/*** DO NOT EDIT THIS LINE ----------------------------------------------------- Version: Title: tbl Description: creates a dynamic table in __HTML__, __LaTeX__, or __Markdown__. It can also align each column to left, center, or right, and also create multiple-colummns for hierarchical tables. This command belongs to {bf:{help Weaver}} package, but it also supports the {bf:{help MarkDoc}} package. For using the command in {help MarkDoc} package [see the MarkDoc documentation on GitHub wiki](https://github.com/haghish/MarkDoc/wiki/tbl) ----------------------------------------------------- DO NOT EDIT THIS LINE ***/ /*** Syntax ====== Creates dynamic table in HTML/Markdown {cmdab:tbl} {it:(*[,*...] [\ *[,*...] [\ [...]]])} [{cmd:,} {opt tit:le(str)} {opt w:idth(int)} {opt h:eight(int)} {opt left} {opt center} ] {pstd}where the {bf:*} represents a {it:display directive} which is {cmd:"}{it:double-quoted string}{cmd:"} {p 8 16 2}{cmd:`"}{it:compound double-quoted string}{cmd:"'}{p_end} [{help format:{bf:%}{it:fmt}}] [{cmd:=}]{it:{help exp}} {cmd:,} {l} {c} {r} {col #} Display directives =========== The supported {it:display directive}s are: {synoptset 32} {synopt:{cmd:"}{it:double-quoted string}{cmd:"}}displays the string without the quotes{p_end} {synopt:{cmd:`"}{it:compound double-quoted string}{cmd:"'}}display the string without the outer quotes; allows embedded quotes{p_end} {synopt:[{cmd:%}{it:fmt}] [{cmd:=}] {cmd:exp}}allows results to be formatted; see {bf:{mansection U 12.5FormatsControllinghowdataaredisplayed:[U] 12.5 Formats: Controlling how data are displayed}}{p_end} {synopt:{cmd:,}}separates the directives of each column of the table{p_end} {synopt:{l}}if placed before any of the directives mentioned above, this directive create a left-aligned column. {p_end} {synopt:{c}}creates a center-aligned column. {p_end} {synopt:{r}}creates a right-aligned column. {p_end} {synopt:{col #}}if placed before any of the directives mentioned above, this directive will create a multi-column by merging # number of columns. {p_end} {p2colreset}{...} Description ============== __tbl__ is a command in {help Weaver} package that creates a dynamic table in HTML or LaTeX, depending on the markup language used in Weaver log. If Weaver HTML is in use, __tbl__ will be able to interpret the {help Weaver Markup} codes as well as {help Weaver_mathematical_notation:Weaver mathematical notations}. In other words, Weaver Markups and Weaver mathematical notations can be used as a display directives within the __tbl__ command to alter other directives or display mathematical signs and formulas. Advanced users can also use HTML code to alter the table. If LaTeX markup is used for creating the Weaver log, then {cmd:tbl} command creates a LaTeX table. However, neither {help Weaver_Markup:Weaver Markup} nor {help Weaver_mathematical_notation:Weaver mathematical notations} are not supporting LaTeX. Instead, LaTeX mathematical notations can be used for writing mathematical notations or altering the table. Remarks ======= Note that the tbl command parses the rows using the backslash symbol. Therefore, to include LATEX notations in a dynamic table that begin with a backslash such as __\beta__ or __95\%__, double backslash should be used to avoid conflict with the parsing syntax (e.g. __\\beta__ and __95\\%__ ) Examples ================= creating a simple 2x3 table with string and numbers . tbl ("Column 1", "Column 2", "Column 3" {bf:\} 10, 100, 1000 ) creating a table that includes scalars and aligns the columns to left, center, and right respectively . tbl ({l}"Left", {c}"Centered", {r}"Right" {bf:\} c(os), c(machine_type), c(username)) write mathematical notations . tbl ("\( \\beta \)", "\( \\epsilon \)" \ "\( \\sum \)", "\( \\prod \)") Author ====== __E. F. Haghish__ Center for Medical Biometry and Medical Informatics University of Freiburg, Germany _and_ Department of Mathematics and Computer Science University of Southern Denmark haghish@imbi.uni-freiburg.de [Weaver Homepage](www.haghish.com/weaver) Package Updates