*! version 1.0, 12Sep2000, John_Hendrickx@yahoo.com /* Direct comments to: John Hendrickx Management Studies Group Wageningen University Hollandseweg 1 6706 KN Wageningen The Netherlands The latest version of desmat is available at SSC-IDEAS: http://ideas.uqam.ca/ideas/data/bocbocode.html Called by desmat to show variables, associated dummy variables, and their parameterizations. Can be called separately now, primarily for when desmat is used in conjunction with a colon to directly estimate the model and present the results, in which case showtrms output is suppressed. */ program define showtrms version 7 if "$ncols" == "" { display "showtrms is for use after running desmat, to produce a legend of variables" display "and the dummy variables used to represent them." exit } display _newline "Desmat generated the following design matrix:" _newline display "nr Variables" _col(22) "Term" _col(50) "Parameterization" display " First Last" _newline local pzation `_x_1[pzat]' local varn1="`_x_1[varn]'" local strtcol 1 local term 1 local i 1 while `i' <= $ncols { local i=`i'+1 local varn="`_x_`i'[varn]'" if "`varn'" ~= "`varn1'" { local endcol=`i'-1 if `endcol'==`strtcol' { local fin " " * global "$term*" variables for use by testparm and alltst.ado global term`term'="_x_`strtcol'" } else { local fin "_x_`endcol'" global term`term'="_x_`strtcol'-`fin'" } display %2s "`term'" %8s "_x_`strtcol'" %8s "`fin'" /* */ _col(22) "`varn1'" _col(50) "`pzation'" local term=`term'+1 local strtcol `i' local pzation `_x_`i'[pzat]' } local varn1="`varn'" } end