*! version 1.3.0 02Feb2012 program stjm11_d0_e args todo b lnf local eq_num = 1 /* Longitudinal fixed linear predictor */ tempvar beta`eq_num' mleval `beta`eq_num'' = `b', eq(`eq_num') local intercept "`beta`eq_num''" local `++eq_num' /* Variance paramaters for random effects */ matrix vcv = J($n_re,$n_re,0) if "$cov"=="ind" | "$cov"=="unstr" { forvalues i=1/$n_re { tempname sd_`i' var_`i' mleval `sd_`i'' = `b', eq(`eq_num') scalar scalar `sd_`i'' = exp(`sd_`i'') scalar `var_`i'' = `sd_`i''^2 mat vcv[`i',`i'] = `var_`i'' local `++eq_num' } } else { tempname sd_1 var_1 mleval `sd_1' = `b', eq(`eq_num') scalar scalar `sd_1' = exp(`sd_1') scalar `var_1' = `sd_1'^2 local `++eq_num' forvalues i=1/$n_re { mat vcv[`i',`i'] = `var_1' } } /* correlation eqn's, reparameterising and VCV matrix elements */ if "$cov"=="exch" & $n_re>1 { tempname corr_1 mleval `corr_1' = `b', eq(`eq_num') scalar scalar `corr_1' = tanh(`corr_1') local `++eq_num' local test=1 while (`test'<$n_re) { forvalues i=`=`test'+1'/$n_re { mat vcv[`test',`i'] = `sd_1'*`sd_1'*`corr_1' mat vcv[`i',`test'] = `sd_1'*`sd_1'*`corr_1' } local `++test' } } else if "$cov"=="unstr" { local test=1 while (`test'<$n_re) { forvalues i=`=`test'+1'/$n_re { tempname corr_`test'_`i' mleval `corr_`test'_`i'' = `b', eq(`eq_num') scalar scalar `corr_`test'_`i'' = tanh(`corr_`test'_`i'') mat vcv[`test',`i'] = `sd_`test''*`sd_`i''*`corr_`test'_`i'' mat vcv[`i',`test'] = `sd_`test''*`sd_`i''*`corr_`test'_`i'' local `++eq_num' } local `++test' } } /* Residual error */ tempname s_e mleval `s_e' = `b', eq(`eq_num') scalar /* residual error */ scalar `s_e' = exp(`s_e') local `++eq_num' tempname assoc_mat mat `assoc_mat' = J(1,$n_alpha,.) local assoc_ith = 1 /* Association parameterisations */ if "$current"=="yes" { tempvar alpha_c mleval `alpha_c' = `b', eq(`eq_num') /* association - current value */ local `++eq_num' local assocmlnames "`alpha_c'" } if "$deriv"=="yes" { tempname alpha_dy mleval `alpha_dy' = `b', eq(`eq_num') local `++eq_num' local assocmlnames "`assocmlnames' `alpha_dy'" } if "$intassoc"=="yes" { tempname alpha_int mleval `alpha_int' = `b', eq(`eq_num') /* association - intercept */ local `++eq_num' local assocmlnames "`assocmlnames' `alpha_int'" } if "$timeassoc"=="yes" { tempname n_assoc_time scalar `n_assoc_time' = $n_time_assoc forvalues i=1/$n_time_assoc { tempname alpha_assoc_`i' mleval `alpha_assoc_`i'' = `b', eq(`eq_num') /* association - random time coefficients */ local `++eq_num' local assocmlnames "`assocmlnames' `alpha_assoc_`i''" } } else { tempname n_assoc_time scalar `n_assoc_time' = 0 } /* Survival parameters */ tempvar lambda1 lambda mleval `lambda1' = `b', eq(`eq_num') /* linear predictor of survival submodel */ gen double `lambda' = exp(`lambda1') /* Extract longitudinal paramaters for survival submodel */ tempname newbetamat matrix `newbetamat' = $ML_b[1,"Longitudinal:"]' /* See if first call for ith iteration */ if $first_call != $ML_ic { global first_call = $ML_ic local