help for ^tabby^              Version 2/10/96

Tabulation with more control over format ----------------------------------------

^tabby^ varlist [^if^ exp] [^in^ range] [^,^ ^b^y(var) ^b^ymis ^m^is

^d^ec^(^integer^)^ ^w^idth^(^#^)^ ^h^ead ^t^otal ^p^erc|^c^ol|^r^ow ]

no^byt^ot ^s^tart^(^int 10^)^ no^z^ero ^max(^int 100^)^ ^te^st^(^string^)^

Generates a table with frequencies or row or column percentages of the variable > s in ^varlist^. If ^by(var)^ is specified, a table of crosstabulations of each variable in the varlist with the by-var is generated.

String variables in the varlist or as byvar are trimmed of any leading or trailing blanks before analysis. Empty strings are considered missing.

Options ------- ^by(^var^)^ Optional. If not specified only overall oneway frequencies or column percentages are shown.

^dec(^..^)^ Specifies number of decimals for percentages. Default 0. Frequencies are always displayed without decimals. If the length of the statistic would exceed the available width for the display, the number of decimals is reduced.

^width^ Integer number, with default value 10. Specifies the minimum width for each column. The value 10 corresponds to the width of columns created by tabulate. A specified width is adapted to the minimum number of digits required to display a percentage (3 digits) with decimals, if specified, and the total number of observations. The width excludes a space between columns. If the specified width is too small for a column, the width will be increased for that column. Long column-labels in the header are abbreviated if necessary.

^mis^ Specifies that the category with missing values of each variable in the ^varlist^ should be included in the table. Default the missing category is excluded. For string variables an empty string or a string consisting only of blanks is considered missing.

^bymis^ Specifies that the category with missing values of the ^byvar^ should be included in the table. Default these are excluded.

^head^ Request the display of a heading of the table. Active only if ^by(var)^ is specified. ^total^ Request the display of a row(s) with totals for each variable in the ^varlist^ if ^mis^ is not specified. If ^mis^ is specified, one Total -row will be displayed at the top of the Table.

^row^ Request row-percentages. Only in case a byvar is specified with at least two non-empty categories. In the total column of the Table frequencies will be displayed.

^col^ Request column-percentages. In the Total-row(s) of the Table frequencies will be displayed.

^perc^ Requests column-percentages in ^addition^ to the frequencies if ^by()^ is not specified. Otherwise equivalent to ^col^.

^head^ Request the display of a heading of the table. Active only if ^by(var)^ is specified.

^nobytot^ Suppresses the output of a total-column. Default a total-column is printed. Option is ignored if row-percentage is requested.

^start()^ Specifies the (minimum) position on a line for the start of the data-columns, i.e. the column in which the ^|^ is printed. Default and minimum 12. May be increased by the program if long string variables are in the varlist.

^nozero^ Requests for display of a "." in cells with zero-frequencies.

^max()^ Specifies the maximum number of rows per variable, or number of different unique values of a variable from the varlist that is allowed. Default 100. In case a variable has more than ^max^ different values, the variable label will be displayed together with a message. This option is useful to prevent long tables. ^test()^ request the calculation of a P-value: test(^chi^square) : Pearson Chisquare test (see note below) test(^kw^allis) : Kruskal-Wallis by ^by^-variable test(np^tr^end) : NPtrend test by ^ordinal by^-variable test(^sp^earman) : Spearman rank test test(^rh^o) : Spearman rank test test(^exac^t) : Fisher's exact test Note: only non-missing observations on both the row and column variable are included in the calculation of the P-value independent of the specification of ^mis^ or ^bymis^. ^Note on Chisquare test:^ this test will ^not^ be performed if in any column (resp. row) the column- (resp. row-)total divided by the number of rows (resp. columns) is less than 3. ^Examples:^ ^---------^

. tabby t erpr, by(nn) mis head . tabby t erpr, by(nn) mis head bymis col dec(1) nobytot . tabby t erpr, by(nn) mis wi(5) bymis row dec(1) test(chi) . tabby t erpr, mis wi(5) col dec(1)

^Author:^ ^-------^ Wim van Putten Erasmus MC - Daniel den Hoed Cancer Center Rotterdam The Netherlands FAX: +31.10.4391028 e-mail: w.vanputten@@erasmusmc.nl