program define tabstatout, rclass byable(recall) sort *! 2.1 Ian Watson 19feb2009. New version for spreadsheet textfile output only. Based on latabstat *! 1.1 Ian Watson 18jan2003. Modification of tabstat version 2.5.2 09nov2000 * Note the shallow indentation mostly indicates modifications. Deeper indentations are * generally from original tabstat coding. version 6 syntax varlist(numeric) [if] [in] [aw fw] [ , /* */ BY(varname) CASEwise Columns(str) Format Format2(str) /* */ LAbelwidth(int 16) LOngstub Missing /* */ SAME SAVE noSEP Statistics(str) STATS(str) noTotal /* */ tf(string)Replace APPend TX(string) CAPtion(string) /* */ CLabel(string) HWidth(string)] if "`tx'" ~=""{ if "`tx'"=="0" { local wide="\linewidth" } else { local wide="`tx'cm" } } if "`hwidth'" ~=""{ local hwide="`hwidth'" local fhwide=`hwidth'+2 } else { local hwide="8" local fhwide="10" } tempname hh if "`casewise'" != "" { local same same } if `"`stats'"' != "" { if `"`statistics'"' != "" { di in red /* */ "may not specify both statistics() and stats() options" exit 198 } local statist `"`stats'"' local stats } if "`total'" != "" & "`by'" == "" { di in gr "nothing to display exit 0 } if "`format'" != "" & `"`format2'"' != "" { di in re "may not specify both format and format()" exit 198 } if `"`format2'"' != "" { capt local tmp : display `format2' 1 if _rc { di in re `"invalid %format in format() : `format2'"' exit 120 } } if `"`columns'"' == "" { local incol "variables" } else if `"`columns'"' == substr("variables",1,length(`"`columns'"')) { local incol "variables" } else if `"`columns'"' == substr("statistics",1,length(`"`columns'"')) { local incol "statistics" } else { di in red `"column(`columns') invalid -- specify "' /* */ "column(variables) or column(statistics)" exit 198 } if "`longstub'" != "" | "`by'" == "" { local descr descr } * sample selection marksample touse, novar if "`same'" != "" { markout `touse' `varlist' } if "`by'" != "" & "`missing'" == "" { markout `touse' `by' , strok } qui count if `touse' local ntouse = r(N) if `ntouse' == 0 { error 2000 } if `"`weight'"' != "" { local wght `"[`weight'`exp']"' } * varlist -> var1, var2, ... variables * fmt1, fmt2, ... display formats tokenize "`varlist'" local nvars : word count `varlist' local i 1 while `i' <= `nvars' { local var`i' ``i'' if "`format'" != "" { local fmt`i' : format ``i'' } else if `"`format2'"' != "" { local fmt`i' `format2' } else local fmt`i' %9.0g local i = `i' + 1 } if `nvars' == 1 & `"`columns'"' == "" { local incol statistics } * Statistics Stats `statistics' local stats `r(names)' local expr `r(expr)' local summopt `r(summopt)' local nstats : word count `stats' tokenize `expr' local i 1 while `i' <= `nstats' { local expr`i' ``i'' local i = `i' + 1 } tokenize `stats' local i 1 while `i' <= `nstats' { local name`i' ``i'' local names "`names' ``i''" if `i' < `nstats' { local names "`names'," } local i = `i' + 1 } if "`sep'" == "" & ( (`nstats' > 1 & "`incol'" == "variables") /* */ |(`nvars' > 1 & "`incol'" == "statistics")) { local sepline yes } local matsize : set matsize local matreq = max(`nstats',`nvars') if `matsize' < `matreq' { di in re "set matsize to at least `matreq' (see help matsize for details)" exit 908 } * compute the statistics * ---------------------- if "`by'" != "" { * conditional statistics are saved in matrices Stat1, Stat2, etc * the data are sorted on by groups, putting unused obs last * be careful not to change the sort order * note that touse is coded -1/0 rather than 1/0! qui replace `touse' = - `touse' sort `touse' `by' local bytype : type `by' local