help for  tabmenu1

Graphical interface for preparing tables

tabmenu1 [varlist] [if exp] [in range] [, clear display ]


A command with menus for preparing one or two-way tables of means, geometric means, medians, proportions, odds, or rates. Frequencies and confidence intervals can be included as an option. The interquartile range is reported when medians are selected.

The command produces a menu in which to specify

The response variable often known as the outcome variable The type of response metric/binary/failure/count The follow-up time if appropriate The first explanatory variable determining the rows of the table The second explanatory variable determining the columns, if required.

When a varlist is specified, only those variables in the varlist are included in the menus.

As default, explanatory variables with more than 10 values are not allowed when making tables, but this can be changed in the menu.

Selecting tables produces a sub-menu in which to specify the nature of the summary required according to the response:

metric means/geometric means/medians binary proportions/odds failure rates count rates

This sub-menu gives the opportunity to change the units for proportions and for rates to per #. It also gives the opportunity to choose to display frequencies, to display confidence intervals, to change level of confidence, and to reverse the rows and columns of the table.

When the display option is used the program displays tabmenu2, a command-line version of tabmenu1, which can be pasted into the command window, or a do file, and which will produce the same table as the one just produced by tabmenu1.


clear Clears variable names from the menu.

display Produces tabmenu2, the command line version of tabmenu1.

Also see

Online help for: tabmenu2, effmenu1, effmenu2.