cap mata mata drop StaggeredNew() cap mata mata drop Staggered() // map ,,p mm:s/this\.//g`m // map ,,p mm:s/this\./`Staggered'./g`m mata: class Staggered { // data real colvector i real colvector t real colvector g real colvector y real colvector index real colvector sel real matrix info real matrix cohort_info // info string scalar varlist string scalar touse real scalar N real scalar Ni real scalar Nt real scalar Ng real scalar nestimands real scalar multiest real scalar multievent real scalar anyfisher real colvector times real colvector cohorts real matrix cohort_size // options real vector eventTime real scalar num_fisher string vector estimand real vector user_beta real scalar skip_data_check real scalar use_last_treated_only real scalar drop_treated_beforet real scalar return_full_vcv // results real matrix A_theta real matrix A_0 real matrix betastar real colvector thetastar real colvector thetahat0 real matrix V_X real matrix V_thetaX real matrix V_theta real colvector Xhat real colvector Xhat_t real colvector adjustmentFactor real colvector var_neyman real colvector se_neyman real colvector var_adjusted real colvector se_adjusted real matrix full_neyman real matrix full_adjusted real colvector fisher_adjusted real colvector fisher_neyman real scalar fisher_supt_pval real matrix Wald_test // functions void new() void init() void clear() void check_caller() void update_selection() void estimate() void post() void results() void permute_cohort() void setup_encode_i() void setup_balance_df() void setup_flag_singletons() void setup_eventstudy() void compute_Ag_simple() void compute_Ag_cohort() void compute_Ag_calendar() void compute_Ag_eventstudy() void compute_estimand() void compute_fisher() } class Staggered scalar function StaggeredNew(string scalar _varlist, string scalar _touse) { class Staggered scalar StaggeredObj StaggeredObj.init(_varlist, _touse) return(StaggeredObj) } void function Staggered::new() { this.clear() this.eventTime = strtoreal(tokens(st_local("StagOpt_eventTime"))) this.num_fisher = strtoreal(st_local("StagOpt_num_fisher")) this.estimand = tokens(st_local("StagOpt_estimand")) this.user_beta = strtoreal(tokens(st_local("StagOpt_beta"))) this.skip_data_check = (st_local("StagOpt_skip_data_check") != "") this.use_last_treated_only = (st_local("StagOpt_use_last_treated_only") != "") this.drop_treated_beforet = (st_local("StagOpt_drop_treated_beforet") != "") this.return_full_vcv = (st_local("StagOpt_return_full_vcv") != "") } void function Staggered::clear() { this.i = . this.t = . this.g = . this.y = . this.index = . this.sel = . = . this.cohort_info = . // this.cohort_size = . } void function Staggered::init(string vector _varlist, string scalar _touse) { string rowvector vars this.check_caller() vars = tokens(_varlist) this.varlist = _varlist this.touse = _touse this.setup_encode_i(vars[1], vars[4]) // reads i, y this.setup_balance_df(vars[2], vars[3]) // reads t, g this.setup_flag_singletons(vars[3]) if ( length(this.eventTime) ) { this.setup_eventstudy() } else if ( any(this.estimand :== "eventstudy") ) { this.eventTime = 0 } this.multiest = length(this.estimand) > 1 this.multievent = length(this.eventTime) > 1 this.nestimands = length(this.estimand) :+ ((length(this.eventTime)-1) * any(this.estimand :== "eventstudy")) this.anyfisher = this.num_fisher>0 this.times = this.t[1::this.Nt] this.cohorts = this.g[this.cohort_info[., 1]] this.A_theta = J(0, this.Nt, .) this.A_0 = J(0, this.Nt, .) this.full_neyman = J(this.return_full_vcv * this.nestimands, this.return_full_vcv * this.return_full_vcv * this.nestimands, 0) this.full_adjusted = full_neyman if ( length(this.user_beta) & (length(this.user_beta) != this.nestimands) ) { if ( length(this.user_beta) == 1 ) { this.user_beta = J(this.nestimands, 1, this.user_beta) } else { errprintf("beta() must be either be a scalar or the same length as the number of estimands requested\n") _error(198) } } } void function Staggered::estimate() { real scalar done, event // Initialize all the outcome vectors; they're vectors in case the // user requests multiple events with estimand eventtime; otherwise // they're a single scalar this.V_X = J(this.nestimands * (this.anyfisher + 1), this.nestimands, .) this.V_theta = J(this.nestimands * (this.anyfisher + 1), this.nestimands, .) this.V_thetaX = J(this.nestimands * (this.anyfisher + 1), this.nestimands, .) this.Xhat = J(this.nestimands * (this.anyfisher + 1), 1, .) this.Xhat_t = J(this.nestimands * (this.anyfisher + 1), 1, .) this.adjustmentFactor = J(this.nestimands * (this.anyfisher + 1), 1, .) this.betastar = J(this.nestimands * (this.anyfisher + 1), 1, .) this.se_neyman = J(this.nestimands * (this.anyfisher + 1), 1, .) this.se_adjusted = J(this.nestimands * (this.anyfisher + 1), 1, .) this.thetahat0 = J(this.nestimands * (this.anyfisher + 1), 1, .) this.thetastar = J(this.nestimands * (this.anyfisher + 1), 1, .) this.var_neyman = J(this.nestimands * (this.anyfisher + 1), 1, .) this.var_adjusted = J(this.nestimands * (this.anyfisher + 1), 1, .) this.Wald_test = J(this.anyfisher + 1, 2, .) this.fisher_adjusted = J(this.nestimands, 1, .) this.fisher_neyman = J(this.nestimands, 1, .) this.fisher_supt_pval = . // If estimand is provided, calculate the appropriate A_theta_list done = 0 if ( any(this.estimand :== "simple") ) { this.compute_Ag_simple() done = 1 } if ( any(this.estimand :== "cohort") ) { this.compute_Ag_cohort() done = 1 } if ( any(this.estimand :== "calendar") ) { this.compute_Ag_calendar() done = 1 } if ( any(this.estimand :== "eventstudy") ) { for(event = 1; event <= length(this.eventTime); event++) { this.compute_Ag_eventstudy(this.eventTime[event]) } done = 1 } if ( done == 0 ) { errprintf("no valid estimand provided:\n") _error(198) } this.compute_estimand() this.compute_fisher() if ( this.anyfisher ) { this.V_X = this.V_X [1::this.nestimands,.] this.V_theta = this.V_theta [1::this.nestimands,1] this.V_thetaX = this.V_thetaX [1::this.nestimands,1] this.Xhat = this.Xhat [1::this.nestimands,.] this.Xhat_t = this.Xhat_t [1::this.nestimands,.] this.adjustmentFactor = this.adjustmentFactor[1::this.nestimands,.] this.betastar = this.betastar [1::this.nestimands,.] this.se_neyman = this.se_neyman [1::this.nestimands,.] this.se_adjusted = this.se_adjusted [1::this.nestimands,.] this.thetahat0 = this.thetahat0 [1::this.nestimands,.] this.thetastar = this.thetastar [1::this.nestimands,.] this.var_neyman = this.var_neyman [1::this.nestimands,.] this.var_adjusted = this.var_adjusted [1::this.nestimands,.] this.Wald_test = this.Wald_test [1,.] } } void function Staggered::check_caller() { if ( st_local("StagOpt_Caller") != "staggered" ) { errprintf("internal function Staggered() should not be called from outside -staggered-\n") _error(198) } } void function Staggered::setup_encode_i(string scalar ivar, string scalar yvar) { string colvector svar real colvector rvar if ( strpos(st_vartype(ivar), "str") ) { svar = st_sdata(., ivar, this.touse) this.N = length(svar) this.index = order(svar, 1) = panelsetup(svar[this.index], 1) } else { rvar = st_data(., ivar, this.touse) this.N = length(rvar) this.index = order(rvar, 1) = panelsetup(rvar[this.index], 1) } this.i = J(this.N, 1, 0) this.i[[., 1]] = J(rows(, 1, 1) this.Ni = rows( this.i = runningsum(this.i) this.sel = J(this.N, 1, 1) this.y = st_data(., yvar, this.touse)[this.index] } //// This function creates a balanced panel as needed for our analysis // // It first checks if rows of the data are uniquely characterized by (i,t) // If there are multiple observations per (i,t), it throws an error // It also removes observations with missing y // // It then removes observations i for which data is not available for all t // (i.e. force a balanced panel) void function Staggered::setup_balance_df(string scalar tvar, string scalar gvar) { real scalar j, minmaxt real colvector numPeriods, dropPeriods real rowvector sub this.t = st_data(., tvar, this.touse)[this.index] this.g = st_data(., gvar, this.touse)[this.index] this.index = order((this.g, this.i, this.t), (1, 2, 3)) this.i = this.i[this.index] this.t = this.t[this.index] this.g = this.g[this.index] this.y = this.y[this.index] minmaxt = minmax(this.t) = panelsetup(this.i, 1) numPeriods =[., 2] :-[., 1] :+ 1 this.Nt = minmaxt[2] - minmaxt[1] + 1 dropPeriods = selectindex(numPeriods :< this.Nt) if ( this.Ni != rows( ) { errprintf("One or more individuals belong to multiple cohorts\n") _error(198) } if ( this.Nt < 2 ) { errprintf("All individuals appear in only one period; aborting\n") _error(2000) } if ( this.skip_data_check ) return // Ensure balanced panel if ( length(dropPeriods) ) { for(j = 1; j <= length(dropPeriods); j++) { sub =[dropPeriods[j], .]' this.sel[|sub|] = J(sub[2] - sub[1] + 1, 1, 0) } this.update_selection(" after balancing panel") } // This only works because (i, t) is sorted and each i has 2+ periods if ( any(this.t[|2 \ this.N|] :== this.t[|1 \ this.N-1|]) | any(numPeriods :> this.Nt) ) { errprintf("There are multiple observations with the same (i,t) values\n") errprintf("The panel should have a unique outcome for each (i, t) value\n") _error(459) } if ( length(dropPeriods) ) { errprintf("\nPanel is unbalanced (or has missing values) for some observations. Will") errprintf("\ndrop observations with missing values of Y_{it} for any time periods. If") errprintf("\nyou wish to include these