help sqtab                                                      (SJ6-4: st0111)


sqtab -- Tabulate sequences


sqtab [varname] [if] [in] [, options]

options Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ranks(numlist) restrict tabulation on most frequent numlist se apply same-elements similarity so apply same-order similarity nosort do not sort according to frequency gapinclude include sequences with gaps in the tabulation subsequence(a,b) use only subsequence between positions a and b tabulate_options any options documented in tabulate -------------------------------------------------------------------------


sqtab displays frequency tables of all sequences in the dataset. Sequences are described by listing the first 38 positions of each sequence.

If the optional variable name is specified, a cross tabulation of the sequences with the specified variable will be produced.


ranks(numlist) is used to restrict the output to the most frequent sequences. numlist refers to the position of the sequences in the sorted frequency table. Hence, ranks(1) refers to the most frequent sequence only, whereas ranks(1/10) refers to the 10 most frequent sequences. You can also specify ranks(2(2)20).

se is used to request a frequency table, where similar sequences have been grouped together beforehand. The concept for similarity used with the option so is called same elements similarity, because it treats sequences that consist of the same elements as identical. Hence, with this option the sequence B-A-A-B would be treated as identical to A-B-B-A, because both sequences consist of the elements A and B.

so is used to request a frequency table, where similar sequences have been grouped together beforehand. The concept for similarity used with the option so is called same order similarity, because it treats sequences where the elements appear in the same order. The sequence A-B-B-A would be treated identical to A-B-A-A, because the elements A and B appear in the same order in both sequences (first A, then B, and then A again).

nosort changes the default of listing sequences in the table according to their frequency. This change is reasonable, because many sequences are probably unique. The option nosort turns this default behavior off.

gapinclude is used to include sequences with gaps in the tabulation. The default behavior is to drop sequences with gaps from the tabulation, because they cannot be used in the program sqom. The term gap refers only to missing values on the element variable within a sequence. Sequences with missing values at the beginning and at the end of a sequence are included in any case. See sq for details.

subsequence(a,b) is used to include only the part of the sequence that is between position a and b, whereby a and b refer to the position defined in the order variable.

tabulate_options are any of the options documented in tabulate oneway or tabulate twoway.


Ulrich Kohler, WZB,


. sqtab

. sqtab, so ranks(1/20)

. sqtab, se nosort

Also see

Manual: [D] tabulate

Online: sq, sqdemo, sqset, sqdes, sqegen, sqstat, sqindexplot, sqparcoord, sqom, sqclusterdat, sqclustermat