help for ^stbget^ 

Get packages from Stata Technical Bulletin ------------------------------------------

^stbget^ issueno

^stbget^ issueno pkgname [^, all replace^ ] ^stbget^ pkgname issueno [^, all replace^ ] ^stbget^ issueno pkgname [^, d^escribe ] ^stbget^ pkgname issueno [^, d^escribe ]

Description -----------

^stbget^ works with packages from the Stata Technical Bulletin (STB) kept on-line at http://www.stata.com. It requires a net-aware variant of Stata 6.0 or Stata 7.0.

Understand that issueno means "STB issue number" and pkgname means "package name".

^stbget^ issueno is equivalent to

^. net from http://www.stata.com/stb/stb^issueno

^stbget^ issueno pkgname or ^stbget^ pkgname issueno is equivalent to

^. net from http://www.stata.com/stb/stb^issueno ^. net install^ pkgname

^stbget^ is able to guess that an integer argument can only be an issue number and to indulge (e.g.) ^dm97.3^ for what ^net^ knows as ^dm97_3^. It allows (e.g.) ^stb60^, ^stb-60^, ^STB60^ and ^STB-60^ as alternatives to the issueno ^60^.

Options -------

^all^ and ^replace^ are options of ^net install^. See help on @net@.

^describe^ specifies that packages are to be described, not installed.

^. stbget^ issueno pkgname ^, describe^

is equivalent to

^. net from http://www.stata.com/stb/stb^issueno ^. net describe^ pkgname

Examples --------

. ^stbget 60^

. ^stbget 60 gr46^ . ^stbget 60 gr46, d^

. ^stbget 59 dm97.3, replace^

Author ------

Nicholas J. Cox, University of Durham n.j.cox@@durham.ac.uk

Also see --------

On-line: help for @net@, @stb@, @stbutil@ (if installed)