observations, provide staggered with a balanced") errprintf("\ndata set with imputed outcomes.") errprintf("\n\n") } } void function Staggered::setup_flag_singletons(string scalar gvar) { real scalar j real colvector flag_singleton real rowvector sub string scalar gfmt // Compute number of units per cohort this.cohort_info = panelsetup(this.g, 1) this.cohort_size = (this.cohort_info[., 2] :- this.cohort_info[., 1] :+ 1) :/ this.Nt this.Ng = rows(this.cohort_info) // Flag for singleton cohorts flag_singleton = selectindex(this.cohort_size :== 1) // Drop cohorts which are singleton if ( length(flag_singleton) ) { if ( length(flag_singleton) > 1 ) { errprintf("Treatment cohorts found with a single cross-sectional unit. We drop these cohorts.\n") for(j = 1; j <= length(flag_singleton); j++) { gfmt = sprintf(st_varformat(gvar), this.g[this.cohort_info[flag_singleton[j], 1]]) errprintf("\tg = %s\n", gfmt) } } else { gfmt = strtrim(sprintf(st_varformat(gvar), this.g[this.cohort_info[flag_singleton[1], 1]])) errprintf("Treatment cohort g = %s has a single cross-sectional unit. We drop this cohort.\n", gfmt) } this.sel = J(this.N, 1, 1) for(j = 1; j <= length(flag_singleton); j++) { sub = this.cohort_info[flag_singleton[j], .]' this.sel[|sub|] = J(sub[2] - sub[1] + 1, 1, 0) } this.update_selection(" after dropping singleton cohorts") } } void function Staggered::update_selection(| string scalar msg) { if ( args() < 1 ) msg = "" real colvector keep if ( this.sel == . ) return if ( all(this.sel) ) return keep = selectindex(this.sel) this.N = length(keep) if ( this.N ) { if ( this.i != . ) this.i = this.i[keep] if ( this.t != . ) this.t = this.t[keep] if ( this.y != . ) this.y = this.y[keep] if ( != . ) = panelsetup(this.i, 1) if ( != . ) this.Ni = rows( if ( (this.touse != "") & (this.index != .) ) { st_store(., this.touse, this.touse, this.sel[order(this.index, 1)]) this.index = this.index[keep] } if ( this.g != . ) { this.g = this.g[keep] this.cohort_info = panelsetup(this.g, 1) this.Ng = rows(this.cohort_info) this.cohort_size = (this.cohort_info[., 2] :- this.cohort_info[., 1] :+ 1) :/ this.Nt } this.sel = J(this.N, 1, 1) } else { errprintf("no observations%s; halting execution\n", sprintf(msg)) _error(2000) } } void function Staggered::compute_Ag_simple() { real colvector g_all, t_all real colvector g_sel, t_sel real colvector g_list, t_list real colvector i_sel, i_inv, g_wgt, Ng_control real scalar i, g_map, g_max, N_total real matrix A_0_w, A_theta, A_0 // List of all 'candidate' g, t (cohort, period) // - t is a candidate if any g will be treated at g, except the last g // - g is a candidate if it will be treated at any t, except the last t g_all = this.g[this.cohort_info[., 1]] t_all = this.t[1::this.Nt] t_sel = selectindex((min(g_all) :<= t_all) :& (t_all :< max(g_all))) t_list = t_all[t_sel] g_sel = selectindex(g_all :<= max(t_all)) g_list = g_all[g_sel] g_max = max(g_all) // It's easier to expain the A_theta matrix in terms of a loop for g, t pairs // // - Consider all candidate g, t pairs // - Loop each g; loop each t // - For a given g, t // - Generate a vector // - 1 in the gth row // - (-N_g' / (sum_g' N_g')) in the rows g': g' > t // - g' are control cohorts, which are not-yet-treated and never-treated cohorts // - scale the vector by N_g // // Two ways to think about the result: // A. sum across g and palce in gth row of G x T matrix // B. Place g, t vector in t-th column of G x T matrix of otherwise 0s, then sum across g, t // // Finally, divide by total treated (i.e. total individuals // in candidate periods). The below does the same thing but // semi-vectorized for ease of computation. N_total = 0 A_theta = J(this.Ng, this.Nt, 0) Ng_control = sum(this.cohort_size) :- runningsum(this.cohort_size) for(i = 1; i <= length(t_list); i++) { i_sel = this.use_last_treated_only? selectindex((g_all :> t_list[i]) :& (g_all :== g_max)): selectindex(g_all :> t_list[i]) i_inv = selectindex(g_all :<= t_list[i]) g_wgt = this.cohort_size[g_sel[selectindex(g_list :<= t_list[i])]] N_total = N_total + sum(g_wgt) A_theta[i_sel, t_sel[i]] = - J(1, length(g_wgt), this.cohort_size[i_sel] :/ Ng_control[i_sel[1]-1]) * g_wgt A_theta[i_inv, t_sel[i]] = this.cohort_size[i_inv] } A_theta = A_theta :/ N_total // This is very similar to the above, thinking of the result via method // B. Instead of placing the vector in the t-th column, place it in the // column t: t = g-1, then sum across g, t (and divide by N_total). The // below does this but, again, semi-vectorized for ease of computation. A_0 = J(this.Ng, this.Nt, 0) A_0_w = J(this.Nt, this.Nt, 0) for(i = 1; i <= length(g_list); i++) { g_map = selectindex(t_all :== (g_list[i]-1)) i_sel = selectindex(t_all :>= g_list[i]) if ( length(g_map) & length(i_sel) ) { A_0_w[i_sel, g_map] = J(length(i_sel), 1, this.cohort_size[i]) } } for(i = 1; i <= length(t_list); i++) { i_sel = this.use_last_treated_only? selectindex((g_all :> t_list[i]) :& (g_all :== g_max)): selectindex(g_all :> t_list[i]) A_0[i_sel, t_sel[i]] = this.cohort_size[i_sel] :/ Ng_control[i_sel[1]-1] } A_0 = - A_0 * A_0_w for(i = 1; i <= length(g_list); i++) { g_map = selectindex(t_all :== (g_list[i]-1)) if ( length(g_map) ) { A_0[i, g_map] = sum((t_all :>= g_list[i]) :& (t_all :< max(g_all))) * this.cohort_size[i] } } A_0 = A_0 :/ N_total this.A_0 = this.A_0 \ A_0 this.A_theta = this.A_theta \ A_theta } void function Staggered::compute_Ag_cohort() { real colvector g_all, t_all real colvector g_sel, t_sel real colvector g_list, t_list real colvector i_sel, i_inv, g_wgt, g_scale, Ng_control real scalar i, g_map, g_max, t_tot, N_total real matrix A_0_w, A_theta, A_0 // This is more or less the same as the simple version, except the // weight at each pair is different: // - N_g/(sum_g N_g) for a given g // - 1/(# t >= g and < max_g) across t for a given g g_all = this.g[this.cohort_info[., 1]] t_all = this.t[1::this.Nt] t_sel = selectindex((min(g_all) :<= t_all) :& (t_all :< max(g_all))) t_list = t_all[t_sel] g_sel = selectindex((g_all :< max(g_all)) :& (g_all :<= max(t_all))) g_list = g_all[g_sel] g_max = max(g_all) // A_theta; scaling changes a decent amount but overall similar // TODO: xx explain loop and mapping to weighting here g_scale = J(this.Ng, 1, 1) for(i = 1; i <= length(g_list); i++) { g_scale[g_sel[i]] = sum(t_list :>= g_list[i]) } N_total = sum(this.cohort_size[g_sel]) A_theta = J(this.Ng, this.Nt, 0) Ng_control = sum(this.cohort_size) :- runningsum(this.cohort_size) for(i = 1; i <= length(t_list); i++) { i_sel = this.use_last_treated_only? selectindex((g_all :> t_list[i]) :& (g_all :== g_max)): selectindex(g_all :> t_list[i]) i_inv = selectindex(g_all :<= t_list[i]) t_tot = sum(g_list :<= t_list[i]) g_wgt = this.cohort_size[1::t_tot] :/ g_scale[1::t_tot] A_theta[i_sel, t_sel[i]] = - J(1, length(g_wgt), this.cohort_size[i_sel] :/ Ng_control[i_sel[1]-1]) * g_wgt A_theta[i_inv, t_sel[i]] = this.cohort_size[i_inv] :/ g_scale[i_inv] } A_theta = A_theta :/ N_total // A_0; almost identical (just adds g_scale) A_0 = J(this.Ng, this.Nt, 0) A_0_w = J(this.Nt, this.Nt, 0) for(i = 1; i <= length(g_list); i++) { g_map = selectindex(t_all :== (g_list[i]-1)) i_sel = selectindex(t_all :>= g_list[i]) if ( length(g_map) & length(i_sel) ) { A_0_w[i_sel, g_map] = J(length(i_sel), 1, this.cohort_size[i] / g_scale[i]) } } for(i = 1; i <= length(t_list); i++) { i_sel = this.use_last_treated_only? selectindex((g_all :> t_list[i]) :& (g_all :== g_max)): selectindex(g_all :> t_list[i]) A_0[i_sel, t_sel[i]] = this.cohort_size[i_sel] :/ Ng_control[i_sel[1]-1] } A_0 = - A_0 * A_0_w for(i = 1; i <= length(g_list); i++) { g_map = selectindex(t_all :== (g_list[i]-1)) if ( length(g_map) ) { A_0[i, g_map] = sum((t_all :>= g_list[i]) :& (t_all :< max(g_all))) * this.cohort_size[i] / g_scale[i] } } A_0 = A_0 :/ N_total this.A_0 = this.A_0 \ A_0 this.A_theta = this.A_theta \ A_theta } void function Staggered::compute_Ag_calendar() { real colvector g_all, t_all real colvector g_sel, t_sel real colvector g_list, t_list real colvector i_sel, i_inv, g_wgt, Ng_control real rowvector g_map, g_cnt real scalar i, g_max real matrix A_0_w, A_theta, A_0 g_all = this.g[this.cohort_info[., 1]] t_all = this.t[1::this.Nt] t_sel = selectindex((min(g_all) :<= t_all) :& (t_all :< max(g_all))) t_list = t_all[t_sel] g_sel = selectindex(g_all :<= max(t_list)) g_list = g_all[g_sel] g_max = max(g_all) // A_theta; scaling changes a decent amount but overall similar // TODO: xx explain loop and mapping to weighting here A_theta = J(this.Ng, this.Nt, 0) Ng_control = sum(this.cohort_size) :- (0 \ (this.Ng-1? runningsum(this.cohort_size)[1..(this.Ng-1)]: J(0, 1, 0))) for(i = 1; i <= length(t_list); i++) { i_sel = this.use_last_treated_only? selectindex((g_all :> t_list[i]) :& (g_all :== g_max)): selectindex(g_all :> t_list[i]) i_inv = selectindex(g_all :<= t_list[i]) g_wgt = this.cohort_size[i_inv] :/ sum(this.cohort_size[i_inv]) A_theta[i_sel, t_sel[i]] = - J(1, length(g_wgt), this.cohort_size[i_sel] :/ Ng_control[i_sel[1]]) * g_wgt A_theta[i_inv, t_sel[i]] = g_wgt } A_theta = A_theta :/ length(t_list) // A_0; same idea but scaling changes a _lot_, actually // 1. For each t: (t >= min g) and (t < max g) (scale by sum_t 1) // 2. For each g <= t (scale by N_g / sum_g N_g) // - t' is the position in the time vector equal to g - 1 // - for each g' > t, add N_g' / sum N_g' to g', t' // - add 