick up any of ^t0^ to ^t9^ or ^ta^ to ^tz^ if they exist.

Options -------

^dir(^directory^)^ specifies a directory or folder in which to look. The default is the current directory as indicated by ^cd^.

^asis^ specifies that graphs should be shown as is. By default, each graph is shown with its filename shown as a ^t1title^. ^asis^ turns off this feature.

^list^ specifies that graph filenames should be listed in alphanumeric order. Note that by default (and necessarily) the results of a ^dir^ command are shown on the monitor, although not necessarily in alphanumeric order.

Remarks -------

Except under Unix, any log file open when ^showgph^ is invoked is closed temporarily, and the results of a call to ^dir^ are logged to a temporary file. Thus such results will not be shown in the log file. The ^list^ option should be used if it is desired to have a list of graph filenames in the current log file.

Under Unix, the system ^ls^ is used to write to a temporary file and any log file open is not affected.

Examples --------

. ^showgph k*^ . ^showgph k*, d(\another\folder)^ . ^showgph k*, d(\another\folder) l^ . ^showgph k?^

Authors -------

Jan Brogger, University of Bergen, Norway jan.brogger@@med.uib.no

Nicholas J. Cox, University of Durham, U.K. n.j.cox@@durham.ac.uk

Acknowledgement --------------

Kit Baum gave much help on Macintosh and Unix matters.