on [Twitter](http://www.twitter.com/Haghish) - - - _This help file was dynamically produced by[MarkDoc Literate Programming package](http://www.haghish.com/markdoc/)_ ***/ *capture prog drop tbl program define tbl version 11 syntax anything(name=0) [, Width(numlist max=1 >0 <=14000)] /// [Height(numlist max=1 >0 <=14000)] [left|center] [TITle(str)] /// [Markup(str)] local 0 : subinstr local 0 "\(" "//(", all local 0 : subinstr local 0 "\)" "//)", all **************************************************************************** * GENERAL SYNTAX PROCESSING * * - check that only one of the align options is selected * - make sure the entery begins and ends with parenthesis **************************************************************************** capture weaversetup if "`left'" == "left" & "`center'" == "center" { di as err `"{p}The {bf:left} and "' /// `"{bf:center} options cannot be used together"' exit 198 } if "`markup'" != "markdown" & "`markup'" != "html" & /// "`markup'" != "latex" & !missing("`markup'") { di as err `"{p}markup(`markup') not recognized"' exit 198 } local a : di substr(`"`0'"',1,1) local b : di substr(`"`0'"',-1,1) if "`a'" ~= "(" | "`b'" ~= ")" { di as err "{p}The table entery should be placed in parenthesis" err 198 } if missing("`center'") & missing("`left'") local center center **************************************************************************** * ENGINE * ====== * * Remove the Paranthesis * Remove Quotations * Parse the `0' based on "\" * * - the i presents number of rows * - the content of each row is saved in a local macro "m`i'" to obtain * each directives of the row * * Parse each row based on Comma "," to obtain each directive **************************************************************************** local len = strlen(`"`macval(0)'"') local 0 : di substr(`"`0'"',2,`len'-2) local 0 : subinstr local 0 "###" " $$ ", all local 0 : subinstr local 0 "##" " $ ", all local 0 : subinstr local 0 `"$""' "$ {c 34}", all local 0 : subinstr local 0 `"""' "{c 34}", all //For interpreting LaTeX Mathematics: behave differently for Weaver and MarkDoc if "$weaver" ~= "" { local 0 : subinstr local 0 "$\" "$ \", all } else { local 0 : subinstr local 0 "$\" "{c 36}\", all } local 0 : subinstr local 0 "\\" "{c 92}", all //Problematic LaTeX * local 0 : subinstr local 0 "$ \" "$ {c 92}", all * local 0 : subinstr local 0 "#\" "{c 92}", all //Problematic LaTeX * local 0 : subinstr local 0 `"$$""' `"$$ ""', all * local 0 : subinstr local 0 `"$""' `"{c 36}""', all * local 0 : subinstr local 0 "$" "{c 36}", all local i = 0 *tokenize `"`0'"' , parse("\") tokenize `"`macval(0)'"' , parse("\") while `"`1'"' ~= "" { if `"`1'"' ~= "\" { loc i `++i' local 1 : subinstr local 1 "//(" "\(", all local 1 : subinstr local 1 "//)" "\)", all local m`i' = `"`1'"' } macro shift } **************************************************************************** * FOR WEAVER PACKAGES * ------------------- * * - print the table's title * - interpret scalars **************************************************************************** if "$weaver" ~= "" { html html if "$weaverMarkup" == "html" { if "`title'" ~= "" html `title' html } if "$weaverMarkup" == "latex" { html \begin{table}[h] if !missing("`center'") | missing("`left'") html \centering if !missing("`left'") html \captionsetup{justification=raggedright,singlelinecheck=false} if !missing("`title'") html \caption{`title'} } forval j = 1/`i' { local m : display "`m`j''" if _rc == 0 { local this 1 } *tokenize "`m`j''" , parse(",") if !missing(`this') { tokenize `"`macval(m)'"' , parse(",") } else { tokenize `"`macval(m`j')'"', parse(",") } local col 0 local next 0 local mergedCol 0 // Print the First row // =================== if "`j'" == "1" { if "$weaverMarkup" == "html" html if "$weaverMarkup" == "html" html while `"`1'"' ~= "" { if `col' == 0 & "`1'" == "," { local align // reset the align macro if "$weaverMarkup" == "html" html if "$weaverMarkup" == "latex" local tex`col' " " local align l local html`col' left *loc col `++col' } if `"`1'"' ~= "," { local test local test1 local test2 local test3 local align // reset the align macro // MERGING CELLS IN THE FIRST ROW // ============================== // Check if there is any cell merge // remember the sign can be placed at the beginning // or the end of the text. if substr("`1'",1,3) == "{c}" { local 1 : subinstr local 1 "{c}" "" local align center } if substr("`1'",1,3) == "{l}" { local 1 : subinstr local 1 "{l}" "" local align left } if substr("`1'",1,3) == "{r}" { local 1 : subinstr local 1 "{r}" "" local align right } if substr("`1'",1,5) == "{col " { local 1 : subinstr local 1 "{col " "" //Check if it has 1 or 2 digits if substr("`1'",2,1) == "}" { local number : di substr("`1'",1,1) local 1 : subinstr local 1 "`number'}" "" } if substr("`1'",3,1) == "}" { local number : di substr("`1'",1,2) local 1 : subinstr local 1 "`number'}" "" } if "`number'" == "1" local number local nomarkdoc 1 } if substr("`1'",1,3) == "{c}" { local 1 : subinstr local 1 "{c}" "" local align center } if substr("`1'",1,3) == "{l}" { local 1 : subinstr local 1 "{l}" "" local align left } if substr("`1'",1,3) == "{r}" { local 1 : subinstr local 1 "{r}" "" local align right } // The first column by default always left // --------------------------------------- if `col' == 0 { *local 1 : subinstr local 1 "{c 34}" "", all local test : display real("`1'") // exclude real numbers if "`test'" == "." { capture local test2 : display `1' //search scalars capture local test3 : display int(`test2') // Integers if "`test3'" == "`test2'" { //is an integer capture local m : display `1' if _rc == 0 { local 1 `m' } } // Real else if !missing("`test3'") & "`test3'" != "`test2'" { capture local m : display %10.2f `1' if _rc == 0 { local 1 `m' } } // String Scalar else if !missing("`test2'") & "`test3'" != "`test2'" { local 1 `test2' } //Strings if missing("`test2'") { local 1 : subinstr local 1 "{c 92}" "\", all local 1 : subinstr local 1 "{c 34}" "", all } } if missing("`number'") { if "$weaverMarkup" == "html" { if missing("`align'") local align left html local html`col' `align' } if "$weaverMarkup" == "latex" { if missing("`align'") local align l if "`align'" == "left" local align l if "`align'" == "center" local align c if "`align'" == "right" local align r * local 1 : subinstr local 1 "$$ " " $", all local 1 : subinstr local 1 "{c 92}" "\", all local texalign `texalign'`align' local tex`col' `1' } } if !missing("`number'") { if "$weaverMarkup" == "html" { if missing("`align'") local align center html forvalues num = 1/`number' { local temp = `col'+`num' local html`temp' `align' } } if "$weaverMarkup" == "latex" { if missing("`align'") local align c if "`align'" == "left" local align l if "`align'" == "center" local align c if "`align'" == "right" local align r local 1 : subinstr local 1 "{c 92}" "\", all local tex`col' \multicolumn{`number'}{c}{`1'} local align : di _dup(`number') "`align'" local texalign `texalign'`align' } // Creating the merged column if there was a number local mergedCol = `mergedCol' + `number' } } //The other columns are centered if `col' > 0 { /* local 1 : subinstr local 1 "{c 34}" "", all local test : display real("`1'") if "`test'" == "." { capture local test2 : display `1' capture local test3 : display int(`test2') if !missing("`test2'") & "`test3'" == "`test2'" { //is an integer capture local m : display `1' if _rc == 0 { local 1 `m' } } else { capture local m : display %10.2f `1' if _rc == 0 { local 1 `m' } } } */ *local 1 : subinstr local 1 "{c 34}" "", all local test : display real("`1'") // exclude real numbers if "`test'" == "." { capture local test2 : display `1' //search scalars capture local test3 : display int(`test2') // Integers if "`test3'" == "`test2'" { //is an integer capture local m : display `1' if _rc == 0 { local 1 `m' } } // Real else if !missing("`test3'") & "`test3'" != "`test2'" { capture local m : display %10.2f `1' if _rc == 0 { local 1 `m' } } // String Scalar else if !missing("`test2'") & "`test3'" != "`test2'" { local 1 `test2' } //Strings if