*! 1.0.0 DEMW 29 NOV 1999 * This program outputs the variable labels * And can save the output to a do-file which you can * then use to label other variables in another dataset * Correct syntax => svvarlbl varlist [using filename] [, replace] program define svvarlbl version 6 syntax [varlist] [using/] [, replace] tokenize `varlist' if "`replace'" != "" { local using `"`using', replace"' } if `"`using'"' != `""' { local logfile : log local logfile = lower("`logfile'") if "`logfile'" != "" { di in bl /* */ "Note: log `logfile' suspended for -svvarlbl-" log close } cap log using `using' if _rc{ local rc = _rc local pwd:pwd local pwd = lower("`pwd'") if "`logfile'" != "" { log using `logfile', append di in bl /* */"Note: log `logfile' resumed after error in -svvarlbl-" } dis in red "File `pwd'\\`using' already exists" exit `rc' } } local i = 1 while "``i''" != "" { loc vlbl : variable label ``i'' dis `" cap label variable ``i'' "`vlbl'""' local i = `i' + 1 } if `"`using'"' != `""' { log close } if "`logfile'" != "" { log using `logfile', append di in bl _n "Note: log `logfile' resumed after -svvarlbl-" } end