by2 0 local iby 1 while `by2' < `ntouse' { tempname Stat`iby' mat `Stat`iby'' = J(`nstats',`nvars',0) mat colnames `Stat`iby'' = `varlist' mat rownames `Stat`iby'' = `stats' * range `iby1'/`iby2' refer to obs in the current by-group local by1 = `by2' + 1 qui count if (`by'==`by'[`by1']) & (`touse') local by2 = `by1' + r(N) - 1 * loop over all variables local i 1 while `i' <= `nvars' { qui summ `var`i'' in `by1'/`by2' `wght', `summopt' local is 1 while `is' <= `nstats' { * set matrix[is,i] with mv-handling SetMat `Stat`iby''[`is',`i'] `expr`is'' local is = `is' + 1 } local i = `i' + 1 } * save label for groups in lab1, lab2 etc if substr("`bytype'",1,3) != "str" { local iby1 = `by'[`by1'] local lab`iby' : label (`by') `iby1' } else local lab`iby' = `by'[`by1'] local iby = `iby' + 1 } local nby = `iby' - 1 /* wwg did not like this. Fine. if `nby' == 1 { di in gr "(`by' is constant on selected sample)" local by local nby 0 } */ } else local nby 0 if "`total'" == "" { * unconditional (Total) statistics are stored in Stat`nby+1' local iby = `nby'+1 tempname Stat`iby' mat `Stat`iby'' = J(`nstats',`nvars',0) mat colnames `Stat`iby'' = `varlist' mat rownames `Stat`iby'' = `stats' local i 1 while `i' <= `nvars' { qui summ `var`i'' if `touse' `wght' , `summopt' local is 1 while `is' <= `nstats' { * set matrix[is,i] with mv-handling SetMat `Stat`iby''[`is',`i'] `expr`is'' local is = `is' + 1 } local i = `i' + 1 } local lab`iby' "Total" } * display results * --------------- di di in gr "\begin{table}[htbp]\centering" if "`tx'"~=""{ di in gr "\newcolumntype{Y}{>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash}X}" di in gr "\parbox{`wide'} {" } * constants for displaying results local labw = min(max(`labelwidth',8),60) * note changing 32 to 60 determines greatest width for table stub if "`by'" != "" { if substr("`bytype'",1,3) != "str" { local lv : value label `by' if "`lv'" != "" { local lg : label (`by') maxlength local wby = min(`labw',`lg') } else local wby 8 } else { local wby = min(real(substr("`bytype'",4,.)),`labw') local bytype str } local wby = max(length("`by'"), `wby') } else local wby 8 local lleft = (1 + `wby')*("`by'"!="") + 9*("`descr'"!="") local cbar = `lleft' + 1 local lsize : set display linesize * number of non-label elements in the row of a block local neblock = int((`lsize' - `cbar')/10) * number of blocks if stats horizontal local nsblock = 1 + int((`nstats'-1)/`neblock') * number of blocks if variables horizontal local nvblock = 1 + int((`nvars'-1)/`neblock') * left align by-label if also descr if "`descr'" != "" & "`by'" != "" { local aby "-" } if "`incol'" == "statistics" { * display the results: horizontal = statistics (block wise) * --------------------------------------------------------- * header di in gr "\caption{\label{`clabel'} " di in gr _c "\textbf{`caption'} }" * loop over all nsblock blocks of statistics local isblock 1 local is2 0 while `isblock' <= `nsblock' { * is1..is2 are indices of statistics in a block local is1 = `is2' + 1 local is2 = min(`nstats', `is1'+`neblock'-1) if "`tx'"~="" { di in gr "}" di in gr _c "\begin{tabularx} {`wide'} {@{} l" } else { di in gr _c "\begin{tabular} {@{} l" } local p=1 while `p'<= `nstats' { if "`tx'"~="" { di in gr _c " Y" } else { di in gr _c " r" } local p=`p'+1 } * end while loop di in gr _c " @{}} \\\ \hline" di di in gr _c "\textbf{" * display header if "`by'" != "" { di in gr %`aby'`wby's "`by'" " " _c } if "`descr'" != "" { di in gr "variable " _c } di in gr "} & \textbf{" _c local is `is1' while `is' <= `is2' { di in gr %10s "`name`is''" _c if `is' < `is2'{ * < ensures last column does not end with column separator di in gr "} & \textbf{" _c } local is = `is' + 1 } di in gr "} \\\" di in gr "\\hline" * loop over the categories of -by- (1..nby) and -total- (nby+1) local nbyt = `nby' + ("`total'"=="") local iby 1 while `iby' <= `nbyt'{ local i 1 while `i' <= `nvars' { if "`by'" != "" { if `i' == 1 { local lab = substr(`"`lab`iby''"'0, 1, `wby') di in ye % `aby'`wby's `"`lab'"' " " _c } else di in ye _skip(`wby') " " _c } if "`descr'" != "" { di in ye %`fhwide's abbrev("`var`i''", `hwide') " " _c } local is `is1' while `is' <= `is2' { GetMat s : `fmt`i'' `Stat`iby''[`is',`i'] di in ye " & " _c di in ye %10s "`s'" _c local is = `is' + 1 } di in ye " \\\" local i = `i' + 1 } local iby = `iby' + 1 if ("`sepline'"!="") | (`iby'>`nbyt') | /* */ ((`iby'==`nbyt') & ("`total'"=="")) { } } di in gr "\hline" di in gr _c "\multicolumn{" (`nstats'+1) "}{@{}l}{" di in gr "\footnotesize{\emph{Source:} $S_FN}}" if "`tx'"~=""{ di in gr "\end{tabularx}" } else { di in gr "\end{tabular}" } di in gr "\end{table}" local isblock = `isblock' + 1 if `isblock' <= `nsblock' { display } } /* isblock */ } else { * display the results: horizontal = variables (block wise) * -------------------------------------------------------- * header di in gr "\caption{\label{`clabel'} " di in gr _c "\textbf{`caption'} }" if "`tx'"~="" { di in gr "}" di in gr _c "\begin{tabularx} {`wide'} {@{} l" } else { di in gr _c "\begin{tabular} {@{} l" } local p=1 while `p'<= `nvars' { if "`tx'"~="" { di in gr _c " Y" } else { di in gr _c " r" } local p=`p'+1 } * end while loop di in gr _c " @{}} \\\ \hline" di * loop over all nvblock blocks of variables local iblock 1 local i2 0 while `iblock' <= `nvblock' { * i1..i2 are indices of variables in a block local i1 = `i2' + 1 local i2 = min(`nvars', `i1'+`neblock'-1) di in gr _c "\textbf{" * display header if "`by'" != "" { di in gr %`aby'`wby's "`by'" " " _c } if "`descr'" != "" { di in gr " stats " _c } di in gr "} & \textbf{" _c local i `i1' while `i' <= `i2' { di in gr %`fhwide's abbrev("`var`i''",`hwide') _c if `i' < `i2'{ di in gr "} & \textbf{" _c } local i = `i' + 1 } di in gr "} \\\" di in gr "\\hline" * loop over the categories of -by- (1..nby) and -total- (nby+1) local nbyt = `nby' + ("`total'"=="") local iby 1 while `iby' <= `nbyt'{ local is 1 while `is' <= `nstats' { if "`by'" != "" { if `is' == 1 { local lab = substr(`"`lab`iby''"'0, 1, `wby') di in ye %`aby'`wby's `"`lab'"' " " _c } else di in ye _skip(`wby') " " _c } if "`descr'" != "" { di in ye %8s "`name`is''" " " _c } local i `i1' while `i' <= `i2' { GetMat s : `fmt`i'' `Stat`iby''[`is',`i'] di in ye " & " _c di in ye %10s "`s'" _c local i = `i' + 1 } di in ye " \\\" local is = `is' + 1 } local iby = `iby' + 1 if ("`sepline'"!="") | (`iby'>`nbyt') | /* */ ((`iby'==`nbyt') & ("`total'"=="")) { } } di in gr "\hline" di in gr "\multicolumn{" (`i2'+1) "}{@{}l}{" di in gr "\footnotesize{\emph{Source:} $S_FN}}" if "`tx'"~=""{ di in gr "\end{tabularx}" } else { di in gr "\end{tabular}" } di in gr "\end{table}" local iblock = `iblock' + 1 if `iblock' <= `nvblock' { display } } /* iblock */ } * save results (mainly for certification) * --------------------------------------- if "`save'" != "" { if "`total'" == "" { local iby = `nby'+1 return matrix StatTot `Stat`iby'' } if "`by'" == "" { exit } local iby 1 while `iby' <= `nby' { return matrix Stat`iby' `Stat`iby'' return local name`iby' `"`lab`iby''"' local iby = `iby' + 1 } } * send to file if requested * -------------------------- if "`tf'" ~="" { if "`replace'" == "replace" {local