#delim ; prog def tfinsert; version 10.0; /* Insert an in-stream file and/or an existing text file on disk into another existing text file with a buffer open for write access, which will usually be a TeX, HTML or XML document. *!Author: Roger Newson *!Date: 28 February 2014 */ syntax name [using/], [ TErminator(string) MAXlines(numlist min=1 max=1 >=0) ]; /* terminator() specifies the terminator string, used to terminate in-stream input. maxlines() specifies the maximum number of lines that can be read from an in-stream file, in case tfinsert encounters an end of a do-file. */ * Set default maxlines() *; if "`maxlines'"=="" {; local maxlines=1024; }; * Initialize terminator and current line scalars *; tempname sterminator scurline; mata: st_strscalar("`sterminator'",strtrim(st_local("terminator"))); * Check that either using or terminator() is present. but not both. *; if `"`using'"'=="" & `sterminator'=="" {; disp as error "You must specify either using or a terminator() string "; error 498; }; * Input and insert in-stream dataset *; if `sterminator'!="" {; qui disp _request2(_curline); mata: st_strscalar("`scurline'",st_local("curline")); local nline=0; while `scurline'!=`sterminator' & `nline'<`maxlines' {; file write `namelist' (`scurline') _n; local nline=`nline'+1; qui disp _request2(_curline); mata: st_strscalar("`scurline'",st_local("curline")); }; }; * Input and insert disk dataset *; if `"`using'"'!="" {; tempname inbuff; file open `inbuff' using `"`using'"', read text; file read `inbuff' curline; while !r(eof) {; mata: st_strscalar("`scurline'",st_local("curline")); file write `namelist' (`scurline') _n; file read `inbuff' curline; }; file close `inbuff'; }; end;