missing("`test2'") { local 1 : subinstr local 1 "{c 92}" "\", all local 1 : subinstr local 1 "{c 34}" "", all } } /* capture local m : display `1' // for interpreting scalars if _rc == 0 { local 1 `m' } */ if missing("`number'") { if "$weaverMarkup" == "html" { if missing("`align'") local align center html if "`mergedCol'" != "0" { local temp = `col'+`mergedCol'-1 local html`temp' `align' } else { local html`col' `align' } } if "$weaverMarkup" == "latex" { local tex`col' `1' if missing("`align'") local align c if "`align'" == "left" local align l if "`align'" == "center" local align c if "`align'" == "right" local align r local 1 : subinstr local 1 "{c 92}" "\", all local texalign `texalign'`align' } } if !missing("`number'") { if "$weaverMarkup" == "html" { if missing("`align'") local align center html forvalues num = 1/`number' { local temp = `col'+`mergedCol'+`num'-1 local html`temp' `align' } } if "$weaverMarkup" == "latex" { if missing("`align'") local align c if "`align'" == "left" local align l if "`align'" == "center" local align c if "`align'" == "right" local align r local 1 : subinstr local 1 "{c 92}" "\", all local align : di _dup(`number') "`align'" local texalign `texalign'`align' local tex`col' \multicolumn{`number'}{c}{`1'} } local mergedCol = `mergedCol' + `number' } } local number //reset the value to nothing loc col `++col' } macro shift } if "$weaverMarkup" == "html" { html local htmlColumns `temp' //save the number of columns } // PRINT THE FIRST ROW OF THE LATEX TABLE if "$weaverMarkup" == "latex" { *local write l //the first column is left-aligned if !missing(`mergedCol') local mergedCol = `mergedCol' - 1 + `col' *forval num = 2/`mergedCol' { * local write `write'c //the other columns centered *} html \begin{tabular}{@{}`texalign'@{}} html \toprule forval num = 0/`col' { if `num' < `col'-1 local firstrow `firstrow' `tex`num'' & if `num' == `col'-1 local firstrow `firstrow' `tex`num'' \\ \midrule } html `firstrow' } } // Print the other rows // ==================== if "$weaverMarkup" == "html" { if `j' == 2 html } if `j' > 1 { // Specify if J is Odd or Even //---------------------------- if "$weaverMarkup" == "html" { //if J is Odd if mod(`j',2) html //if J is even if !mod(`j',2) html } while `"`1'"' ~= "" { if `col' == 0 & "`1'" == "," { if "$weaverMarkup" == "html" html if "$weaverMarkup" == "latex" local tex`col' " " } //Handle consequent commas //------------------------ if `col' > 0 & "`1'" == "," { //If it's the second column or more and the entery // is ",", then check the next entery. As long as // the next entery is comma, replace it with // empty column while "`1'" == "," { macro shift if "`1'" == "," { if "$weaverMarkup" == "html" html /// if "$weaverMarkup" == "latex" local tex`col' " " } } } if `"`1'"' ~= "," { local test local test1 local test2 local test3 // MERGING CELLS IN THE OTHER ROW // ============================== if substr("`1'",1,5) == "{col " { local 1 : subinstr local 1 "{col " "" //Check if it has 1 or 2 digits if substr("`1'",2,1) == "}" { local number : di substr("`1'",1,1) local 1 : subinstr local 1 "`number'}" "" } if substr("`1'",3,1) == "}" { local number : di substr("`1'",1,2) local 1 : subinstr local 1 "`number'}" "" } if "`number'" == "1" local number local nomarkdoc 1 } if missing("`number'") { *local 1 : subinstr local 1 "{c 34}" "", all local test : display real("`1'") // exclude real numbers if "`test'" == "." { capture local test2 : display `1' //search scalars capture local test3 : display int(`test2') // Integers if "`test3'" == "`test2'" { //is an integer capture local m : display `1' if _rc == 0 { local 1 `m' } } // Real else if !missing("`test3'") & "`test3'" != "`test2'" { capture local m : display %10.2f `1' if _rc == 0 { local 1 `m' } } // String Scalar else if !missing("`test2'") & "`test3'" != "`test2'" { local 1 `test2' } //Strings if missing("`test2'") { local 1 : subinstr local 1 "{c 92}" "\", all local 1 : subinstr local 1 "{c 34}" "", all } } if "$weaverMarkup" == "html" { if `col' == 0 html if `col' > 0 html } if "$weaverMarkup" == "latex" { if `col' == 0 local nextrow `1' if `col' > 0 local nextrow `nextrow' & `1' } } if !missing("`number'") { *local 1 : subinstr local 1 "{c 34}" "", all local test : display real("`1'") // exclude real numbers if "`test'" == "." { capture local test2 : display `1' //search scalars capture local test3 : display int(`test2') // Integers if "`test3'" == "`test2'" { //is an integer capture local m : display `1' if _rc == 0 { local 1 `m' } } // Real else if !missing("`test3'") & "`test3'" != "`test2'" { capture local m : display %10.2f `1' if _rc == 0 { local 1 `m' } } // String Scalar else if !missing("`test2'") & "`test3'" != "`test2'" { local 1 `test2' } //Strings if missing("`test2'") { local 1 : subinstr local 1 "{c 92}" "\", all local 1 : subinstr local 1 "{c 34}" "", all } } //Always align the merged cells to the center if "$weaverMarkup" == "html" { if `col' == 0 html if `col' > 0 html local next = `next' + `number' - 1 } if "$weaverMarkup" == "latex" { if `col' == 0 local nextrow \multicolumn{`number'}{c}{`1'} if `col' > 0 local nextrow `nextrow' & \multicolumn{`number'}{c}{`1'} local tmp1 = `col'+1 local tmp2 = `col'+`number' local cmidrule \cmidrule(l){`tmp1'-`tmp2'} } } local number //reset the value to nothing local col `++col' local next `++next' } macro shift } if "$weaverMarkup" == "html" html if "$weaverMarkup" == "latex" html `nextrow' \\ `cmidrule' local cmidrule } } if "$weaverMarkup" == "html" { html html
`1' `1' `1' `1'
`1' `1' `1' `1'
} if "$weaverMarkup" == "latex" { html \bottomrule html \end{tabular} html \end{table} html } // FOOT Note // ========= //if "`foot'" ~= "" { // html


// html
//} } **************************************************************************** * MarkDoc PACKAGES * ---------------- * * - Make sure the smcl log file is on * - Parse each row "`i'" based on Comma * - Local `col' saves the number of columns in the table * - Loop over the content of the "`1'" variable, obtained from tokenize * 1. If the first entery of the row is missing, leave it empty * 2. Interpret the scalars * 3. Obtain the column alignment * - if log file is off, give a warning instead **************************************************************************** //if "$weaver" == "" & !missing("`nomarkdoc'") { // di as txt "{p}(ttable includes {bf:{col #}} and cannot be used in " /// // "MarkDoc)" _n //} if "$weaver" == "" | "$noisyWeaver" == "yes" { // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Define the Markup language and print the output // ================================================================= if missing("`markup'") & !missing("$markdocDefault") { local markup "$markdocDefault" } if missing("`markup'") & missing("$markdocDefault") { local markup "markdown" } // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Print the title // ----------------------------------------------------------------- if "`markup'" == "markdown" & !missing("`title'") { display as txt _n `"> `title'"' } if "`markup'" == "html" { display as txt _n "> " if !missing("`title'") & !missing("`left'") { display as txt _n `">

"' /// "`title'

" } } if "`markup'" == "latex" & !missing("`title'") { display as txt `"> \begin{table}[h] "' if !missing("`center'") | missing("`left'") di as txt `"> \centering"' if !missing("`left'") di as txt `"> \captionsetup{justification=raggedright,singlelinecheck=false}"' if !missing("`title'") di as txt `"> \caption{`title'} "' } forval j = 1/`i' { local m : display "`m`j''" if _rc == 0 { local this 1 } if !missing(`this') { tokenize `"`macval(m)'"' , parse(",") } else { tokenize `"`macval(`m`j'')'"', parse(",") } local col 0 local next 0 local mergedCol 0 // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // Print the First row // ----------------------------------------------------------------- if "`j'" == "1" { display as txt _n "> " if "`markup'" == "html" { display as txt `"> "' if missing("`left'") & !missing("`title'") { di as txt "> " } di as txt `"> "' di as txt `"> "' } while `"`1'"' ~= "" { if `col' == 0 & "`1'" == "," { local align // reset the align macro if "`markup'" == "html" di as txt `"> "' if "`markup'" == "latex" local tex`col' " " if "`markup'" == "markdown" { di "> " _c di "|" _c *loc col `++col' } local align l local html`col' left } if `"`1'"' == "," & "`markup'" == "markdown" di "|" _c if `"`1'"' ~= "," { local test local test1 local test2 local test3 local align // reset the align macro // MERGING CELLS IN THE FIRST ROW // ============================== // Check if there is any cell merge // remember the sign can be placed at the beginning // or the end of the text. if substr("`1'",1,3) == "{c}" { local 1 : subinstr local 1 "{c}" "" local align center local align`col' center } if substr("`1'",1,3) == "{l}" { local 1 : subinstr local 1 "{l}" "" local align left local align`col' left } if substr("`1'",1,3) == "{r}" { local 1 : subinstr local 1 "{r}" "" local align right local align`col' right } if substr("`1'",1,5) == "{col " { local 1 : subinstr local 1 "{col " "" if "`markup'" == "markdown" { local error 1 //exit 198 } //Check if it has 1 or 2 digits if substr("`1'",2,1) == "}" { local number : di substr("`1'",1,1) local 1 : subinstr local 1 "`number'}" "" } if substr("`1'",3,1) == "}" { local number : di substr("`1'",1,2) local 1 : subinstr local 1 "`number'}" "" } if "`number'" == "1" local number local nomarkdoc 1 } if substr("`1'",1,3) == "{c}" { local 1 : subinstr local 1 "{c}" "" local align center } if substr("`1'",1,3) == "{l}" { local 1 : subinstr local 1 "{l}" "" local align left } if substr("`1'",1,3) == "{r}" { local 1 : subinstr local 1 "{r}" "" local align right } // The first column by default left // --------------------------------------- if `col' == 0 { *local 1 : subinstr local 1 "{c 34}" "", all local test : display real("`1'") // exclude real numbers if "`test'" == "." { capture local test2 : display `1' //search scalars capture local test3 : display int(`test2') // Integers if "`test3'" == "`test2'" { //is an integer capture local m : display `1' if _rc == 0 { local 1 `m' } } // Real else if !missing("`test3'") & "`test3'" != "`test2'" { capture local m : display %10.2f `1' if _rc == 0 { local 1 `m' } } // String Scalar else if !missing("`test2'") & "`test3'" != "`test2'" { local 1 `test2' } //Strings if missing("`test2'") { local 1 : subinstr local 1 "{c 34}" "", all } } if "`markup'" == "markdown" { //Make sure the first character is not "|" e.g. "|e|" local char : di substr(`"`1'"',1,1) if "`char'" == "|" di `"> __`1'__"' _c if "`char'" ~= "|" di `"> `1'"' _c } if missing("`number'") { if "`markup'" == "html" { if missing("`align'") local align left di as txt "> "' local html`col' `align' } if "`markup'" == "latex" { if missing("`align'") local align l if "`align'" == "left" local align l if "`align'" == "center" local align c if "`align'" == "right" local align r * local 1 : subinstr local 1 "$$ " " $", all local 1 : subinstr local 1 "{c 92}" "\", all local texalign `texalign'`align' local tex`col' `1' } } if !missing("`number'") { if "`markup'" == "html" { if missing("`align'") local align center di as txt `"> "' forvalues num = 1/`number' { local temp = `col'+`num' local html`temp' `align' } } if "`markup'" == "latex" { if missing("`align'") local align c if "`align'" == "left" local align l if "`align'" == "center" local align c if "`align'" == "right" local align r local 1 : subinstr local 1 "{c 92}" "\", all local tex`col' \multicolumn{`number'}{c}{`1'} local align : di _dup(`number') "`align'" local texalign `texalign'`align' } // Creating the merged column if there was a number local mergedCol = `mergedCol' + `number' } } if `col' > 0 { local test : display real("`1'") // exclude real numbers if "`test'" == "." { capture local test2 : display `1' //search scalars capture local test3 : display int(`test2') // Integers if "`test3'" == "`test2'" { //is an integer capture local m : display `1' if _rc == 0 { local 1 `m' } } // Real else if !missing("`test3'") & "`test3'" != "`test2'" { capture local m : display %10.2f `1' if _rc == 0 { local 