{smcl} {* *! version 1.0.0}{...} {vieweralsosee "survsim parametric" "help survsim parametric"}{...} {vieweralsosee "survsim user" "help survsim user"}{...} {vieweralsosee "survsim model" "help survsim model"}{...} {vieweralsosee "survsim msm" "help survsim msm"}{...} {vieweralsosee "merlin" "help merlin"}{...} {vieweralsosee "galahad" "help galahad"}{...} {title:Title} {p2colset 5 16 16 2}{...} {p2col :{cmd:survsim} {hline 2}}Simulate survival data from a parametric distribution, a user-defined distribution, from a fitted {helpb merlin} model, from a cause-specific hazards competing risks model, or from a general multi-state model{p_end} {p2colreset}{...} {title:Description} {pstd} {cmd:survsim} simulates survival data from: {p_end} {phang2} {helpb survsim parametric:help survsim parametric} - a parametric distribution including the exponential, Gompertz and Weibull, and 2-component mixtures of them. Baseline covariates can be included, with specified associated log hazard ratios. Non-proportional hazards can also be included with all models; under an exponential or Weibull model covariates are interacted with log time, under a Gompertz model covariates are interacted with time. See {helpb survsim##paper1:Crowther and Lambert (2012)} for more details. {p_end} {phang2} {helpb survsim user:help survsim user} - a user-defined distribution. Survival times can be simulated from bespoke, user-defined [log] [cumulative] hazard functions. The function must be specified in Mata code (using colon operators), with survival times generated using a combination of numerical integration and root finding techniques. Time-dependent effects can also be specified with a user-defined function of time. See {helpb survsim##paper2:Crowther and Lambert (2013)} for more details. {p_end} {phang2} {helpb survsim model:help survsim model} - a fitted {helpb merlin} model. {helpb merlin} fits a broad class of survival models, including standard parametric models, spline-based survival models, and user-defined survival models. {p_end} {phang2} {helpb survsim msm:help survsim msm} - a competing risks or general multi-state model. Event times can be simulated from transition-specific hazards, where each transition hazard function can be a standard parametric distribution, or a user-defined complex hazard function. Covariates and time-dependent effects can be specified for each transition-specific hazard independently. {p_end} {title:Author} {pstd}{cmd:Michael J. Crowther}{p_end} {pstd}Red Door Analytics{p_end} {pstd}E-mail: {browse "mailto:michael@reddooranalytics.se":michael@reddooranalytics.se}{p_end} {phang}Please report any errors you may find.{p_end} {title:References} {phang}Bender R, Augustin T and Blettner M. Generating survival times to simulate Cox proportional hazards models. {it:Statistics in Medicine} 2005;24:1713-1723.{p_end} {phang}Beyersmann J, Latouche A, Buchholz A and Schumacher M. Simulating competing risks data in survival analysis. {it:Statistics in Medicine} 2009;28:956-971.{p_end} {marker paper1}{...} {phang}Crowther MJ and Lambert PC. {browse "http://www.stata-journal.com/article.html?article=st0275":Simulating complex survival data.}{it: The Stata Journal} 2012;12(4):674-687.{p_end} {marker paper2}{...} {phang}Crowther MJ and Lambert PC. {browse "http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/sim.5823/abstract":Simulating biologically plausible complex survival data.} {it:Statistics in Medicine} 2013;32(23):4118-4134.{p_end} {phang}Crowther MJ. Simulating time-to-event data from parametric distributions, custom distributions, competing risk models and general multi-state models. {it:The Stata Journal} 2022 (Accepted).{p_end} {phang}Jann, B. 2005. moremata: Stata module (Mata) to provide various functions. Available from http://ideas.repec.org/c/boc/bocode/s455001.html.{p_end}