{smcl} {* 30Oct2006}{...} {* Jeff Arnold}{...} {cmd:help sortrows} {hline} {title:Title} {p2colset 5 17 19 2}{...} {p2col :{hi:sortrows} {hline 2}}Sort data within rows{p_end} {p2colreset}{...} {title:Syntax} {p 8 13 2} {opt sortrows} {varlist}, {c -(}{opt r:eplace} | {opth gen:erate(newvarlist)}{c )-} {opt mi:ssing} {opt desc:ending} {title:Description} {pstd} {opt sortrows} sorts observations row-wise and either generates new variables to hold the sorted values or replaces the existing variables. The variables are sorted in ascending order in the order of the the variable list. Both numeric and string variables can be sorted, though all variables in the varlist must be either numeric or string. If it is given a numeric variable list of several {help data_types: types} or a string variable list of different lengths, it will recast all the variables in the list to the largest type using {help decompress}. This requires Stata 9 since it uses Mata to perform the sorting. {title:Option} {phang} {opt replace} specifies that the sorted values should replace those of the existing variables. {phang} {opth generate(newvarlist)} specifies the new variables to hold the sorted values. {phang} {opt missing} move all missing values or "" to the last variables. {phang} {opt descending} sort in descending order. {title:Example} {com}. list a b c d {txt} {c TLC}{hline 3}{c -}{hline 3}{c -}{hline 3}{c -}{hline 3}{c TRC} {c |} {res}a b c d {txt}{c |} {c LT}{hline 3}{c -}{hline 3}{c -}{hline 3}{c -}{hline 3}{c RT} 1. {c |} {res}9 3 0 2 {txt}{c |} 2. {c |} {res}2 3 8 0 {txt}{c |} 3. {c |} {res}2 9 2 1 {txt}{c |} 4. {c |} {res}1 5 4 2 {txt}{c |} 5. {c |} {res}7 7 1 6 {txt}{c |} {c BLC}{hline 3}{c -}{hline 3}{c -}{hline 3}{c -}{hline 3}{c BRC} {com}. sortrows a b c d, replace {txt} {com}. list a b c d {txt} {c TLC}{hline 3}{c -}{hline 3}{c -}{hline 3}{c -}{hline 3}{c TRC} {c |} {res}a b c d {txt}{c |} {c LT}{hline 3}{c -}{hline 3}{c -}{hline 3}{c -}{hline 3}{c RT} 1. {c |} {res}0 2 3 9 {txt}{c |} 2. {c |} {res}0 2 3 8 {txt}{c |} 3. {c |} {res}1 2 2 9 {txt}{c |} 4. {c |} {res}1 2 4 5 {txt}{c |} 5. {c |} {res}1 6 7 7 {txt}{c |} {c BLC}{hline 3}{c -}{hline 3}{c -}{hline 3}{c -}{hline 3}{c BRC} {title:Notes} This is a similar command to Nicholas Cox's {help sortrows}. {title:Author} {p 4 4 2}Jeffrey Arnold {p_end} {p 4 4 2}{browse "mailto:jeffrey.arnold@gmail.com":jeffrey.arnold@gmail.com} {title:Also see} {psee} Online: {helpb sort}, {helpb gsort}, {helpb egen}, {helpb rowsort} {p_end}