1 to g, t' // 3. For each g <= t (scale by N_g / sum_g N_g) // // Think of the G x T matrix A_0 // - Since t is fixed within each t and across g, this basically // creates the same vector from min g: g > t through max g: g <= max t // equal to N_g / sum N_g // - The point are the weights. Here I first create an intermediate G x T // matrix; the t-th column has this vector in the requisite position. // - It should be the case that only the columns where t equals some // g-1 are populated. For each such column t', we need to sum all // the columns of the intermediate matrix if t' is smaller than // some t. For example, // - t = 1 to 5 // - g = 2 to 5 // - if t = 3; we add the vector in the t-th column of the intermediate // matrix to columns 1, 2 (g-1) of the final output matrix // - if t = 4; we add the vector in the t-th column of the intermediate // matrix to columns 1, 2, 3 (g-1) of the final output matrix // - In general, the t'-th coumn of the output matrix will be the sum // of all t columns of the intermediate matrix if t = g-1 and t > t' // - The final sticking point is scaling, since each column of the intermediate // matrix is scaled differently depending on the output. In particular, // even though the base vector from the intermediary matix is the same, // each is by sum_g: g <= t N_g and multiplied by N_g. Hence we have a // weighting matrix where each row is a vector N_g / sum_g N_g. The result // is the intermedie matrix times this vector. // - The last piece of the puzzle is the 1 at g, t', but we can just sum // the adequate rows of the weighting matrix to get it! A_0 = J(this.Ng, this.Nt, 0) A_0_w = J(this.Nt, this.Nt, 0) g_map = J(1, this.Ng, 0) for(i = 1; i <= length(g_list); i++) { i_sel = selectindex(t_all :== (g_list[i]-1)) if ( length(i_sel) ) { g_map[i] = i_sel } } for(i = 1; i <= length(t_all); i++) { i_sel = selectindex(g_list :<= t_all[i]) g_cnt = this.cohort_size[g_sel[i_sel]]' / sum(this.cohort_size[g_sel[i_sel]]) i_sel = selectindex(g_map[i_sel] :!= 0) A_0_w[i, g_map[i_sel]] = g_cnt[i_sel] } for(i = 1; i <= length(t_list); i++) { i_sel = this.use_last_treated_only? selectindex((g_all :> t_list[i]) :& (g_all :== g_max)): selectindex(g_all :> t_list[i]) A_0[i_sel, t_sel[i]] = this.cohort_size[i_sel] :/ Ng_control[i_sel[1]] } A_0 = - A_0 * A_0_w for(i = 1; i <= length(g_list); i++) { if ( g_map[i] ) { A_0[i, g_map[i]] = sum(A_0_w[t_sel[selectindex(t_list :> g_map[i])], g_map[i]]) } } A_0 = A_0 :/ length(t_list) this.A_0 = this.A_0 \ A_0 this.A_theta = this.A_theta \ A_theta } void function Staggered::compute_Ag_eventstudy(real scalar event) { real colvector g_all, t_all real colvector g_sel, t_sel real colvector g_list, t_list real colvector i_sel, i_inv, Ng_control real scalar i, g_map, g_max, x_map, N_total real matrix A_0_w, A_theta, A_0 g_all = this.g[this.cohort_info[., 1]] t_all = this.t[1::this.Nt] g_sel = selectindex(((g_all :+ event) :< max(g_all)) :& ((g_all :+ event) :<= max(t_all))) if( length(g_sel) == 0 ){ errprintf("There are no comparison cohorts for the given eventTime (%g)\n", event) _error(198) } g_list = g_all[g_sel] t_list = g_list :+ event g_max = max(g_all) t_sel = J(1, length(t_list), 0) x_map = J(1, length(t_list), 0) for(i = 1; i <= length(t_list); i++) { i_sel = selectindex(t_all :== t_list[i]) if ( length(i_sel) ) { t_sel[i] = selectindex(t_all :== t_list[i]) } i_sel = selectindex((g_all :+ event) :== t_list[i]) if ( length(i_sel) ) { x_map[i] = i_sel } } // TODO: Explain loop and mapping to weighting here // TODO: Explain; you added max((g_list[i], t_list[i])) to mimic R's pmax(g, t), so placebo doesn't include own cohort in control N_total = sum(this.cohort_size[g_sel]) A_theta = J(this.Ng, this.Nt, 0) Ng_control = sum(this.cohort_size) :- (0 \ (this.Ng-1? runningsum(this.cohort_size)[1..(this.Ng-1)]: J(0, 1, 0))) for(i = 1; i <= length(t_list); i++) { i_sel = this.use_last_treated_only? selectindex((g_all :> t_list[i]) :& (g_all :== g_max)): selectindex(g_all :> max((g_list[i], t_list[i]))) i_inv = selectindex(g_all :<= g_list[i]) if ( t_sel[i] ) { if ( length(i_sel) ) { A_theta[i_sel, t_sel[i]] = - this.cohort_size[x_map[i]] :* this.cohort_size[i_sel] :/ Ng_control[i_sel[1]] } A_theta[i_inv[length(i_inv)], t_sel[i]] = A_theta[i_inv[length(i_inv)], t_sel[i]] + this.cohort_size[x_map[i]] } } A_theta = A_theta :/ N_total // A_0 // 1. The eligible cohorts (g_list) are all s.t. // - g': g' + event < min max g, t // 2. For each eligible g', in the G x T matrix A_0 // - t' is the position in the time vector equal to g' - 1 // - Add 1 to the g', t' column // - for each g'': g'' > g' + event // - Add - N_g'' / sum_g'' N_g'' to g'', t' // 3. Scale each row by