capture program drop tiva2023_checkTivaFiles program define tiva2023_checkTivaFiles, rclass version 15.0 syntax namelist(max=1 name=type id="Type of files to check"), [path(string)] tiva2023_getPath, path(`"`path'"') local path = `"`r(path)'"' // I check the existences of the .mmat files. if (`"`type'"' == "mmatFiles") { local exist_AllmmatFiles = 1 local mmatFiles : dir `"`path'"' files "*.mmat" local required_mmatFiles = "_dimensions.mmat _descriptions.mmat _icio.mmat _transitions.mmat _ew_multiplications.mmat" foreach r_mmatF of local required_mmatFiles { local exist_mmatFile = 0 foreach mmatF of local mmatFiles { if regexm(lower(`"`mmatF'"'), lower(`"`r_mmatF'"')) { local exist_mmatFile = 1 display as text "`mmatF' found." } } if `exist_mmatFile' == 0 local exist_AllmmatFiles = 0 } return local exist_AllmmatFiles = `exist_AllmmatFiles' } // Check the existence of the zipfiles. else if (`"`type'"' == "csvFiles") { local availableYears = "" local csvFiles : dir `"`path'"' files "????.csv" display `"`csvFiles'"' foreach csvf of local csvFiles { local yyyy = substr(`"`csvf'"', 1, 4) local availableYears = `"`availableYears'"' + `"`yyyy' "' } if `"`availableYears'"' != "" { display as text "ICIO matrices were found for the following years: `availableYears'" } else { display as error "No ICIO found, make sure you did not rename them, the name should be: Also, make sure you mentioned the correct path in the option." err 601 } return local availableYears = trim(`"`availableYears'"') } end