program testjfe, rclass version 13 local version /* PROGRAM: testjfe.ado PROGRAMMER: Brigham Frandsen DATE: August 9, 2018 PURPOSE: implement semiparametric version of judge fixed effects test */ syntax varlist (min=3 numeric) [if] [in], [numknots(integer 3) COVariates(varlist numeric) CRossvalidate DISPgamma FITweight(real .5) GRaph GENerate(namelist min=3 max=3)] * varlist should be: depvar treatvar excludedinstruments tokenize `varlist' local y "`1'" macro shift local d "`1'" macro shift local w "`*'" if "`generate'"!="" | "`graph'"!="" { if "`generate'"!="" { confirm new variable `generate' tokenize `generate' local eyjvar `1' local pjvar `2' local fitvar `3' } else { tempvar eyjvar pjvar fitvar } tempvar judge egen `judge'=group(`w') } tempfile goback tempvar phat vhat constant zeros uuhat uhat phatorth tempname slopevar psi1 psi2 Sigma augknotvector survivingplus survivingminus corrmat ztrans0 ztrans pvalue2 stem dstem knotvector bhat gammahat deltahat Qx Qxinv Qw Qwinv X W Deltamat Deltadeltahat /// G G1 G2 S1 S21 S22 S2 S varhat Omegahat Gamma quadform phatfreqs Aorth numesses mylist means rmsecurr rmsemin * quadratic b-spline: "order" 3 local m = 3 local degree=`m'-1 * number of internal knots: local N = `numknots' * number of normal draws to simulate slope-based test statistic local numsims=9999 * weight for fit vs slope local weight1 =`fitweight' local weight2 = 1-`weight1' display "weight1 = `weight1', weight2 = `weight2'" marksample touse if "`covariates'"!="" markout `touse' `covariates' preserve qui keep if `touse' qui _rmcoll `covariates',forcedrop local covariates `r(varlist)' qui _rmcoll `w' `covariates',forcedrop local wcovs `r(varlist)' local wnew : list wcovs - covariates local w `wnew' local n = _N *get Lipschitz constant: qui sum `y' local lip=r(max)-r(min) * define restricted instrument set local k=0 foreach var of varlist `w' { local ++ k local w`k' `var' } * generate propensities qui reg `d' `w' `covariates' qui predict `phat' qui replace `phat'=max(0,min(1,`phat')) predict `vhat',resid * prepare judge-level propensities for graphing and saving if "`graph'"!="" | "`generate'"!="" { tempvar xbd gen `xbd'=0 foreach var of varlist `covariates' { qui replace `xbd'=`xbd'+`var'*_b[`var'] } qui sum `xbd' qui gen `pjvar'=`d'-`xbd'+r(mean) } qui save `goback',replace collapse `y',by(`phat') local numphats = _N use `goback',clear local Nmax=min(`numphats'-`m',`k'-1) if "`crossvalidate'"!="" { display "performing cross validation" * cross validate to see the number of terms that minimizes RMSE scalar `rmsemin'=. forvalues knots=1/`Nmax' { * generate splineterms * get list of quantiles local lb=100/(`knots'+1) local step = 100/(`knots'+1) local ub = 100*`knots'/(`knots'+1) qui centile `phat' if `phat'>=.01 & `phat'<=.99,centile(`lb'(`step')`ub') local newterm = r(c_1) matrix `knotvector' = `newterm' local knotlist `newterm' forvalues i = 2/`knots' { local newterm = r(c_`i') matrix `knotvector' = `knotvector',`newterm' local knotlist `knotlist' `newterm' } mybspline `phat' `degree' `knotvector' `stem' capture qui crossfold reg `y' `covariates' `stem'* if _rc==199 { display "crossfold required in order to cross-validate the spline fit; please run ssc install crossfold" error 199 } mata st_numscalar("`rmsecurr'",mean(st_matrix("r(est)"))) if `rmsecurr'<`rmsemin' { scalar `rmsemin'=`rmsecurr' local mcv = `knots' } display "number of knots = `knots', rmse = " `rmsecurr' drop `stem'* } display "cross-validated number of knots is `mcv'" local N = `mcv' } local origN=`N' forvalues currN =`origN'(-1)1 { local N = `currN' local lb=100/(`N'+1) local step = 100/(`N'+1) local ub = 100*`N'/(`N'+1) qui centile `phat' if `phat'>=.01 & `phat'<=.99,centile(`lb'(`step')`ub') local newterm = r(c_1) matrix `knotvector' = `newterm' local knotlist `newterm' forvalues i = 2/`N' { local newterm = r(c_`i') matrix `knotvector' = `knotvector',`newterm' local knotlist `knotlist' `newterm' } mybspline `phat' `degree' `knotvector' `stem' mybspline `phat' `degree' `knotvector' `dstem' deriv local splineseries local Delta local topterm = `N'+`degree' forvalues j = 0/`topterm' { local splineseries `splineseries' `stem'`j' local Delta `Delta' `dstem'`j' } * degree of "overidentification" local ktilde = `k'-`N'-`degree' * get number of covariates (if any) local numcovs=0 if "`covariates'"!