1 `m' } } // String Scalar else if !missing("`test2'") & "`test3'" != "`test2'" { local 1 `test2' } //Strings if missing("`test2'") { local 1 : subinstr local 1 "{c 92}" "\", all local 1 : subinstr local 1 "{c 34}" "", all } } if "`markup'" == "markdown" { //Make sure the first character is not "|" e.g. "|e|" local char : di substr(`"`1'"',1,1) if "`char'" == "|" di `"__`1'__"' _c if "`char'" ~= "|" di `"`1'"' _c } if missing("`number'") { if "`markup'" == "html" { if missing("`align'") local align center di as txt `"> "' if "`mergedCol'" != "0" { local temp = `col'+`mergedCol'-1 local html`temp' `align' } else { local html`col' `align' } } if "`markup'" == "latex" { local tex`col' `1' if missing("`align'") local align c if "`align'" == "left" local align l if "`align'" == "center" local align c if "`align'" == "right" local align r local 1 : subinstr local 1 "{c 92}" "\", all local texalign `texalign'`align' } } if !missing("`number'") { if "`markup'" == "html" { if missing("`align'") local align center di as txt `"> "' forvalues num = 1/`number' { local temp = `col'+`mergedCol'+`num'-1 local html`temp' `align' } } if "`markup'" == "latex" { if missing("`align'") local align c if "`align'" == "left" local align l if "`align'" == "center" local align c if "`align'" == "right" local align r local 1 : subinstr local 1 "{c 92}" "\", all local align : di _dup(`number') "`align'" local texalign `texalign'`align' local tex`col' \multicolumn{`number'}{c}{`1'} } local mergedCol = `mergedCol' + `number' } } local number //reset the value to nothing loc col `++col' } macro shift } if "`markup'" == "markdown" { di " " _c //close the line if "`j'" == "1" { //Printing the first column if "`align0'" == "left" | missing("`align`n''") { di _n "> :--------" _c } else if "`align0'" == "right" di _n "> --------:" _c else if "`align0'" == "center" di _n "> :--------:" _c //Printing the following columns local b = `col' - 1 forvalues n = 1/`b' { di "|" _c if "`align`n''" == "center" | missing("`align`n''") { di ":--------:" _c } else if "`align`n''" == "left" di ":--------" _c else if "`align`n''" == "right" di "--------:" _c } di " " } } if "`markup'" == "html" { di as txt `"> "' di as txt `"> "' local htmlColumns `temp' //save the number of columns } // PRINT THE FIRST ROW OF THE LATEX TABLE if "`markup'" == "latex" { *local write l //the first column is left-aligned if !missing(`mergedCol') local mergedCol = `mergedCol' - 1 + `col' *forval num = 2/`mergedCol' { * local write `write'c //the other columns centered *} di as txt `"> \begin{tabular}{@{}`texalign'@{}}"' di as txt `"> \toprule"' forval num = 0/`col' { if `num' < `col'-1 local firstrow `firstrow' `tex`num'' & if `num' == `col'-1 local firstrow `firstrow' `tex`num'' \\ \midrule } di as txt `"> `firstrow'"' } } // Print the other rows // ==================== if "`markup'" == "html" { if `j' == 2 di as txt `"> "' } if `j' > 1 { // Specify if J is Odd or Even //---------------------------- if "`markup'" == "html" { //if J is Odd if mod(`j',2) di as txt `"> "' //if J is even if !mod(`j',2) di as txt `"> "' } if "`markup'" == "markdown" { di "> " _c } while `"`1'"' ~= "" { if `col' == 0 & "`1'" == "," { if "`markup'" == "html" { di as txt `"> "' } if "`markup'" == "latex" local tex`col' " " if "`markup'" == "markdown" { *di "> " _c di "|" _c loc col `++col' } } if `"`1'"' == "," & "`markup'" == "markdown" di "|" _c //Handle consequent commas //------------------------ if `col' > 0 & "`1'" == "," { //If it's the second column or more and the entery // is ",", then check the next entery. As long as // the next entery is comma, replace it with // empty column while "`1'" == "," { macro shift if "`1'" == "," { if "`markup'" == "html" di as txt `">"' /// `""' if "`markup'" == "latex" local tex`col' " " } } } if `"`1'"' ~= "," { local test local test1 local test2 local test3 // MERGING CELLS IN THE OTHER ROW // ============================== if substr("`1'",1,5) == "{col " { local 1 : subinstr local 1 "{col " "" //Check if it has 1 or 2 digits if