gen_nodes 1 mata: firstit = firstit :+ 1 } else { local gen_nodes 0 } *quietly{ /* Tempvar. to store final joint log-likelihood */ tempvar finallnf2 qui gen double `finallnf2' = . mata: betas_fixed = st_matrix("`newbetamat'") // Pass longitudinal beta's mata: intercept = st_data(.,"`intercept'",st_global("touse")) // Pass evaluated longitudinal linear predictor mata: alpha_mat = st_data(.,tokens(st_local("assocmlnames")),st_global("newsurvtouse")) // Pass association matrix mata: lambda_mat = st_data(.,"`lambda'",st_global("newsurvtouse")) // Pass lambda /* Mata program to evaluate joint likelihood */ if ("$rescale"=="0"){ mata stjm_e_mata_init$quick(st_global("surv_indlab"),y_ij, st_numscalar("`s_e'"),N,Nmeas,nres,st_numscalar("`n_assoc_time'"), st_global("touse"),intercept,Z_dm,X_dm_surv,Z_dm_surv, diff_X_dm_surv,diff_Z_dm_surv,nodesfinal,weightsfinal,knewnodes, kweights,jlnodes,stime,d,betas_fixed,alpha_mat, aghnodes,aghweights,gknodes,gknodes_deriv,rand_ind_gk,`gen_nodes', info,nmeas,ngk,lambda_mat,st_matrix("vcv")) global rescale 1 } mata stjm_e_mata$quick("`finallnf2'",st_global("surv_indlab"),y_ij, st_numscalar("`s_e'"),N,Nmeas,nres,st_numscalar("`n_assoc_time'"), st_global("touse"),intercept,Z_dm,X_dm_surv,Z_dm_surv, diff_X_dm_surv,diff_Z_dm_surv,nodesfinal,weightsfinal,knewnodes, kweights,jlnodes,stime,d,betas_fixed,alpha_mat, aghnodes,aghweights,gknodes,gknodes_deriv,rand_ind_gk,`gen_nodes',firstit,adaptit, info,nmeas,ngk,lambda_mat,st_matrix("vcv")) mlsum `lnf' = ln(`finallnf2') if $surv_indlab==1 *} end /*** MATA CODE ***/ mata: mata set matastrict off void stjm_e_mata_init( // string scalar s_ind, // numeric matrix y_ij, // real scalar sdresidual, // numeric scalar N, // numeric scalar Nmeas, // real scalar nres, // real scalar ntimeassoc, // string scalar touse, // numeric matrix intercept, // numeric matrix Z_dm, // numeric matrix X_dm_surv, // numeric matrix Z_dm_surv, // numeric matrix diff_X_dm_surv, // numeric matrix diff_Z_dm_surv, // numeric matrix nodesfinal, // numeric matrix weightsfinal, // numeric matrix knewnodes, // numeric matrix kweights, // numeric matrix jlnodes, // numeric matrix stime, // numeric matrix d, // numeric matrix betas_fixed, // numeric matrix alpha_mat, // transmorphic aghnodes, // transmorphic aghweights, // transmorphic gknodes, // transmorphic gknodes_deriv, // numeric matrix rand_ind_gk, // real scalar gen_nodes, // numeric matrix info, // -Panel matrix set-up- numeric matrix nmeas, // -Number of measurements per panel- real scalar ngk, // -Number of GK nodes- numeric matrix lambda_mat, // -Scale parameter for survival submodel- numeric matrix vcv) // -Variance-covariance matrix of random effects- { /*************************************************************************************************************************************************/ /* Loop over patients */ for (i=1; i<=rows(info); i++) { /* Patient level transformation of node and weight matrices */ nodes_i = asarray(aghnodes,i) newweights = asarray(aghweights,i) /* Can move hazard and final survival calc's to outside loop */ /* Data */ Z_dm_i = panelsubmatrix(Z_dm,i,info) X_dm_surv_i = panelsubmatrix(X_dm_surv,i,info) Z_dm_surv_i = panelsubmatrix(Z_dm_surv,i,info) lambda_mat_i = panelsubmatrix(lambda_mat,i,info) assocmat_i = panelsubmatrix(alpha_mat,i,info) stime_i = panelsubmatrix(stime,i,info) d_i = panelsubmatrix(d,i,info) /* Hazard function at each random effect quadrature points */ assoc1 = J(nmeas[i,1],cols(nodes_i),0) alpha_ith = 1 if (st_global("current")=="yes") { assoc1 = assocmat_i[,alpha_ith] :* ((X_dm_surv_i * betas_fixed) :+ (Z_dm_surv_i * nodes_i)) alpha_ith = alpha_ith :+ 1 } if (st_global("deriv")=="yes") { diff_X_dm_surv_i = panelsubmatrix(diff_X_dm_surv,i,info) diff_Z_dm_surv_i = panelsubmatrix(diff_Z_dm_surv,i,info) assoc1 = assoc1 :+ assocmat_i[,alpha_ith] :* ((diff_X_dm_surv_i * betas_fixed) :+ (diff_Z_dm_surv_i * nodes_i)) alpha_ith = alpha_ith :+ 1 } if (st_global("intassoc")=="yes") { assoc1 = assoc1 :+ assocmat_i[,alpha_ith]:*(betas_fixed[rows(betas_fixed),] :+ J(nmeas[i,1],1,nodes_i[nres,.])) alpha_ith = alpha_ith :+ 1 } if (st_global("timeassoc")=="yes") { /* Check index of surv_betas_fixed */ timeassoc_fixed_ind = st_matrix("timeassoc_fixed_ind") time_assoc_ind = st_matrix("timeassoc_re_ind") for(m=1; m<=ntimeassoc; m++) { assoc1 = assoc1 :+ assocmat_i[,alpha_ith]:*(betas_fixed[timeassoc_fixed_ind[m,1],]:+J(nmeas[i,1],1,nodes_i[time_assoc_ind[m,1],.])) alpha_ith = alpha_ith :+ 1 } } haz = (lambda_mat_i:*exp(assoc1)):^d_i /* Cumulative hazard */ surv = J(nmeas[i,1],cols(nodesfinal),.) knewnodes_i = panelsubmatrix(knewnodes,i,info) kweights_i = panelsubmatrix(kweights,i,info) for (q=1;q<=nmeas[i,1];q++) { beta_mat = J(1,cols(nodesfinal),betas_fixed) beta_mat[rand_ind_gk,] = beta_mat[rand_ind_gk,] :+ nodes_i // adds GH nodes_i to appropriate betas_fixed_i alpha_ith = 1 assoc_ch = J(ngk,cols(nodesfinal),0) if (st_global("current")=="yes") { assoc_ch = assocmat_i[q,alpha_ith]:* (asarray(gknodes,(i,q)) * beta_mat) alpha_ith = alpha_ith :+ 1 } if (st_global("deriv")=="yes") { assoc_ch = assoc_ch :+ assocmat_i[q,alpha_ith]:* (asarray(gknodes_deriv,(i,q)) * beta_mat) alpha_ith = alpha_ith :+ 1 } if (st_global("intassoc")=="yes") { assoc_ch = assoc_ch :+ (assocmat_i[q,alpha_ith]:* beta_mat[rows(beta_mat),]) alpha_ith = alpha_ith :+ 1 } if (st_global("timeassoc")=="yes") { for(p=1; p<=ntimeassoc; p++) { assoc_ch = assoc_ch :+ assocmat_i[q,alpha_ith]:*beta_mat[timeassoc_fixed_ind[p,1],] alpha_ith = alpha_ith :+ 1 } } haz_nodes = lambda_mat_i[q,]:*exp(assoc_ch) cumhaz = kweights_i[q,] * haz_nodes surv[q,] = exp(-cumhaz) } survlike = haz:*surv /* Longitudinal likelihood */ y_ij_i = panelsubmatrix(y_ij,i,info) linpred = panelsubmatrix(intercept,i,info) :+ (Z_dm_i * nodes_i) longlike = normalden(y_ij_i,linpred,sdresidual) /* Final joint likelihood */ longlike = exp(quadcolsum(log(longlike))) survlike = exp(quadcolsum(log(survlike))) phi = diagonal((det(2:*pi() :*vcv)):^(-0.5) :* exp( (-1:/2) :* (nodes_i' * invsym(vcv)* nodes_i )))' jlnodes[i,.] = newweights:*longlike:*survlike:*phi } for(i=1;i<=N;i++) { like_j = quadrowsum(jlnodes) mu_j_s2 = J(1,nres,.) for(j=1;j<=nres;j++) { numer_like_j = quadrowsum(asarray(aghnodes,i)[j,.] :* jlnodes[i,.]) mu_j_s2[1,j] = numer_like_j:/like_j[i,.] } nn=nres:^2 basis1 = J(cols(jlnodes),nn,.) for (k=1;k<=cols(jlnodes);k++) { basis1[k,.] = rowshape(asarray(aghnodes,i)[.,k] * asarray(aghnodes,i)[.,k]',1) } vcv_new = ((jlnodes[i,.]:/like_j[i,.]) * basis1) :- rowshape(mu_j_s2[1,.]' * mu_j_s2[1,.],1) vcv_new = rowshape(vcv_new,nres) mu_j_s2 = mu_j_s2' nodes_i2 = mu_j_s2 :+ cholesky(vcv_new) * (sqrt(2):*nodesfinal) newweights2 = (2):^(nres:/2):*sqrt(det(vcv_new)):*exp(quadcolsum(nodesfinal:^2)) :* weightsfinal asarray(aghnodes,i,nodes_i2) asarray(aghweights,i,newweights2) } /* CRASH CODE */ //test = weights[1..i,2::2000] } end mata: mata set matastrict off void stjm_e_mata(string scalar finallnf, // string scalar s_ind, // numeric matrix y_ij, // real scalar sdresidual, // numeric scalar N, // numeric scalar Nmeas, // real scalar nres, // real scalar ntimeassoc, // string scalar touse, // numeric matrix intercept, // -Evaluated longitudinal linear predictor- numeric matrix Z_dm, // numeric matrix X_dm_surv, // numeric matrix Z_dm_surv, // numeric matrix diff_X_dm_surv, // numeric matrix diff_Z_dm_surv, // numeric matrix nodesfinal, // numeric matrix weightsfinal, // numeric matrix knewnodes, // numeric matrix kweights, // numeric matrix jlnodes, // numeric matrix stime, // numeric matrix d, // numeric matrix betas_fixed, // numeric matrix alpha_mat, // transmorphic aghnodes, // transmorphic aghweights, // transmorphic gknodes, // transmorphic gknodes_deriv, // numeric matrix rand_ind_gk, // -Indicator matrix to add GH nodes to beta's for survival submodel- real scalar gen_nodes, // real scalar firstit, // real scalar adaptit, // numeric matrix info, // -Panel matrix set-up- numeric matrix nmeas, // -Number of measurements per panel- real scalar ngk, // -Number of GK nodes- numeric matrix lambda_mat, // -Scale parameter for survival submodel- numeric matrix vcv) // -Variance-covariance matrix of random effects- { st_view(final=.,.,finallnf,s_ind) /*************************************************************************************************************************************************/ /* Loop over patients */ for (i=1; i<=rows(info); i++) { /* Patient level transformation of node and weight matrices */ nodes_i = asarray(aghnodes,i) newweights = asarray(aghweights,i) /* Can move hazard and final survival calc's to outside loop */ /* Data */ Z_dm_i = panelsubmatrix(Z_dm,i,info) X_dm_surv_i = panelsubmatrix(X_dm_surv,i,info) Z_dm_surv_i = panelsubmatrix(Z_dm_surv,i,info) lambda_mat_i = panelsubmatrix(lambda_mat,i,info) assocmat_i = panelsubmatrix(alpha_mat,i,info) stime_i = panelsubmatrix(stime,i,info) d_i = panelsubmatrix(d,i,info) /* Hazard function