g' / sum N_g' A_0_w = J(this.Nt, this.Nt, 0) A_0 = J(this.Ng, this.Nt, 0) for(i = 1; i <= length(g_list); i++) { g_map = selectindex(t_all :== (g_list[i]-1)) if ( length(g_map) ) { A_0_w[g_map, g_map] = this.cohort_size[x_map[i]] } } for(i = 1; i <= length(t_list); i++) { g_map = selectindex(t_all :== (g_list[i]-1)) i_sel = this.use_last_treated_only? selectindex((g_all :> t_list[i]) :& (g_all :== g_max)): selectindex(g_all :> t_list[i]) if ( length(g_map) & length(i_sel) ) { A_0[i_sel, g_map] = - this.cohort_size[i_sel] :/ Ng_control[i_sel[1]] } if ( length(g_map) & x_map[i] ) { A_0[x_map[i], g_map] = A_0[x_map[i], g_map] + 1 } } A_0 = A_0 * A_0_w / N_total this.A_0 = this.A_0 \ A_0 this.A_theta = this.A_theta \ A_theta } void function Staggered::compute_estimand(|real scalar offset) { if ( args() < 1 ) offset = 0 real scalar i, j, t_min, npreperiods real colvector g_all, g_zero, g_min, g_minsel, preperiods, preindex real rowvector t_all, g_sel, g_zerosel, g_ng real colvector betahat, sel1, sel2, selecti real colvector Y_sum real matrix M, Y_g, S_g, S_g1, S_g2, S_g3, S_preperiod, A0_g, At_g, Ac_g // R translation notes // varhat_conservative <-> var_neyman // Xvar <-> V_X // X_theta_cov <-> V_thetaX // all this is simplified for scalars but R writes it all for // matrices (though AFAIK it's all scalars) // TODO: xx Metrics notes // The way the paper is written, \hat{\theta} is one-dimensional and A_{\theta,g} // is 1 x T (p.15). Hence Cov(\hat{\theta}, \hat{X}) is M x 1 and V_{\hat{\theta}} // is a scalar. When multiple estimands are requested, I can compute V_theta et al // as if it was a full vcov matrix and adjust after. // // The confusion, however, is that if X-hat is a vector then V_X is a matrix and // betastar, even if it's a vector, would change depending on which estimates are // requested, causing thetastar _and_ its variance to change as well. No? // This computes \beta^star and the variance of (\hat{theta}_0, \hat{X}) // as presented under Proposition 2.1 // // - S_g is defined the prior page as, basically, the vcov of Y_g // - I don't really know how the A_g were defined but I got it from // the code; see the compute_Ag_* functions above // - S_\theta is defined but I haven't invested time into parsing it out; // I also got it from the code and I'm 90% sure it's the adjustmentFactor selecti = this.Ng :* (0::(this.nestimands-1)) g_all = this.g[this.cohort_info[., 1]] t_all = this.t[1::this.Nt]' t_min = min(t_all) g_sel = selectindex(colmax(abs(this.A_theta)) :> 0) g_sel = length(g_sel)? g_sel[1]: 1 g_min = J(this.nestimands, 1, g_all[1]) g_zero = rowmax(abs(this.A_theta)) :== 0 if ( any(g_zero) ) { for(i = 1; i <= this.nestimands; i++) { sel1 = this.Ng * (i - 1) + 1 sel2 = this.Ng * i if ( all(g_zero[|sel1 \ sel2|]) ) { errprintf("No eligible cohorts with non-zero weight\n") _error(198) } else if ( any(g_zero[|sel1 \ sel2|]) ) { g_min[i] = g_all[min(selectindex(!g_zero[|sel1 \ sel2|]))] } } } preperiods = rowsum(t_all :< J(1, this.Nt, g_min)) preindex = selectindex(preperiods) npreperiods = length(preindex) g_ng = npreperiods? colsum(g_min[preindex]' :<= J(1, npreperiods, g_all)): 0 M = J(sum(preperiods), this.Nt * npreperiods, 0) sel1 = 1 sel2 = 0 for(i = 1; i <= this.nestimands; i++) { if ( preperiods[i] ) { M[|(sel1, sel2+1)\(sel1+preperiods[i]-1, sel2+preperiods[i])|] = I(preperiods[i]) sel1 = sel1 + preperiods[i] sel2 = sel2 + this.Nt } } sel1 = offset + 1 sel2 = offset + this.nestimands this.V_X [|(sel1,1)\(sel2,.)|] = J(this.nestimands, this.nestimands, 0) this.V_thetaX [|(sel1,1)\(sel2,.)|] = J(this.nestimands, this.nestimands, 0) this.V_theta [|(sel1,1)\(sel2,.)|] = J(this.nestimands, this.nestimands, 0) this.thetahat0[|(sel1,1)\(sel2,.)|] = J(this.nestimands, 1, 0) this.Xhat [|(sel1,1)\(sel2,.)|] = J(this.nestimands, 1, 0) betahat = npreperiods? J(sum(preperiods), this.nestimands, 0): J(1, this.nestimands, 0) S_preperiod = npreperiods? J(sum(preperiods), sum(preperiods), 0): 0 for(i = 1; i <= this.Ng; i++) { Y_g = colshape(panelsubmatrix(this.y, i, this.cohort_info), this.Nt) S_g = variance(Y_g) Y_sum = colsum(Y_g)' A0_g = this.A_0[selecti :+ i, .] At_g = this.A_theta[selecti :+ i, .] this.V_X [|(sel1,1)\(sel2,.)|] = this.V_X [|(sel1,1)\(sel2,.)|] + (A0_g * S_g * A0_g') / this.cohort_size[i] this.V_thetaX [|(sel1,1)\(sel2,.)|] = this.V_thetaX [|(sel1,1)\(sel2,.)|] + (A0_g * S_g * At_g') / this.cohort_size[i] this.V_theta [|(sel1,1)\(sel2,.)|] = this.V_theta [|(sel1,1)\(sel2,.)|] + (At_g * S_g * At_g') / this.cohort_size[i] this.thetahat0[|(sel1,1)\(sel2,.)|] = this.thetahat0[|(sel1,1)\(sel2,.)|] + At_g * Y_sum / this.cohort_size[i] this.Xhat [|(sel1,1)\(sel2,.)|] = this.Xhat [|(sel1,1)\(sel2,.)