help for tgmixed

Perform Theil-Goldberger mixed estimation of regression equation

tgmixed varlist [if exp] [in range], prior(string) [ cov(string) quietly]

varlist may not contain time-series operators nor factor variables; see help varlist.


tgmixed estimates a regression equation subject to stochastic linear constraints, using the Theil-Goldberger (1961) mixed estimation technique. This estimator is a generalization of cnsreg, which applies exact linear constraints to a regression equation. In the Theil-Goldberger technique, the constraints hold with some degree of subjective belief. The routine computes the Theil compatibility statistic (Theil, 1963) for the null hypothesis that the sample and non-sample information are compatible. Under the null, this statistic is distributed Chi-squared, with degrees of freedom equal to the number of stochastic constraints.


prior(string) is a required option. It must contain triples of varname prior_value prior_se where varname must be a regressor in the varlist. The stochastic constraint indicates that this regressor has a prior_value and a prior_se. If multiple regressors have priors, each should be listed within the prior() option. Note that at present tgmixed does not support stochastic constraints involving multiple variables (e.g., adding-up or equality constraints).

cov(string) may be used to specify prior covariances between pairs of coefficients included in the prior() option.

quietly may be used to suppress the listing of the unconstrained OLS regression estimates.

Saved results

tgmixed saves the following scalars:

e(rmse) : the root mean squared error of the mixed estimates

e(r2) : the R-squared of the mixed estimates

e(N): the number of observations in the estimation sample

e(df_r) : the number of degrees of freedom of the residual sum of squares

e(compat) : the Theil compatibility statistic

e(vrank) : the rank of the matrix of stochastic constraints

e(pvalue) : the p-value of the compatibility statistic

e(frac_sample) : the proportion of precision due to sample information

e(frac_prior) : the proportion of precision due to prior information

tgmixed saves the following macros:

e(cmd) : tgmixed

e(predict) : regres_p

e(depvar) : the name of the dependent variable

e(marginsok) : XB default

e(cmdline) : the command line used for estimation

e(prior) : the content of the prior() option

e(properties) : b V

tgmixed saves the following matrices:

e(b) : the vector of mixed coefficient estimates

e(V) : the VCE of mixed coefficient estimates

e(Vprior) : the VCE of stochastic prior estimates

tgmixed saves the following function:

e(sample) : indicator for inclusion in the estimation sample


Theil, H. and A.S. Goldberger, On pure and mixed statistical information in economics. International Economic Review, 2:1, 65-78, 1961.

Theil, H., On the Use of Incomplete Prior Information in Regression Analysis. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 58:302, 401-414, 1963.

For more information, see the Stata Conference 2011 presentation at http://econpapers.repec.org/paper/bocchic11/14.htm

Example: reproduce textile example in Theil, 1963

. use http://fmwww.bc.edu/ec-p/data/micro/theiltextile

. tgmixed lconsump lincome lprice, prior(lprice -0.7 0.15 lincome 1 0.15) cov(lprice lincome -0.01)


The Mata code for tgmixed includes a copy of Ben Jann's mm_posof() from his moremata package.


Christopher F Baum, Boston College, USA baum@bc.edu