at each random effect quadrature points */ assoc1 = J(nmeas[i,1],cols(nodes_i),0) alpha_ith = 1 if (st_global("current")=="yes") { assoc1 = assocmat_i[,alpha_ith] :* ((X_dm_surv_i * betas_fixed) :+ (Z_dm_surv_i * nodes_i)) alpha_ith = alpha_ith :+ 1 } if (st_global("deriv")=="yes") { diff_X_dm_surv_i = panelsubmatrix(diff_X_dm_surv,i,info) diff_Z_dm_surv_i = panelsubmatrix(diff_Z_dm_surv,i,info) assoc1 = assoc1 :+ assocmat_i[,alpha_ith] :* ((diff_X_dm_surv_i * betas_fixed) :+ (diff_Z_dm_surv_i * nodes_i)) alpha_ith = alpha_ith :+ 1 } if (st_global("intassoc")=="yes") { assoc1 = assoc1 :+ assocmat_i[,alpha_ith]:*(betas_fixed[rows(betas_fixed),]:+J(nmeas[i,1],1,nodes_i[nres,.])) alpha_ith = alpha_ith :+ 1 } if (st_global("timeassoc")=="yes") { /* Check index of surv_betas_fixed */ timeassoc_fixed_ind = st_matrix("timeassoc_fixed_ind") time_assoc_ind = st_matrix("timeassoc_re_ind") for(m=1; m<=ntimeassoc; m++) { assoc1 = assoc1 :+ assocmat_i[,alpha_ith]:*(betas_fixed[timeassoc_fixed_ind[m,1],]:+J(nmeas[i,1],1,nodes_i[time_assoc_ind[m,1],.])) alpha_ith = alpha_ith :+ 1 } } haz = (lambda_mat_i:*exp(assoc1)):^d_i /* Cumulative hazard */ surv = J(nmeas[i,1],cols(nodesfinal),.) knewnodes_i = panelsubmatrix(knewnodes,i,info) kweights_i = panelsubmatrix(kweights,i,info) for (q=1;q<=nmeas[i,1];q++) { beta_mat = J(1,cols(nodesfinal),betas_fixed) beta_mat[rand_ind_gk,] = beta_mat[rand_ind_gk,] :+ nodes_i // adds GH nodes_i to appropriate betas_fixed_i alpha_ith = 1 assoc_ch = J(ngk,cols(nodesfinal),0) if (st_global("current")=="yes") { assoc_ch = assocmat_i[q,alpha_ith]:* (asarray(gknodes,(i,q)) * beta_mat) alpha_ith = alpha_ith :+ 1 } if (st_global("deriv")=="yes") { assoc_ch = assoc_ch :+ assocmat_i[q,alpha_ith]:* (asarray(gknodes_deriv,(i,q)) * beta_mat) alpha_ith = alpha_ith :+ 1 } if (st_global("intassoc")=="yes") { assoc_ch = assoc_ch :+ assocmat_i[q,alpha_ith]:* beta_mat[rows(beta_mat),] alpha_ith = alpha_ith :+ 1 } if (st_global("timeassoc")=="yes") { for(p=1; p<=ntimeassoc; p++) { assoc_ch = assoc_ch :+ assocmat_i[q,alpha_ith]:*beta_mat[timeassoc_fixed_ind[p,1],] alpha_ith = alpha_ith :+ 1 } } haz_nodes = lambda_mat_i[q,]:*exp(assoc_ch) cumhaz = kweights_i[q,] * haz_nodes surv[q,] = exp(-cumhaz) } survlike = haz:*surv /* Longitudinal likelihood */ y_ij_i = panelsubmatrix(y_ij,i,info) linpred = panelsubmatrix(intercept,i,info) :+ (Z_dm_i * nodes_i) longlike = normalden(y_ij_i,linpred,sdresidual) /* Final joint likelihood */ longlike = exp(quadcolsum(log(longlike))) survlike = exp(quadcolsum(log(survlike))) phi = diagonal((det(2:*pi() :*vcv)):^(-0.5) :* exp( (-1:/2) :* (nodes_i' * invsym(vcv)* nodes_i )))' jlnodes[i,.] = newweights:*longlike:*survlike:*phi } final[.,.] = quadrowsum(jlnodes) if (gen_nodes == 1 & firstit>0 & firstit No longer updating quadrature node locations""') stata(`"di"') firstit = firstit:+1 } /* CRASH CODE */ //test = weights[1..i,2::2000] } end mata: mata set matastrict off void stjm_e_mata_init_quick( // string scalar