{smcl} {.-} help for {cmd:tabmenu2} {.-} {p 8 27} {cmdab:tabmenu2:} [{it:varlist}] [{cmd:if} {it:exp}] [{cmd:in} {it:range}] [{cmd:,} {cmdab:res(:}{it:varname}{cmd:)} {cmdab:typ(:}{it:string}{cmd:)} {cmdab:row(:}{it:varname}{cmd:)} {cmdab:col(:}{it:varname}{cmd:)} {cmdab:summ:ary(}{it:string}{cmd:)} {cmdab:fup:(}{it:varname}{cmd:)} {cmdab:perc:(}{it:#}{cmd:)} {cmdab:pery:(}{it:#}{cmd:)} {cmdab:max:val(}{it:#}{cmd:)} {cmdab:fr:} {cmdab:ci:} {cmdab:rv:} {cmdab:level:(}{it:#}{cmd:)} ] {title: Description} {cmd:tabmenu2} is the command-line version of {cmd:tabmenu1}, and is used for preparing one or two-way tables of means, geometric means, medians, proportions, odds, or rates, from a command-line. {title:Options} {cmd:res} response variable {cmd:typ} type of response (metric/binary/failure/count) {cmd:row} variable determining the rows of the table {cmd:col} variable determining the columns of the table {cmd:summary} summary required according to type of response binary: prop/odds metric: mean/gmean/median failure: rate count: rate {cmd:fup} variable containing follow-up time {cmd:perc} for use with proportions per #, default 100 {cmd:pery} for use with rates per #, default 1000 {cmd:maxval} maximum number of values a row or column variable can have, default 10. {cmd:fr} include frequencies in the table {cmd:ci} include confidence intervals in the table {cmd:rv} reverse rows and columns of table {cmd:level} level for confidence intervals {title:Also see} Help for {help tabmenu1}, {help effmenu1}, {help effmenu2}.