|] + A0_g * Y_sum / this.cohort_size[i] if ( npreperiods ) { S_g1 = M * (I(npreperiods)#S_g) S_g2 = S_g1 * M' S_g3 = I(0) g_zerosel = (g_min[preindex] :<= g_all[i])' betahat[.,preindex] = betahat[.,preindex] :+ ((pinv(S_g2) * S_g1) * (I(npreperiods)#J(this.Nt, 1, 1) :* J(npreperiods, 1, At_g[preindex,.]')) :* g_zerosel) for(j = 1; j <= npreperiods; j++) { S_g3 = blockdiag(S_g3, I(preperiods[preindex[j]]) * g_zerosel[j] / g_ng[j]) } S_preperiod = S_preperiod + S_g2 * S_g3 } } this.V_X [|(sel1,1)\(sel2,.)|] = makesymmetric(this.V_X [|(sel1,1)\(sel2,.)|]) this.V_thetaX [|(sel1,1)\(sel2,1)|] = diagonal(this.V_thetaX [|(sel1,1)\(sel2,.)|]) this.V_theta [|(sel1,1)\(sel2,1)|] = diagonal(this.V_theta [|(sel1,1)\(sel2,.)|]) this.adjustmentFactor[|(sel1,1)\(sel2,.)|] = diagonal(betahat' * S_preperiod * betahat) / sum(this.cohort_size) this.betastar [|(sel1,1)\(sel2,.)|] = all(this.user_beta :!= .)? colshape(this.user_beta, 1): (invsym(diag(this.V_X[|(sel1,1)\(sel2,.)|])) * this.V_thetaX[|(sel1,1)\(sel2,1)|]) this.thetastar [|(sel1,1)\(sel2,.)|] = this.thetahat0[|(sel1,1)\(sel2,.)|] - this.betastar[|(sel1,1)\(sel2,.)|] :* this.Xhat[|(sel1,1)\(sel2,.)|] this.var_neyman [|(sel1,1)\(sel2,.)|] = this.V_theta[|(sel1,1)\(sel2,1)|] + this.betastar[|(sel1,1)\(sel2,.)|] :* diagonal(this.V_X[|(sel1,1)\(sel2,.)|]) :* this.betastar[|(sel1,1)\(sel2,.)|] - 2 * this.V_thetaX[|(sel1,1)\(sel2,1)|] :* this.betastar[|(sel1,1)\(sel2,.)|] this.se_neyman [|(sel1,1)\(sel2,.)|] = editmissing(sqrt(this.var_neyman[|(sel1,1)\(sel2,.)|]), 0) this.var_adjusted [|(sel1,1)\(sel2,.)|] = this.var_neyman[|(sel1,1)\(sel2,.)|] - this.adjustmentFactor[|(sel1,1)\(sel2,.)|] this.se_adjusted [|(sel1,1)\(sel2,.)|] = editmissing(sqrt(this.var_adjusted[|(sel1,1)\(sel2,.)|]), 0) this.Xhat_t [|(sel1,1)\(sel2,.)|] = this.Xhat[|(sel1,1)\(sel2,.)|] :/ sqrt(diagonal(this.V_X[|(sel1,1)\(sel2,.)|])) this.Wald_test[1+(offset>0), 1] = this.Xhat[|(sel1,1)\(sel2,.)|]' * invsym(this.V_X[|(sel1,1)\(sel2,.)|]) * this.Xhat[|(sel1,1)\(sel2,.)|] this.Wald_test[1+(offset>0), 2] = chi2tail(this.nestimands, this.Wald_test[1, 1]) if ( any((this.se_neyman[|(sel1,1)\(sel2,.)|] \ this.se_adjusted[|(sel1,1)\(sel2,.)|]) :== 0) ) { errprintf("Some estimated variances < 0; setting to 0 as applicable.\n") } // TODO: xx there's a possible issue here if g_min varies by // estimand, or without pre-periods if ( this.return_full_vcv ) { for(i = 1; i <= Ng; i++) { Y_g = colshape(panelsubmatrix(y, i, cohort_info), Nt) S_g = variance(Y_g) A0_g = A_0[selecti :+ i, .] At_g = A_theta[selecti :+ i, .] Ac_g = At_g :- this.betastar[|(sel1,1)\(sel2,.)|] :* A0_g this.full_neyman = this.full_neyman + (Ac_g * S_g * Ac_g') / cohort_size[i] } M = J(npreperiods, 1, 1)#I(min(preperiods)) betahat = M' * betahat S_preperiod = S_preperiod[|1, 1 \ min(preperiods), min(preperiods)|] this.full_adjusted = this.full_neyman - betahat' * S_preperiod * betahat / sum(cohort_size) } } // Randomly permute the treatmnet timing (cohort) at the individual level // at each iteration and record the estimand and se (for t-stat) // // Note permuting the cohorts at the individual level means the cohort // sizes, etc. remain the same. Since the panel is forced to be balanced, // the only thing that changes is the outcome; in other words, Y_it // is permuted, but everything else is static. void function Staggered::compute_fisher() { real scalar sel1, sel2, cached_vcv real matrix _thetastar real matrix _se_adjusted real matrix _se_neyman real matrix _t_stat if ( !this.anyfisher ) return sel1 = this.nestimands+1; sel2 = this.nestimands*2 _thetastar = J(num_fisher, this.nestimands, .) _se_adjusted = J(num_fisher, this.nestimands, .) _se_neyman = J(num_fisher, this.nestimands, .) _t_stat = J(num_fisher, this.nestimands, .) cached_vcv = this.return_full_vcv this.return_full_vcv = 0 for(i = 1; i <= num_fisher; i++) { this.permute_cohort(i) this.compute_estimand(this.nestimands) _thetastar[i,.] = this.thetastar[|(sel1,1)\(sel2,.)|]' _se_adjusted[i,.] = this.se_adjusted[|(sel1,1)\(sel2,.)|]' _se_neyman[i,.] = this.se_neyman[|(sel1,1)\(sel2,.)|]' _t_stat[i,.] = this.Xhat_t[|(sel1,1)\(sel2,.)|]' } this.return_full_vcv = cached_vcv sel1 = 1; sel2 = this.nestimands this.fisher_adjusted = mean(abs(this.thetastar :/ this.se_adjusted)[|(sel1,1)\(sel2,.)|]' :< abs(_thetastar :/ _se_adjusted))' this.fisher_neyman = mean(abs(this.thetastar :/ this.se_neyman)[|(sel1,1)\(sel2,.)|]' :< abs(_thetastar :/ _se_neyman))' this.fisher_supt_pval = mean(max(abs(this.Xhat_t[|(sel1,1)\(sel2,.)