substr("`1'",2,1) == "}" { local number : di substr("`1'",1,1) local 1 : subinstr local 1 "`number'}" "" } if substr("`1'",3,1) == "}" { local number : di substr("`1'",1,2) local 1 : subinstr local 1 "`number'}" "" } if "`number'" == "1" local number local nomarkdoc 1 } if missing("`number'") { *local 1 : subinstr local 1 "{c 34}" "", all local test : display real("`1'") // exclude real numbers if "`test'" == "." { capture local test2 : display `1' //search scalars capture local test3 : display int(`test2') // Integers if "`test3'" == "`test2'" { //is an integer capture local m : display `1' if _rc == 0 { local 1 `m' } } // Real else if !missing("`test3'") & "`test3'" != "`test2'" { capture local m : display %10.2f `1' if _rc == 0 { local 1 `m' } } // String Scalar else if !missing("`test2'") & "`test3'" != "`test2'" { local 1 `test2' } //Strings if missing("`test2'") { local 1 : subinstr local 1 "{c 92}" "\", all local 1 : subinstr local 1 "{c 34}" "", all } } if "`markup'" == "html" { if `col' == 0 di as txt `"> "' if `col' > 0 di as txt `"> "' } if "`markup'" == "latex" { if `col' == 0 local nextrow `1' if `col' > 0 local nextrow `nextrow' & `1' } if "`markup'" == "markdown" { //Make sure the first character is not "|" e.g. "|e|" local char : di substr(`"`1'"',1,1) *if `col' == 0 di "> " _c if "`char'" == "|" di `"__`1'__"' _c if "`char'" ~= "|" di `"`1'"' _c } } if !missing("`number'") { *local 1 : subinstr local 1 "{c 34}" "", all local test : display real("`1'") // exclude real numbers if "`test'" == "." { capture local test2 : display `1' //search scalars capture local test3 : display int(`test2') // Integers if "`test3'" == "`test2'" { //is an integer capture local m : display `1' if _rc == 0 { local 1 `m' } } // Real else if !missing("`test3'") & "`test3'" != "`test2'" { capture local m : display %10.2f `1' if _rc == 0 { local 1 `m' } } // String Scalar else if !missing("`test2'") & "`test3'" != "`test2'" { local 1 `test2' } //Strings if missing("`test2'") { local 1 : subinstr local 1 "{c 92}" "\", all local 1 : subinstr local 1 "{c 34}" "", all } } //Always align the merged cells to the center if "`markup'" == "html" { if `col' == 0 di as txt `"> "' if `col' > 0 di as txt `"> "' local next = `next' + `number' - 1 } if "`markup'" == "latex" { if `col' == 0 local nextrow \multicolumn{`number'}{c}{`1'} if `col' > 0 local nextrow `nextrow' & \multicolumn{`number'}{c}{`1'} local tmp1 = `col'+1 local tmp2 = `col'+`number' local cmidrule \cmidrule(l){`tmp1'-`tmp2'} } } local number //reset the value to nothing local col `++col' local next `++next' } macro shift } if "`markup'" == "markdown" di " " if "`markup'" == "html" di as txt `"> "' if "`markup'" == "latex" di as txt `"> `nextrow' \\ `cmidrule'"' local cmidrule } } if "`markup'" == "markdown" di "> " if "`markup'" == "html" { di as txt `"> "' di as txt `">
`1' `1' "' /// `"`1' `1'
`1' "' /// `"`1' `1' `1'
"' } if "`markup'" == "latex" { di as txt `"> \bottomrule"' di as txt `"> \end{tabular}"' di as txt `"> \end{table}"' _n(2) } if "`markup'" == "markdown" & !missing("`error'") { if missing("$weaver") { di as err `"{p}The {bf:{col #}} sign is not "' /// "supported in Markdown because Markdown does " /// "not support nested tables" } if !missing("$weaver") & !missing("$noisyWeaver") { di as txt `"{p}Warning: The {bf:{col #}} sign is not "' /// "supported in Markdown. The code printed in the Results Window" /// " is not usable for {help MarkDoc} package. However, if you " /// "are using {help Weaver}, ignore this warning" } } } // Check the Status of the log files for Weaver and MarkDoc /* qui log query if "`r(status)'" ~= "on" & "$weaver" == "" { di as txt _n(2) "{hline}" di as error "{bf:Warning}" _n di as txt "{p}log file is off! " _n di as txt "{c 149} If you wish to use {help weaver} package, turn the html log on" di as txt "{c 149} If you wish to use {help markdoc} package, turn the smcl log on" di as txt "{hline}{smcl}" _n } */ end // DYNAMIC HELP FILE // =================================== *markdoc tbl.ado, export(sthlp) replace