*! version 1.0.0 04Jul2022 capture program drop tic program define tic version 9 ** Standardize syntax gettoken equal : 0, parse("=") if "`equal'" != "=" { local 0 `"= 0`0'"' } syntax [= exp], [Pause Resume] ** Retrieve the timer number (default = 100) local timer_no `exp' if `timer_no' <= 0 { local info "" local timer_no = 100 } else { local info " No. `timer_no'" } ** Start the time & retrieve the first timestamp (if not pausing/resuming) if "`resume'"=="" & "`pause'"=="" { timer clear `timer_no' di as text "Timer`info' is turned on!" timer on `timer_no' } else { ** Pausing if "`pause'"!="" { di as text "Timer`info' is paused!" timer off `timer_no' } ** Resuming if "`resume'"!="" { di as text "Timer`info' is resumed!" timer on `timer_no' } } end