Saving variable labels to a file --------------------------------------
^svvarlbl^ [varlist] [^using^ filename] [, ^replace^]
Description -----------
This program works like
^label save^
but it stores the variable labels instead of the value labels. The resulting file can be used as a do file to label other variables in another dataset with the same labels.
Options -------
^replace^ overwrites the file indicated in ^using^ filename.
Examples ----------
. ^use auto, clear^ (1978 Automobile Data)
. ^svvarlbl using, replace^ cap label variable make "Make and Model" cap label variable price "Price" cap label variable mpg "Mileage (mpg)" cap label variable rep78 "Repair Record 1978" cap label variable hdroom "Headroom (in.)" cap label variable trunk "Trunk space (cu. ft.)" cap label variable weight "Weight (lbs.)" cap label variable length "Length (in.)" cap label variable turn "Turn Circle (ft.) " cap label variable displ "Displacement (cu. in.)" cap label variable gratio "Gear Ratio" cap label variable foreign "Car type"
. ^use newfile, clear^ . ^run^
Author ------ Desmond E. Williams, NIDDK/NIH, Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.A.
Acknowledgements ---------------- I would like to acknowledge the help received from the STATA Guru himself - Nicholas J. Cox for his help and comments.
The log capture syntax was ^"borrowed"^ from @archlist@ written by Christopher F. Baum and Nicholas J. Cox.
Also see --------
Manual: ^[R] label^ On-line: help for @label@, @run@