= "" { foreach var of varlist `covariates' { local ++ numcovs } } *main regression: qui reg `y' `covariates' `splineseries',noconst local regvars: colnames e(b) local numvar: word count `regvars' if "`graph'"!="" | "`generate'"!="" { tempname splinecoeffs matrix `splinecoeffs'=0 foreach var of varlist `splineseries' { *matrix `splinecoeffs'= _b[`var'],`splinecoeffs' matrix `splinecoeffs'= `splinecoeffs',_b[`var'] } * now remove the zero in the first term: matrix `splinecoeffs'=`splinecoeffs'[1,2...] } * find series terms actually included local splineseries local numsplineseries=0 local collinearity=0 local start=`numcovs'+1 local end=`numcovs'+`N'+`m' forvalues ctr = `start'/`end' { local var :word `ctr' of `regvars' if substr("`var'",1,2)=="o." { local collinearity=1 continue,break } local splineterm`numsplineseries' `var' local ++ numsplineseries local splineseries `splineseries' `var' } if `collinearity'==0 continue,break else { display "collinearity with number of knots specified; reducing number of knots by one" drop `stem'* `dstem'* } } display "Number of knots = `N'" gen `constant'=1 if `numsplineseries'< `N'+`m' { display "Numerical collinearity in spline; changing number of terms to `numsplineseries'" } qui reg `y' `covariates' `splineseries',noconst predict `uhat',resid mat `deltahat' = e(b) mat `deltahat' = `deltahat'' mat `deltahat' = `deltahat'[`numcovs'+1..`numcovs'+`numsplineseries',1] qui reg `uhat' `w' `covariates' if "`graph'"!="" | "`generate'"!="" { tempvar xbu gen `xbu'=0 foreach var of varlist `covariates' { qui replace `xbu'=`xbu'+`var'*_b[`var'] } qui sum `xbu' gen `eyjvar' = `uhat'-`xbu'+r(mean) } predict `uuhat',resid mat `bhat'=e(b) mat `bhat'=`bhat'' mat `gammahat'=`bhat'[1..`k',1] if "`dispgamma'"!="" { display "judge dummy coefficients:" mat li `gammahat' } qui mat accum `Qx' = `covariates' `splineseries',noconst mat `Qxinv'=invsym(`Qx') qui mat accum `Qw' = `w' `covariates' mat `Qwinv'=invsym(`Qw') // bring in variables as vectors and matrices mata `X'=(st_data(.,"`covariates' `splineseries'")) mata `uhat'=st_data(.,"`uhat'") mata `uuhat'=`uhat' mata `W'=st_data(.,"`w' `covariates' `constant'") mata `vhat'=st_data(.,"`vhat'") mata `Deltamat'=st_data(.,"`Delta'") mata `Qwinv'=st_matrix("`Qwinv'") mata `Qxinv'=st_matrix("`Qxinv'") mata `deltahat'=st_matrix("`deltahat'") mata `Deltadeltahat'=`Deltamat'*`deltahat' mata mata drop `deltahat' mata `G1' = (`W':*`Deltadeltahat')'*`W' mata `G2' = (`X')'*`W' mata `G'=((`W':*`Deltadeltahat'),`X')'*`W' mata mata drop `Deltadeltahat' mata `S1'=`W':*`uuhat' mata mata drop `uuhat' mata `S21'=(`W':*`vhat')*`Qwinv'' mata `S22'=(`X':*`uhat')*`Qxinv'' *mata `S2' = (`S21',`S22')*`G' mata `S2' = (`S21'*`G1')+(`S22'*`G2') mata mata drop `G1' `G2' mata `S'=`S1'-`S2' mata `means'=mean(`S',1) mata `varhat'=quadcrossdev(`S',`means',`S',`means') mata `Omegahat'=`Qwinv'*`varhat'*`Qwinv'' mata _makesymmetric(`Omegahat') mata st_matrix("`Omegahat'",`Omegahat') mat `Gamma' = I(`k'),J(`k',`numcovs'+1,0) mat `quadform'=(`Gamma'*`bhat')'*invsym(`Gamma'*`Omegahat'*`Gamma'')*`Gamma'*`bhat' * calculate pvalue local teststat = abs(`quadform'[1,1]) if float(`quadform'[1,1])=`mmm') mata mata drop `ztrans' `ztrans0' `survivingplus' `survivingminus' mata st_numscalar("`pvalue2'",`pvalue2') local pslopestr="slope-based p-value: " +string(`pvalue2',"%5.3f") if "`graph'"!