help for svr

Introduction to survey replication commands

The prefix svr stands for SurVey Replication, and refers to commands that analyze complex survey data using replication methods. The available methods are balanced repeated replication (BRR), and several versions of survey jackknife (JK1, JK2, and JKn). These methods are an alternative to the Taylor series linearization methods available in Stata's svy commands. See survwgt for details on replication methods.

Basic svr commands:

help survwgt Creates sets of replication weights for svr analysis. Also performs other transformations on survey sampling weights, including post-stratification, raking, and non-response adjustments.

help svrset Set variables for replication-based analysis of survey data

Estimation commands:

help svrmodel Linear regression and other regression-type models

help svrmean Estimation of population and subpopulation means help svrratio Estimation of population and subpopulation ratios help svrtotal Estimation of population and subpopulation totals

help svrtab Two-way tables for survey data

help svrcorr Estimation of correlation coefficients

help svrest Calculation of replication-based (co)variances for other commands

Post-estimation commands:

The svr commands have been written such that Stata's svy post-estimation commands function:

help svylc Estimate linear combinations of parameters (e.g., differences of means, regression coefficients)

help svytest Hypotheses tests for survey data

help svresttest Hypotheses tests involving the statistics calculated by svrest

Also see

On-line: See help listed above


Nick Winter Cornell University nw53@cornell.edu