{smcl} {* *! version 1.2 21oct2023}{...} {viewerdialog step3 "dialog step3"}{...} {viewerjumpto "Syntax" "step3##syntax"}{...} {viewerjumpto "Description" "step3##description"}{...} {viewerjumpto "Options" "step3##options"}{...} {viewerjumpto "Example" "step3##example"}{...} {viewerjumpto "Reference" "step3##reference"}{...} {viewerjumpto "Author" "step3##author"}{...} {p2col:{bf:step3}} Bias-Adjusted 3Step Latent Class Analysis {marker syntax}{...} {title:Syntax} {p} {cmd:step3} {varlist}{cmd:,} {opt posterior(stub)} {opt id(varname)} [{opt distal} {opt uneq} {opt base(#)} {opt rrr} {opt pval} {opt diff} {opt iter(#)}] {marker description}{...} {title:Description} {pstd} {cmd:step3} is a bias-adjusted method to relate latent class membership to external variables, which can be either covariates or distal outcomes. {pstd} The command performs the ML three-step procedure described by Vermunt (2010) with modal assignment. The first step - latent class analysis without covariates/distal outcomes - must be performed separately. This can be done with any command, as long as it produces membership posterior probabilities. {pstd} In addition, the program quietly runs a test to ensure that the composition of the classes does not change after adding covariates/distal outcomes to the model. If the composition does change, the command will execute the analysis with classical proportional assignment, estimating the variances with the sandwich estimator. {marker options}{...} {title:Options} {phang}{opt posterior(stub)} is required. It specifies the prefix for the membership posterior probabilities estimated in the first step. To avoid errors, it is advisable to choose a prefix that only returns the posterior probability variables when followed by {it:*}. {phang}{opt id(varname)} is required. It specifies the identifier variable for observations. {phang}{opt distal} specifies that the variable in {varlist} is the outcome of latent classes rather than a covariate. In {varlist} it is advisable to use the appropriate {it:i.} operator before a factor variable to prevent errors. {phang}{opt uneq} specifies to relax the assumption of equal variances across classes. {phang}{opt base(#)} specifies the reference class that will be used as the base outcome; default is {opt base(1)}. {phang}{opt rrr} will report the results in relative risk ratios. {phang}{opt pval} will report the exact p-value instead of stars. {phang}{opt diff} specifies to use a different stepping algorithm in nonconcave regions. {phang}{opt iter(#)} specifies the maximum number of iterations; default is {opt iter(20)}. {marker example}{...} {title:Example} {phang}Setup {phang2}{cmd:. webuse gsem_lca2.dta, clear} {phang}Three categories of diabetes based on glucose, insulin, and sspg {phang2}{cmd:. gsem (glucose insulin sspg <-), lclass(C 3) lcinvariant(none) covstructure(e._OEn, un)} {phang}Posterior class membership probabilities {phang2}{cmd:. predict pr_*, classposteriorpr} {phang}Use relwgt as predictor of class membership with classic modal assignment {phang2}{cmd:. egen max = rowmax(pr_*)} {phang2}{cmd:. generate modal_class = 1} {phang2}{cmd:. replace modal_class = 2 if max == pr_2} {phang2}{cmd:. replace modal_class = 3 if max == pr_3} {phang2}{cmd:. mlogit modal_class relwgt} {phang}Use relwgt as predictor of class membership with step3 {phang2}{cmd:. step3 relwgt, posterior(pr_) id(patient)} {phang}Although the latent profiles are well differentiated (Entropy > 0.8), the results of the analysis using the classic modal assignment are slightly underestimated. This phenomenon is more evident and problematic at lower entropy levels. {marker reference}{...} {title:Reference} {phang}Vermunt, J. K. (2010). {browse "https://jeroenvermunt.nl/lca_three_step.pdf":Latent class modeling with covariates: Two improved three-step approaches}. {it:Political Analysis}, {it:18}, 450–469. {marker author}{...} {title:Author} {pstd}Giovanbattista Califano{p_end} {pstd}University of Naples Federico II{p_end} {pstd}Dept. Agricultural Sciences – Economics and Policy Group{p_end} {pstd}giovanbattista.califano@unina.it{p_end}