*! version 1.0 Austin Nichols, June 23, 2009 *! Fit Singh-Maddala distribution to grouped data by multinomial ML *! ssc install smfit for individual data prog smgfit, eclass byable(onecall) version 8.2 if replay() { if "`e(cmd)'" != "dagfit" { noi di as error "results for dagfit not found" exit 301 } if _by() { error 190 } Display `0' exit `rc' } if _by() { by `_byvars'`_byrc0': Estimate `0' } else Estimate `0' end prog Estimate, eclass byable(recall) sortpreserve syntax varlist(max=1) [if] [in] [aw fw pw iw] [,z1(varlist numeric) z2(varlist numeric) From(string) noLOG cap /* */ Level(integer $S_level) Avar(varlist numeric) Bvar(varlist numeric) Qvar(varlist numeric) /* */ replace double Gini(varlist max=1 numeric) sva(varlist max=1 numeric) svb(varlist max=1 numeric) svq(varlist max=1 numeric) *] local title "Singh-Maddala dist. for grouped data" local n "`varlist'" if "`z1'"=="" loc z1 "z1" if "`z2'"=="" loc z2 "z2" marksample touse qui count if `touse' if r(N) == 0 { error 2000 } sort `touse' `z2' cap assert `z2'<. if _n<_N & `touse' if _rc { di as err "Only the rightmost boundary may be missing, signifying infinity" exit 198 } foreach v in `z1' `z2' { conf numeric var `v' su `v' if `touse', meanonly if r(min)<0 { di as err "No boundary may be negative" exit 198 } } sort `touse' `z1' `z2' cap assert `z1'[_n+1]==`z2' if `touse' if _rc { di as err "Right boundary of each category should equal left boundary of next category" exit 198 } foreach varsave in gini sva svb svq { if "``varsave''" != "" { cap confirm new variable `varsave' if _rc & "`replace'"=="" exit _rc else { cap g `double' ``varsave''=. if _rc { di as err "Problem generating variable `varsave'" exit _rc } } } } if "`from'" != "" { local b0 "`from'" } if "`level'" != "" { local level "level(`level')" } mlopts mlopts, `options' local log = cond("`log'" == "","noi","qui") local wtype `weight' local wtexp `"`exp'"' if "`weight'" != "" loc wgt `"[`weight'`exp']"' global S_mln "`n'" global S_mlz1 "`z1'" global S_mlz2 "`z2'" `cap' `log' ml model lf smgfit_ll (a: `avar') (b: `bvar') (q: `qvar') /// `wgt' if `touse' , maximize noscvars /// collinear title(`title') `robust' `svy' init(`b0') /// search(on) `clopt' `level' `mlopts' `stdopts' `modopts' eret local cmd "dagfit" eret local depvar "`n'" tempname e cap mat `e' = e(b) cap local a = `e'[1,1] cap local b = `e'[1,2] cap local q = `e'[1,3] cap eret scalar ba=`a' cap eret scalar bb=`b' cap eret scalar bq=`q' cap eret scalar mean = `b'*exp(lngamma(1+1/`a')+lngamma(`q'-1/`a')-lngamma(`q')) cap eret scalar mode = cond(`a'>1,`b'*(((`a'-1)/(`a'*`q'+1))^(1/`a')),0,.) cap eret scalar var = (`b')^2*exp(lngamma(1+2/`a')+lngamma(`q'-2/`a')-lngamma(`q'))-(`e(mean)')^2 cap eret scalar sd = sqrt(`e(var)') cap eret scalar i2 = .5*`e(var)'/(`e(mean)')^2 cap eret scalar gini = 1-(exp(lngamma(`q')+lngamma(2*`q'-1/`a')-lngamma(`q'-1/`a')-lngamma(2*`q'))) local ptile "1 5 10 20 25 30 40 50 60 70 75 80 90 95 99" foreach x of local ptile { cap eret scalar p`x' = `b' * ( (1-`x'/100)^(-1/`q') - 1 )^(1/`a') cap eret scalar Lp`x' = ibeta(1+1/`a',`q' -1/`a',1-(1-`x'/100)^(1/`q')) } if e(converged)==1 { Display, `level' `pfrac' `diopts' foreach varsave in gini a b q { loc var=cond( length("`varsave'")==1, "`sv`varsave''","``varsave''") cap if "``varsave''"!="" replace `var'=`e(`varsave')' if `touse' } } end program define Display syntax [,Level(int $S_level) *] local diopts "`options'" ml display, level(`level') `diopts' if `level' < 10 | `level' > 99 { local level = 95 } di as txt "I2 (GE2)" _col(12) as res %9.5f `e(i2)' _col(30) "Gini coeff." _col(42) as res %9.5f `e(gini)' end exit