stns list -- List the net survival or cumulative hazard function
stns list [using lifetable] [if] [in] [, options]
options Description ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Main (Estimation options)
age(varname=name) varname specifies the age variable in the dataset; name that in the ratetable period(varname=name) varname specifies the survival time variable in the dataset; name that in the ratetable rate(name) name specifies the rate variable in the ratetable strata(varlist) stratifies on different groups of varlist
type(type) specifies type of estimates: Kaplan-Meier-type (the default) or Fleming-Harrington-type by(varlist) estimates separate functions for each group formed by varlist end_followup(#) indicates the date of the end of the follow up (in days since 01jan1960)
Options survival reports net survival function; the default failure reports net failure function cumhaz reports netcumulative hazard function
at(#|numlist[, scalefactor(#) unit(unit) round(#) method(method)]) reports estimated net survival/ net cumulative hazard function at specified times; default is to report at all unique time values noshow does not show st setting information nodetail does not show the results citype(citype) specifies type of confidence interval: plain (the default), log or loglog level(#) sets confidence level; default is level(95) saving(filename[, replace]) saves results to filename; use replace to overwrite existing filename ------------------------------------------------------------------------- You must stset your data before using stns list; see [ST] stset.
stns list lists the estimated net survival (failure) and related functions, such as the cumulative hazard function. See stns for an introduction to this command.
+------+ ----+ Main +-------------------------------------------------------------
age, period, rate, and strata are required to estimate the net survival/failure function or net cumulative hazard stratified on variables in varlist.
type(type) specifies the type of estimates: kaplan-meier (the default) or fleming-harrigton-nelson-aalen.
by(varlist) estimates a separate function for each by-group. By-groups are identified by equal values of the variables in varlist.
end_followup(#) specifies the date of the end of the follow up. The default is the time exit of stset command.
+---------+ ----+ Options +----------------------------------------------------------
survival, failure, and cumhaz specify the function to report.
survival specifies that the net survival function be listed. This option is the default if a function is not specified.
failure specifies that the net failure function 1 - S(t+0) be listed.
cumhaz specifies that the estimate of the net cumulative hazard function be listed.
at(#|numlist[, scalefactor(#) unit(unit) round(#) method(method)]) specifies the time values at which the estimated net survival (failure) or net cumulative hazard function is to be listed. The default is to list the function at all the unique time values in the data, or if functions are being compared, at about 10 times chosen over the observed interval. In any case, you can control the points chosen.
scalefactor(#) indicates the step between times which are shown.
unit(unit) specifies the unit of time variable and prints it on the results. Default is void.
round(#) specifies the decimal of the rounding. For example, if # equals to 10 time will be rounded to the nearest tenth. By default it takes 1, i.e. the rounding is made for the unity.
method(step|lin) indicates how the survival and the cumulative hazard functions are interpolated: step for left-continuous step function and lin for linear interpolation. step is the default.
at(5 10 20 30 50 90) would display the function at the designated times.
at(10 20 to 100) would display the function at times 10, 20, 30, 40, ..., 100.
at(5 10 to 100 200) would display the function at times 5, 10, 15,..., 100, and 200.
at(10(5)30) would display the function at the times 10, 15, 20, 25, and 30.
at(20) would display the function at (roughly similarly to sts; see [ST] sts) 20 equally spaced times over the interval observed in the data. We say roughly because Stata may choose to increase or decrease your number slightly if that would result in rounder values of the chosen times.
at(15, round(100)) would display the function at 15 equally spaced times, which are around rounded to the nearest hundredth.
at(1(1)5, scalefactor(365.25) method(step) would display the function at times 1*365.25, 2*365.25, ..., 5*365.25. If a specified time does not correspond to an observation time, it would display the function at the previous observation time.
noshow prevents stns list from showing the key st variables. This option is seldom used because most people type stset , show or stset, noshow to set whether they want to see these variables mentioned at the top of the output of every st command; see [ST] stset.
nodetail prevents stns list from showing the results.
citype(citype) specifies the type of confidence interval: plain, log or log-log. The default is plain.
level(#) specifies the confidence level, as a percentage, for the Pohar-Perme pointwise confidence interval of the net survival (failure) or for the pointwise confidence interval of the net cumulative hazard function; see [R] level.
saving(filename[, replace]) saves the results in a Stata data file (.dta file).
replace specifies that filename be overwritten if it exists.
Setup . use rdata . stset survtime, failure(cens==1) id(id)
Suppress showing st settings . stset, noshow
Compute and list the net survival function . stns list using myslopop, age(agediag=age) period(datediag=year) rate(rate) strata(sex)
Compute and list the net survival function for the two categories of sex . stns list using myslopop, age(agediag=age) period(datediag=year) rate(rate) strata(sex) by(sex) . stns list, by(sex)
Compute and list the net survival function for each time before 3000 . stns list using myslopop, age(agediag=age) period(datediag=year) rate(rate) strata(sex) by(sex) end_followup(3000)
Same as above, but list at the specified times . stns list using myslopop, age(agediag=age) period(datediag=year) rate(rate) strata(sex) by(sex) at(0 250 to 3000)
Now list the net cumulative hazard functions at the specified times for the two categories of sex . stns list, cumhaz at(0 250 to 3000) by(sex)