|])) :< rowmax(abs(_t_stat))) } // Shuffle outcome y; note it's the only thing we need to shuffle // and we don't need to unshuffle it even though it becomes out of // sync with i because: // - This is the last thing we run // - The panel is balanced so re-shuffling without unshuffling // should be conceptually equivalent (even if not identical) void function Staggered::permute_cohort(real scalar seed) { real scalar i, fr, to, rseedcache real matrix info real colvector shuffle rseedcache = rseed() rseed(seed) info = jumble( shuffle = J(this.N, 1, .) fr = 1 to = 0 for(i = 1; i <= this.Ni; i++) { to = to + this.Nt shuffle[|fr\to|] = info[i, 1]::info[i, 2] fr = fr + this.Nt } this.y = this.y[shuffle] rseed(rseedcache) } // If eventTime is a vector, call staggered for each event-time and combine the results void function Staggered::setup_eventstudy() { // So the idea here is to just look over all the event times and return // all the coefficients and SEs. I do that in the computation step; // nothing really to do here, but leave function as is just in case. if ( !any(this.estimand :== "eventstudy") ) { errprintf("You provided a vector for eventTime but estimand does not include\n") errprintf("'eventstudy'. Did you mean to include estimand(eventstudy)?\n") _error(198) } } void function Staggered::post(string scalar b, string scalar V,| string scalar vce) { if ( args() < 3 ) vce = "adjusted" real scalar nextra string vector rownames, eqnames nextra = (length(this.eventTime)-1) * any(this.estimand :== "eventstudy") eqnames = colshape(this.estimand, 1) \ J(nextra, 1, "eventstudy") rownames = J(length(this.estimand)-any(this.estimand :== "eventstudy"), 1, tokens(this.varlist)[3]) if ( any(this.estimand :== "eventstudy") ) { if ( min(this.eventTime) >= 0 ) { rownames = rownames \ strofreal(this.eventTime') :+ ("." :+ tokens(this.varlist)[3]) } else { rownames = rownames \ ((tokens(this.varlist)[3] :+ " ") \ J(length(this.eventTime)-1, 1, "")) :+ strofreal(this.eventTime') } } st_matrix(b, rowshape(this.thetastar, 1)) st_matrixcolstripe(b, (eqnames, rownames)) st_matrixrowstripe(b, ("", tokens(this.varlist)[4])) if ( this.return_full_vcv ) { st_matrix(V, vce == "neyman"? this.full_neyman: this.full_adjusted) st_matrixcolstripe(V, (eqnames, rownames)) st_matrixrowstripe(V, (eqnames, rownames)) } else { if ( this.nestimands > 1 ) { printf("(warning: e(V) is a diagonal matrix of SEs, not a full vcov matrix)\n") } st_matrix(V, vce == "neyman"? diag(this.var_neyman): diag(this.var_adjusted)) st_matrixcolstripe(V, (eqnames, rownames)) st_matrixrowstripe(V, (eqnames, rownames)) } } void function Staggered::results() { real matrix results real scalar nextra string vector colnames, rownames, eqnames nextra = (length(this.eventTime)-1) * any(this.estimand :== "eventstudy") eqnames = colshape(this.estimand, 1) \ J(nextra, 1, "eventstudy") rownames = J(length(this.estimand)-any(this.estimand :== "eventstudy"), 1, tokens(this.varlist)[3]) if ( any(this.estimand :== "eventstudy") ) { if ( min(this.eventTime) >= 0 ) { rownames = rownames \ strofreal(this.eventTime') :+ ("." :+ tokens(this.varlist)[3]) } else { rownames = rownames \ ((tokens(this.varlist)[3] :+ " ") \ J(length(this.eventTime)-1, 1, "")) :+ strofreal(this.eventTime') } } if ( this.multievent ) { st_matrix("e(eventTime)", colshape(this.eventTime, 1)) st_matrixcolstripe("e(eventTime)", ("", tokens(this.varlist)[2])) } if ( this.nestimands > 1 ) { st_matrix("e(thetastar)", this.thetastar) st_matrixcolstripe("e(thetastar)", ("", tokens(this.varlist)[4])) st_matrixrowstripe("e(thetastar)", (eqnames, rownames)) st_matrix("e(se_neyman)", this.se_neyman) st_matrixcolstripe("e(se_neyman)", ("", tokens(this.varlist)[4])) st_matrixrowstripe("e(se_neyman)", (eqnames, rownames)) st_matrix("e(se_adjusted)", this.se_adjusted) st_matrixcolstripe("e(se_adjusted)", ("", tokens(this.varlist)[4])) st_matrixrowstripe("e(se_adjusted)", (eqnames, rownames)) } st_matrix("e(Wald_test)", this.Wald_test) st_matrixcolstripe("e(Wald_test)", (("" \ ""), ("Wald Statistic" \ "p-value"))) st_matrixrowstripe("e(Wald_test)", ("", "X-hat")) if ( this.anyfisher ) { st_matrix("e(fisher_neyman)", this.fisher_neyman) st_matrixrowstripe("e(fisher_neyman)", (eqnames, rownames)) st_matrix("e(fisher_adjusted)", this.fisher_adjusted) st_matrixrowstripe("e(fisher_adjusted)", (eqnames, rownames)) st_numscalar("e(fisher_supt_pval)", this.fisher_supt_pval) } colnames = tokens(this.varlist)[3] \ "se_adjusted" \ "se_neyman" results = this.thetastar, this.se_adjusted, this.se_neyman if ( this.anyfisher ) { colnames = colnames \ "fisher_pval_neyman" \ "fisher_pval_adjusted" results = results, this.fisher_neyman, this.fisher_adjusted } st_matrix("e(results)", results) st_matrixcolstripe("e(results)", (J(length(colnames), 1, ""), colnames)) st_matrixrowstripe("e(results)", (eqnames, rownames)) } end