Column percentages with ^table^ -----------------------------
^tablecol^ rowvar [colvar [supercolvar]] [weight] [^if^ exp] [^in^ ran > ge] [^,^ ^c^ontents^(^clist^)^ ^by(^superrow_varlist^)^ ^cw^ ^ > row^ ^col^ ^sc^ol ^colpct^ ^rowpct^ ^nof^req ^o^verall ^f^ormat^(%^fmt^)^ ^cen^ter ^l^eft ^con^cise ^m^issing > ^replace^ ^n^ame^(^string^)^ ^cell^width^(^#^)^ ^csep^width^(^#^) > ^ ^scsep^width^(^#^)^ ^stub^width^(^#^)^ ]
rowvar, colvar, and supercolvar may be numeric or string variables.
Elements of clist may only be ^freq^; ^contents(freq)^ is assumed if ^contents( > )^ is not specified. Specify ^nofreq^ to suppress frequencies.
^fweight^s, ^pweight^s, ^aweight^s, and ^iweight^s are allowed; see help @weigh > ts@.
Description -----------
^tablecol^ is a wrapper program for ^table^ which adds column percentages to the output. Essentially this provides the functionality of the ^column^ option of the ^tabulate^ command, along with the ability to specify supercolumns in table.
Options -------
^colpct^ specifies that column percentages are to be displayed.
^rowpct^ specifies that row percentages are to be displayed.
^nofreq^ suppresses display of cell frequencies.
^contents(^clist^)^ is assumed to be ^contents(freq)^ if ^contents()^ is not sp > ecified. ^contents(freq)^ is the only valid use for this option.
^overall^ indicates that column percentages are to be calculated in terms of the table as a whole. By default, percentages are calculated within super-rows. If by(varlist) is not specified, this option has no effect.
All other options are the same as for ^table^. See help @table@.
Examples --------
. ^tablecol rep78 foreign, colpct^ . ^tablecol rep78 foreign, colpct row col^ . ^tablecol mpg rep78 foreign, colpct row^
Author ------
Nicholas J. G. Winter University of Virginia
Also see --------
Manual: ^[R] table^ On-line: help for @table@, @tabulate@