help spmat permute


spmat permute -- Reorder the rows and columns of the spatial-weighting matrix W


spmat permute objname varname


spmat permute reorders the rows and columns of the spatial-weighting matrix W contained in the spmat object objname. varname is the Stata variable containing the permutation vector, where the ith observation in varname specifies the new column index of W; see [M-1] permutation for a detailed discussion.

spmat permute prepares a general spatial-weighting matrix for more efficient storage; see Remarks in spmat tobanded for details.


We use a simple example to illustrate how spmat permute works. Given the spatial-weighting matrix W,

+- -+ | 0 1 0 0 1 | | 1 0 0 1 0 | | 0 0 0 0 1 | | 0 1 0 0 0 | | 1 0 1 0 0 | +- -+

and the permutation vector p = (3, 5, 1, 2, 4), we can use Mata to reorder the rows and columns of W by performing the operation

W = W[p, p]

which results in W being

+- -+ | 0 1 0 0 0 | | 1 0 1 0 0 | | 0 1 0 1 0 | | 0 0 1 0 1 | | 0 0 0 1 0 | +- -+

where we highlighted the main diagonal. Note that all the 1s are now clustered around the main diagonal. We can now use spmat tobanded to store the permuted matrix W in a banded form.

spmat permute requires that the permutation vector be stored in the Stata variable varname. Assume that we now have the unpermuted matrix W stored in the spmat object cobj. The matrix represents contiguity information for the following data:

+----------------+ | id distance | |----------------| | 79 5.23 | | 82 27.56 | | 100 0 | | 114 1.77 | | 140 20.47 | +----------------+

where the variable distance measures the distance from the centroid of place with id = 100 to the centroids of all the other places. We sort the data on distance and generate the permutation vector p = _n, which is just a running index 1, ..., 5:

+--------------------+ | id distance p | |--------------------| | 100 0 1 | | 114 1.77 2 | | 79 5.23 3 | | 140 20.47 4 | | 82 27.56 5 | +--------------------+

We obtain our permutation vector by sorting the data back to the original order based on the id variable:

+--------------------+ | id distance p | |--------------------| | 79 5.23 3 | | 82 27.56 5 | | 100 0 1 | | 114 1.77 2 | | 140 20.77 4 | +--------------------+

Now coding spmat permute cobj p will reorder the rows and columns of W in exactly the same way as the Mata code above did.


--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Setup

. use pollute . spmat use cobj using pollute.spmat . spmat summarize cobj

Create the permutation vector p

. gen p = _n . sort longitude latitude . gen dist = sqrt( (longitude-longitude[1])^2 + (latitude-latitude[1])^2 ) . sort dist

Permute the matrix

. spmat permute cobj p

Band the matrix if possible

. spmat summarize cobj, banded . if `r(canband)'==1 spmat tobanded cobj, dtr(`r(lband)' `r(uband)') replace . spmat summarize cobj


Also see

Online: spmat, spreg, spivreg, spmap, shp2dta, mif2dta (if installed)