stns -- Graph and list the net survival and net cumulative hazard functions
stns graph [if] [in] [, ...]
stns list [if] [in] [, ...]
You must stset your data before using stns; see [ST] stset.
See stns graph and stns list for details of syntax.
stns reports and creates variables containing the estimated net survival and related functions, such as the net cumulative hazard function.
stns graph graphs the net survival function.
stns list lists the estimated net survival and related functions.
Example: Listing and graphing variables Setup . use rdata . stset survtime, failure(cens==1) id(id)
Suppress showing st settings . stset, noshow
Compute and list the net survival function . stns list using myslopop, age(agediag=age) period(datediag=year) rate(rate) strata(sex)
Graph the net survival function . stns graph
Example: Comparing net survival or net cumulative hazard functions Graph the net survival functions for the two categories of sex, showing results on one graph . stns graph using myslopop, age(agediag=age) period(datediag=year) rate(rate) strata(sex), by(sex)
Same as above command but produce two side-by-side graphs . stns graph, by(sex) separate
Now graph the net cumulative hazard functions for the two categories of sex . stns graph, cumhaz by(sex)
Now list the two categories of sex for the net survival function . stns list, at(0 100 to 1700) by(sex)