DIALOG tb_options, tabtitle("Table Options") BEGIN CHECKBOX ck_tables 10 20 560 95, /// groupbox label("Tables: Select the tables to be produced") /// onclickon(program ptb_options_tables) /// onclickoff(script tb_options_tables) TEXT tx_tab 20 _ss 400 ., /// label("Specify the codes of tables (type off to do not produce any table):") EDIT ed_tab @ _ss 500 ., /// option(tjobs) BUTTON bu_tab 530 @ 15 ., /// label("?") onpush(view help jtables) /// tooltip("Help - List of tables and their codes") CHECKBOX chk_sum 20 +25 200 ., /// label("Produce the summary table") default(1) option(summary) CHECKBOX ck_order 10 +40 560 75, /// groupbox label("Override the default list of items") /// onclickon(program ptb_options_order) /// onclickoff(script tb_options_order) TEXT tx_aggr 20 _ss 100 ., /// label("Specify the items aggregation of results and their labels:") EDIT ed_aggr @ _ss 500 ., /// option(aggr) /// label("Specify the items aggregation of results and their labels") BUTTON bu_aggr 530 @ 15 ., /// label("?") onpush(view help aggr) /// tooltip("Help - Aggregation order specification") CHECKBOX ck_excel 10 +40 560 75, /// groupbox label("Excel file: Produce an Excel file of results") /// onclickon(program ptb_options_excel) /// onclickoff(script tb_options_excel) TEXT tx_nxfile 20 +25 40 ., /// label("File :") FILE fnamex 80 @ 300 ., /// label ("Browse...") save option("xfil") /// filter("MetaFile (*.xml)*.xml*.* (*.*)*.*") TEXT tx_lan 400 @ 60 ., /// label("Language:") COMBOBOX cb_lan 460 @ 80 ., /// dropdownlist contents(cb_lan) values(cb_lan_val) /// default(en) option(lan) onselchangelist(cond_change) END LIST cb_lan BEGIN English Français END LIST cb_lan_val BEGIN en fr END PROGRAM ptb_options_order BEGIN if tb_options.ck_order { call tb_options.tx_aggr.enable call tb_options.ed_aggr.enable call tb_options.bu_aggr.enable } if !tb_options.ck_order { call tb_options.tx_aggr.disable call tb_options.ed_aggr.disable call tb_options.bu_aggr.disable } END SCRIPT tb_options_order BEGIN tb_options.tx_aggr.disable tb_options.ed_aggr.disable tb_options.bu_aggr.disable END PROGRAM ptb_options_tables BEGIN if tb_options.ck_tables { call tb_options.tx_tab.enable call tb_options.ed_tab.enable call tb_options.bu_tab.enable } if !tb_options.ck_tables { call tb_options.tx_tab.disable call tb_options.ed_tab.disable call tb_options.bu_tab.disable } END SCRIPT tb_options_tables BEGIN tb_options.tx_tab.disable tb_options.ed_tab.disable tb_options.bu_tab.disable END PROGRAM ptb_options_excel BEGIN if tb_options.ck_excel { call tb_options.tx_nxfile.enable call tb_options.fnamex.enable call tb_options.tx_lan.enable call tb_options.cb_lan.enable } if !tb_options.ck_excel { call tb_options.tx_nxfile.disable call tb_options.fnamex.disable call tb_options.tx_lan.disable call tb_options.cb_lan.disable } END SCRIPT tb_options_excel BEGIN tb_options.tx_nxfile.disable tb_options.fnamex.disable tb_options.tx_lan.disable tb_options.cb_lan.disable END LIST cb_tr BEGIN Constant individual transfer Constant household transfer END