="" | "`generate'"!="" { collapse `pjvar' `eyjvar',by(`judge') drop `judge' mybspline `pjvar' `degree' `knotvector' `stem' local splineseries local topterm = `N'+`degree' forvalues j = 0/`topterm' { local splineseries `splineseries' `stem'`j' } gen `fitvar'=0 local ii=0 foreach var of varlist `splineseries' { local ++ ii qui replace `fitvar'=`fitvar'+`var'*`splinecoeffs'[1,`ii'] } qui replace `eyjvar' = `eyjvar'+`fitvar' sort `pjvar' if "`graph'"!="" { twoway (scatter `eyjvar' `pjvar') (line `fitvar' `pjvar'),title("Average outcome by treatment propensity") xtitle("treatment propensity") legend(order(1 "average outcomes" 2 "spline fit")) } tempfile fits qui save `fits' } restore local pvalue = min(`pvalue1'/`weight1',`pvalue2'/(1-`weight1'),1) return scalar pval = `pvalue' return scalar chi2 = `teststat' return scalar df = `ktilde' local pvalstr="combined p-value = " + string(`pvalue',"%5.3f") local tsstr="fit test statistic = " +string(`teststat',"%5.3f") local dfstr="fit degrees of freedom = " +string(`ktilde',"%5.3f") display _n display "Monotonicity and Exclusion Test Results" _n display "`pfitstr'" _n display "`pslopestr'" _n display "`pvalstr'" if "`generate'"!="" { qui merge 1:1 _n using `fits' drop _merge label variable `eyjvar' "(generated by testjfe) instrument-level residualized average outcome" label variable `pjvar' "(generated by testfje) instrument-level residualized treatment propensity" label variable `fitvar' "(generated by testjfe) spline fit of average outcomes on treatment propensity" } end /*START HELP FILE title[Test for instrument validity in the judge fixed effects design] desc[ {cmd:testjfe} jointly tests the exclusion and monotonicity assumptions invoked in instrumental variables estimation of treatment effects when treatment is a binary indicator and the instruments are a set of mutually exclusive dummy variables. Stata command crossfold must be installed. ] opt[numknots() specifies the number of knots in a the quadratic spline specification of the relationship between the outcome and the instrument propensity] opt[covariates() specifies variables to be added as linear controls to the regressions calculating instrument propensities and the reduced from regression of outcomes on the instruments] opt[crossvalidate specifies that the number of knots should be chosen by cross validation] opt[dispgamma specifies that the reduced form coefficients on the instrument dummies should be displayed] opt[fitweight() specifies the relative weight that should be placed on the fit component of the test as opposed to the slope component of the test. For designs with many judges, higher weight on fit will yield a more powerful test.] opt[generate() specifies that judge-level average outcomes, propensities, and the spline-based fit be generated, and gives the names of the variables to be generated. Three variable names are required, in the following order: average outcome, propensity, fit. These variables should not already exist in the data in memory.] opt[graph specifies that a graph be produced showing judge-level average outcomes by judge-level propensity, with the spline-based fit superimposed.] example[ testjfe outcome treatment judgeid*, covariates(x*) fitweight(1) generate(ybar pbar yfit) graph ] author[Dr. Brigham Frandsen] institute[Brigham Young University] email[] return[pval p-value] return[chi2 chi-squared test statistic from the fit component of the test] return[df degrees of freedom from the fit component of the test] seealso[ {help crossfold} (if installed) {stata ssc install crossfold} (to install this command) ] references[ Frandsen, Brigham R., Lars Lefgren, Emily Leslie (2020). Judging Judge Fixed Effects. NBER Working Paper No. 25528. ] END HELP FILE */