s_ind, // numeric matrix y_ij, // real scalar sdresidual, // numeric scalar N, // numeric scalar Nmeas, // real scalar nres, // real scalar ntimeassoc, // string scalar touse, // numeric matrix intercept, // numeric matrix Z_dm, // numeric matrix X_dm_surv, // numeric matrix Z_dm_surv, // numeric matrix diff_X_dm_surv, // numeric matrix diff_Z_dm_surv, // numeric matrix nodesfinal, // numeric matrix weightsfinal, // numeric matrix knewnodes, // numeric matrix kweights, // numeric matrix jlnodes, // numeric matrix stime, // numeric matrix d, // numeric matrix betas_fixed, // numeric matrix alpha_mat, // transmorphic aghnodes, // transmorphic aghweights, // transmorphic gknodes, // transmorphic gknodes_deriv, // numeric matrix rand_ind_gk, // real scalar gen_nodes, // numeric matrix info, // -Panel matrix set-up- numeric matrix nmeas, // -Number of measurements per panel- real scalar ngk, // -Number of GK nodes- numeric matrix lambda_mat, // -Scale parameter for survival submodel- numeric matrix vcv) // -Variance-covariance matrix of random effects- { /*************************************************************************************************************************************************/ /* Loop over patients */ for (i=1; i<=rows(info); i++) { /* Patient level transformation of node and weight matrices */ nodes_i = asarray(aghnodes,i) newweights = asarray(aghweights,i) /* Can move hazard and final survival calc's to outside loop */ /* Data */ Z_dm_i = panelsubmatrix(Z_dm,i,info) /* Hazard function at each random effect quadrature points */ assoc1 = J(1,cols(nodes_i),0) alpha_ith = 1 if (st_global("current")=="yes") { assoc1 = alpha_mat[i,alpha_ith] :* ((X_dm_surv[i,] * betas_fixed) :+ (Z_dm_surv[i,] * nodes_i)) alpha_ith = alpha_ith :+ 1 } if (st_global("deriv")=="yes") { assoc1 = assoc1 :+ alpha_mat[i,alpha_ith] :* ((diff_X_dm_surv[i,] * betas_fixed) :+ (diff_Z_dm_surv[i,] * nodes_i)) alpha_ith = alpha_ith :+ 1 } if (st_global("intassoc")=="yes") { assoc1 = assoc1 :+ alpha_mat[i,alpha_ith]:*(betas_fixed[rows(betas_fixed),] :+ nodes_i[nres,.]) alpha_ith = alpha_ith :+ 1 } if (st_global("timeassoc")=="yes") { /* Check index of surv_betas_fixed */ timeassoc_fixed_ind = st_matrix("timeassoc_fixed_ind") time_assoc_ind = st_matrix("timeassoc_re_ind") for(m=1; m<=ntimeassoc; m++) { assoc1 = assoc1 :+ alpha_mat[i,alpha_ith]:*(betas_fixed[timeassoc_fixed_ind[m,1],]:+nodes_i[time_assoc_ind[m,1],.]) alpha_ith = alpha_ith :+ 1 } } haz = (lambda_mat[i,]:*exp(assoc1)):^d[i,] /* Cumulative hazard */ surv = J(1,cols(nodesfinal),.) beta_mat = J(1,cols(nodesfinal),betas_fixed) beta_mat[rand_ind_gk,] = beta_mat[rand_ind_gk,] :+ nodes_i // adds GH nodes_i to appropriate betas_fixed_i alpha_ith = 1 assoc_ch = J(ngk,cols(nodesfinal),0) if (st_global("current")=="yes") { assoc_ch = alpha_mat[i,alpha_ith]:* (asarray(gknodes,(i,1)) * beta_mat) alpha_ith = alpha_ith :+ 1 } if (st_global("deriv")=="yes") { assoc_ch = assoc_ch :+ alpha_mat[i,alpha_ith]:* (asarray(gknodes_deriv,(i,1)) * beta_mat) alpha_ith = alpha_ith :+ 1 } if (st_global("intassoc")=="yes") { assoc_ch = assoc_ch :+ (alpha_mat[i,alpha_ith] :* beta_mat[rows(beta_mat),]) alpha_ith = alpha_ith :+ 1 } if (st_global("timeassoc")=="yes") { for(p=1; p<=ntimeassoc; p++) { assoc_ch = assoc_ch :+ alpha_mat[i,alpha_ith]:*beta_mat[timeassoc_fixed_ind[p,1],] alpha_ith = alpha_ith :+ 1 } } haz_nodes = lambda_mat[i,]:*exp(assoc_ch) cumhaz = kweights[i,] * haz_nodes surv = exp(-cumhaz) survlike = haz:*surv /* Longitudinal likelihood */ y_ij_i = panelsubmatrix(y_ij,i,info) linpred = panelsubmatrix(intercept,i,info) :+ (Z_dm_i * nodes_i) longlike = normalden(y_ij_i,linpred,sdresidual) /* Final joint likelihood */ longlike = exp(quadcolsum(log(longlike))) phi = diagonal((det(2:*pi() :*vcv)):^(-0.5) :* exp( (-1:/2) :* (nodes_i' * invsym(vcv)* nodes_i )))' jlnodes[i,.] = newweights:*longlike:*survlike:*phi } for(i=1;i<=N;i++) { like_j = quadrowsum(jlnodes) mu_j_s2 = J(1,nres,.) for(j=1;j<=nres;j++) { numer_like_j = quadrowsum(asarray(aghnodes,i)[j,.] :* jlnodes[i,.]) mu_j_s2[1,j] = numer_like_j:/like_j[i,.] } nn=nres:^2 basis1 = J(cols(jlnodes),nn,.) for (k=1;k<=cols(jlnodes);k++) { basis1[k,.] = rowshape(asarray(aghnodes,i)[.,k] * asarray(aghnodes,i)[.,k]',1) } vcv_new = ((jlnodes[i,.]:/like_j[i,.]) * basis1) :- rowshape(mu_j_s2[1,.]' * mu_j_s2[1,.],1) vcv_new = rowshape(vcv_new,nres) mu_j_s2 = mu_j_s2' nodes_i2 = mu_j_s2 :+ cholesky(vcv_new) * (sqrt(2):*nodesfinal) newweights2 = (2):^(nres:/2):*sqrt(det(vcv_new)):*exp(quadcolsum(nodesfinal:^2)) :* weightsfinal asarray(aghnodes,i,nodes_i2) asarray(aghweights,i,newweights2) } /* CRASH CODE */ //test = weights[1..i,2::2000] } end mata: mata set matastrict off void stjm_e_mata_quick(string scalar finallnf, // string scalar s_ind, // numeric matrix y_ij, // real scalar sdresidual, // numeric scalar N, // numeric scalar Nmeas, // real scalar nres, // real scalar ntimeassoc, // string scalar touse, // numeric matrix intercept, // numeric matrix Z_dm, // numeric matrix X_dm_surv, // numeric matrix Z_dm_surv, // numeric matrix diff_X_dm_surv, // numeric matrix diff_Z_dm_surv, // numeric matrix nodesfinal, // numeric matrix weightsfinal, // numeric matrix knewnodes, // numeric matrix kweights, // numeric matrix jlnodes, // numeric matrix stime, // numeric matrix d, // numeric matrix betas_fixed, // numeric matrix alpha_mat, // transmorphic aghnodes, // transmorphic aghweights, // transmorphic gknodes, // transmorphic gknodes_deriv, // numeric matrix rand_ind_gk, // real scalar gen_nodes, // real scalar firstit, // real scalar adaptit, numeric matrix info, // -Panel matrix set-up- numeric matrix nmeas, // -Number of measurements per panel- real scalar ngk, // -Number of GK nodes- numeric matrix lambda_mat, // -Scale parameter for survival submodel- numeric matrix vcv) // -Variance-covariance matrix of random effects- { st_view(final=.,.,finallnf,s_ind) /*************************************************************************************************************************************************/ /* Loop over patients */ for (i=1; i<=rows(info); i++) { /* Patient level transformation of node and weight matrices */ nodes_i = asarray(aghnodes,i) newweights = asarray(aghweights,i) /* Can move hazard and final survival calc's to outside loop */ /* Data */ Z_dm_i = panelsubmatrix(Z_dm,i,info) /* Hazard function at each random effect quadrature points */ assoc1 = J(1,cols(nodes_i),0) alpha_ith = 1 if (st_global("current")=="yes") { assoc1 = alpha_mat[i,alpha_ith] :* ((X_dm_surv[i,] * betas_fixed) :+ (Z_dm_surv[i,] * nodes_i)) alpha_ith = alpha_ith :+ 1 } if (st_global("deriv")=="yes") { assoc1 = assoc1 :+ alpha_mat[i,alpha_ith] :* ((diff_X_dm_surv[i,] * betas_fixed) :+ (diff_Z_dm_surv[i,] * nodes_i)) alpha_ith = alpha_ith :+ 1 } if (st_global("intassoc")=="yes") { assoc1 = assoc1 :+ alpha_mat[i,alpha_ith]:*(betas_fixed[rows(betas_fixed),] :+ nodes_i[nres,.]) alpha_ith = alpha_ith :+ 1 } if (st_global("timeassoc")=="yes") { /* Check index of surv_betas_fixed */ timeassoc_fixed_ind = st_matrix("timeassoc_fixed_ind") time_assoc_ind = st_matrix("timeassoc_re_ind") for(m=1; m<=ntimeassoc; m++) { assoc1 = assoc1 :+ alpha_mat[i,alpha_ith]:*(betas_fixed[timeassoc_fixed_ind[m,1],]:+nodes_i[time_assoc_ind[m,1],.]) alpha_ith = alpha_ith :+ 1 } } haz = (lambda_mat[i,]:*exp(assoc1)):^d[i,] /* Cumulative hazard */ surv = J(1,cols(nodesfinal),.) beta_mat = J(1,cols(nodesfinal),betas_fixed) beta_mat[rand_ind_gk,] = beta_mat[rand_ind_gk,] :+ nodes_i // adds GH nodes_i to appropriate betas_fixed_i alpha_ith = 1 assoc_ch = J(ngk,cols(nodesfinal),0) if (st_global("current")=="yes") { assoc_ch = alpha_mat[i,alpha_ith]:* (asarray(gknodes,(i,1)) * beta_mat) alpha_ith = alpha_ith :+ 1 } if (st_global("deriv")=="yes") { assoc_ch = assoc_ch :+ alpha_mat[i,alpha_ith]:* (asarray(gknodes_deriv,(i,1)) * beta_mat) alpha_ith = alpha_ith :+ 1 } if (st_global("intassoc")=="yes") { assoc_ch = assoc_ch :+ (alpha_mat[i,alpha_ith] :* beta_mat[rows(beta_mat),]) alpha_ith = alpha_ith :+ 1 } if (st_global("timeassoc")=="yes") { for(p=1; p<=ntimeassoc; p++) { assoc_ch = assoc_ch :+ alpha_mat[i,alpha_ith]:*beta_mat[timeassoc_fixed_ind[p,1],] alpha_ith = alpha_ith :+ 1 } } haz_nodes = lambda_mat[i,]:*exp(assoc_ch) cumhaz = kweights[i,] * haz_nodes surv = exp(-cumhaz) survlike = haz:*surv /* Longitudinal likelihood */ y_ij_i = panelsubmatrix(y_ij,i,info) linpred = panelsubmatrix(intercept,i,info) :+ (Z_dm_i * nodes_i) longlike = normalden(y_ij_i,linpred,sdresidual) /* Final joint likelihood */ longlike = exp(quadcolsum(log(longlike))) phi = diagonal((det(2:*pi() :*vcv)):^(-0.5) :* exp( (-1:/2) :* (nodes_i' * invsym(vcv)* nodes_i )))' jlnodes[i,.] = newweights:*longlike:*survlike:*phi } final[.,.] = quadrowsum(jlnodes) if (gen_nodes == 1 & firstit>0 & firstit No longer updating quadrature node locations""') stata(`"di"') firstit = firstit:+1 } /* CRASH CODE */ //test = weights[1..i,2::2000] } end