opt "replace"} if "`append'" == "append" {local opt "append"} file open `hh' using"`tf'.csv", write `opt' * send to file the results * ------------------------ if "`tx'"~=""{ file write `hh' "\newcolumntype{Y}{>{\raggedleft\arraybackslash}X}" _n file write `hh' "\parbox{`wide'} {" _n } * constants for displaying results local labw = min(max(`labelwidth',8),60) * note changing 32 to 60 determines greatest width for row labels if "`by'" != "" { if substr("`bytype'",1,3) != "str" { local lv : value label `by' if "`lv'" != "" { local lg : label (`by') maxlength local wby = min(`labw',`lg') } else local wby 8 } else { local wby = min(real(substr("`bytype'",4,.)),`labw') local bytype str } local wby = max(length("`by'"), `wby') } else local wby 8 local lleft = (1 + `wby')*("`by'"!="") + 9*("`descr'"!="") local cbar = `lleft' + 1 local lsize : set display linesize * number of non-label elements in the row of a block local neblock = int((`lsize' - `cbar')/10) * number of blocks if stats horizontal local nsblock = 1 + int((`nstats'-1)/`neblock') * number of blocks if variables horizontal local nvblock = 1 + int((`nvars'-1)/`neblock') * left align by-label if also descr if "`descr'" != "" & "`by'" != "" { local aby "-" } if "`incol'" == "statistics" { * send to file the results: horizontal = statistics (block wise) * -------------------------------------------------------------- * header * loop over all nsblock blocks of statistics local isblock 1 local is2 0 while `isblock' <= `nsblock' { * is1..is2 are indices of statistics in a block local is1 = `is2' + 1 local is2 = min(`nstats', `is1'+`neblock'-1) if "`tx'"~="" { file write `hh' "}" _n file write `hh' "\begin{tabularx} {`wide'} {@{} l" } local p=1 while `p'<= `nstats' { if "`tx'"~="" { file write `hh' " Y" } local p=`p'+1 } * end while loop * display header if "`by'" != "" { file write `hh' %`aby'`wby's "`by'" " " } if "`descr'" != "" { file write `hh' "variable" } file write `hh' _tab local is `is1' while `is' <= `is2' { file write `hh' %10s "`name`is''" if `is' < `is2'{ * < ensures last column does not end with column separator file write `hh' _tab } local is = `is' + 1 } file write `hh' _n * loop over the categories of -by- (1..nby) and -total- (nby+1) local nbyt = `nby' + ("`total'"=="") local iby 1 while `iby' <= `nbyt'{ local i 1 while `i' <= `nvars' { if "`by'" != "" { if `i' == 1 { local lab = substr(`"`lab`iby''"'0, 1, `wby') file write `hh' % `aby'`wby's `"`lab'"' " " } else file write `hh' _skip(`wby') " " } if "`descr'" != "" { file write `hh' (abbrev("`var`i''",`hwide')) " " } local is `is1' while `is' <= `is2' { GetMat s : `fmt`i'' `Stat`iby''[`is',`i'] file write `hh' _tab file write `hh' %10s "`s'" local is = `is' + 1 } file write `hh' _n local i = `i' + 1 } local iby = `iby' + 1 if ("`sepline'"!="") | (`iby'>`nbyt') | /* */ ((`iby'==`nbyt') & ("`total'"=="")) { } } file write `hh' _n if "`tx'"~=""{ file write `hh' "\end{tabularx}" _n } di di in white "The table has been written to the file:`tf'.csv" file close `hh' local isblock = `isblock' + 1 if `isblock' <= `nsblock' { file write `hh' _n } } /* isblock */ } else { * send to file the results: horizontal = variables (block wise) * ------------------------------------------------------------- * header if "`tx'"~="" { file write `hh' "}" _n file write `hh' "\begin{tabularx} {`wide'} {@{} l" } local p=1 while `p'<= `nvars' { if "`tx'"~="" { file write `hh' " Y" } local p=`p'+1 } * end while loop di * loop over all nvblock blocks of variables local iblock 1 local i2 0 while `iblock' <= `nvblock' { * i1..i2 are