help spmat                                                   also see:  spreg  


spmat -- Create and manage spatial-weighting matrix objects (spmat objects)


spmat subcommand ... [, ...]

subcommand Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------- contiguity create an spmat object containing a contiguity matrix W idistance create an spmat object containing an inverse-distance matrix W

summarize summarize an spmat object note manipulate a note attached to an spmat object graph draw an intensity plot of W lag create a spatially lagged variable eigenvalues add eigenvalues of W to an spmat object drop drop an spmat object from memory

save save an spmat object to disk in Stata's native format export save an spmat object to disk as a text file getmatrix copy a matrix from an spmat object to a Mata matrix use create an spmat object from a file created by spmat save import create an spmat object from a text file dta create an spmat object from a Stata dataset putmatrix put a Mata matrix into an spmat object

permute permute rows and columns of W tobanded transform an n x n W into a banded b x n W -------------------------------------------------------------------------


Spatial-weighting matrices are used to model interactions between spatial units in a dataset. spmat is a collection of commands for creating, importing, manipulating, and saving spatial-weighting matrices.

Spatial-weighting matrices are stored in spatial-weighting matrix objects (spmat objects). spmat objects contain additional information about the data used in constructing spatial-weighting matrices. spmat objects are used in fitting spatial models; see spreg, spivreg (if installed).

These commands are documented in Drukker, Peng, Prucha, and Raciborski (2011) which can be downloaded from


Drukker, D. M., H. Peng, I. R. Prucha, and R. Raciborski. 2011. Creating and managing spatial-weighting matrices using the spmat command. Working paper, The University of Maryland, Department of Economics,


David Drukker, StataCorp, College Station, TX.

Hua Peng, StataCorp, College Station, TX.

Ingmar Prucha, Department of Economics, University of Maryland, College Park, MD.

Rafal Raciborski, StataCorp, College Station, TX.

Also see

Online: spreg, spivreg, spmap, shp2dta, mif2dta (if installed)