^Format and transfer data to RUMM^ -------------------------------
syntax varlist [, FILEname(string) FACTors(string) IDvar(varname) REVerse ]
^Description^ -----------
^torumm^ prepares a Stata dataset for analysis in ^RUMM^), a Rasch analysis package. Two control files (.spc .itm) and a data file (.dat) are created using using the Stata ^outsheet^ and outfile commands. ^torumm^ is non-destructive in that does not alter the Stata data. ^varlist^ refers to the variables that will be studied in the Rasch analysis. The "factor" variables are categorical variables that subset the analyses.
^Options^ -------
^FILEname(string)^: the name of the files to be saved as -spc-, itm- and -dat- files in Rumm.
^FACTors(varlist)^: the factorial or categorical variables (subsetting). Rumm only allows 3 factors. Factor label cannot be longer than 5 characters.
^IDvar^: the name of the ID variable. This can be up to 5 charters in length or between 0 and 99,999, if numeric.
^REVerse^: varlist of variables that are reversed scored.
^Comments^ --------
The current version of ^torumm^ has a number of restrictions: (1) only numeric variables are allowed in the varlist and list of factor variables. (2) only integers between 0-9 are to be used for the varlist and factor variable values. (3) This version of ^torumm^ suuports rating scale but not multiple choice variables. By default the RUMM variable ^testType^ has been set to E for extended or polytomous (rating scale). In addition, ^respType^ has been set to the default of N (numeric). (4) Because of the 80 character string limitation on Stata,a maximum of 69 variables should be entered as the varlist in order to stay within the 80 character limitation.
^Sort order of the variables^ If you want a special order to the variables be sure to order the variables in the desired order with ^order^.
The number of responses or ^respNum^ is calculated from min and max values. If the item does not have a score at the minumum or maximum value then the ^respNum^ will be incorrect (in one sense). ^respNum^ should be checked by viewing the program output or by hand in the RUMM editor or a spread sheet to be sure the calculated values are correct.
The lowest code number for the responses or ^respSeq^ is calculated from the minimum value. If the item does not have a score at the minumum value then the ^respSeq^ will be incorrect (in one sense). ^respSeq^ should be checked in the program output or by hand in the RUMM editor or a spread sheet to be sure the calculated values are correct.
^torumm^ makes use of value labels, if present, otherwise it uses numeric codes. Similarly, variables labels are used when present; if not present, variable name is substituted for the variable label.
If Stata 6.0 is being used, ^torumm^ requires the presence of -vallist-, -tostring- and -bothlist-, programs of Nick Cox that are available on the BC Archives. ^torumm^ also works with Stata 7.0.
^Examples^ --------
. torumm mcp_eros - m_nav_n1, file(shrumm) id(newpat) rev(mcp_nar1 mcp_nar2) . torumm mcp_eros - m_nav_n1, file(shrumm) id(patkey) factors(durgroup)
^Author^ ------
Fred Wolfe National Data Bank for Rheumatic Diseases fwolfe@@arthritis-research.org