indices of variables in a block local i1 = `i2' + 1 local i2 = min(`nvars', `i1'+`neblock'-1) * display header if "`by'" != "" { file write `hh' %`aby'`wby's "`by'" " " } if "`descr'" != "" { file write `hh' "stats" } file write `hh' _tab local i `i1' while `i' <= `i2' { file write `hh' %`fhwide's (abbrev("`var`i''",`hwide')) if `i' < `i2'{ file write `hh' _tab } local i = `i' + 1 } file write `hh' _n * loop over the categories of -by- (1..nby) and -total- (nby+1) local nbyt = `nby' + ("`total'"=="") local iby 1 while `iby' <= `nbyt'{ local is 1 while `is' <= `nstats' { if "`by'" != "" { if `is' == 1 { local lab = substr(`"`lab`iby''"'0, 1, `wby') file write `hh' %`aby'`wby's `"`lab'"' " " } else file write `hh' _skip(`wby') " " } if "`descr'" != "" { file write `hh' %8s "`name`is''" " " } local i `i1' while `i' <= `i2' { GetMat s : `fmt`i'' `Stat`iby''[`is',`i'] file write `hh' _tab file write `hh' %10s "`s'" local i = `i' + 1 } file write `hh' _n local is = `is' + 1 } local iby = `iby' + 1 if ("`sepline'"!="") | (`iby'>`nbyt') | /* */ ((`iby'==`nbyt') & ("`total'"=="")) { } } file write `hh' _n if "`tx'"~=""{ file write `hh' "\end{tabularx}" _n } file write `hh' _n di di in white "The table has been written to the file:`tf'.csv" file close `hh' local iblock = `iblock' + 1 if `iblock' <= `nvblock' { display } } /* iblock */ } } * end send to file end * As a work around that matrices can't have missing values, * mv's are coded as the magic number 1e+300 program define SetMat matrix `1' = cond(`2' != ., `2', 1e+300) end program define GetMat args rslt colon fmt exp local s : display `fmt' =cond(`exp' != 1e+300, `exp', .) c_local `rslt' `s' end /* Stats str processes the contents() option. It returns in r(names) -- names of statistics, separated by blanks r(expr) -- r() expressions for statistics, separated by blanks r(summopt) -- option for summarize command (meanonly, detail) */ program define Stats, rclass if `"`0'"' == "" { local 0 "mean" } * ensure that order of requested statistics is preserved * invoke syntax for each word in input local class 0 tokenize `0' while "`1'" != "" { local 0 = lower(`", `1'"') syntax [, n MEan sd SUm COunt MIn MAx Range SKewness Kurtosis /* */ SDMean p1 p5 p10 p25 p50 p75 p90 p95 p99 iqr q MEDian ] if "`median'" != "" { local p50 p50 } if "`count'" != "" { local n n } * class 1 : available via -summarize, meanonly- * summarize.r(N) returns #obs (note capitalization) if "`n'" != "" { local n N } local s "`n'`min'`mean'`max'`sum'" if "`s'" != "" { local names "`names' `s'" local expr "`expr' r(`s')" local class = max(`class',1) } if "`range'" != "" { local names "`names' range" local expr "`expr' r(max)-r(min)" local class = max(`class',1) } * class 2 : available via -summarize- if "`sd'" != "" { local names "`names' sd" local expr "`expr' r(sd)" local class = max(`class',2) } if "`sdmean'" != "" { local names "`names' sd(mean)" local expr "`expr' r(sd)/sqrt(r(N))" local class = max(`class',2) } * class 3 : available via -detail- local s "`skewness'`kurtosis'`p1'`p5'`p10'`p25'`p50'`p75'`p90'`p95'`p99'" if "`s'" != "" { local names "`names' `s'" local expr "`expr' r(`s')" local class = max(`class',3) } if "`iqr'" != "" { local names "`names' iqr" local expr "`expr' r(p75)-r(p25)" local class = max(`class',3) } if "`q'" != "" { local names "`names' p25 p50 p75" local expr "`expr' r(p25) r(p50) r(p75)" local class = max(`class',3) } mac shift } return local names `names' return local expr `expr' if `class' == 1 { return local summopt "meanonly" } else if `class' == 3 { return local summopt "detail" } end