{smcl} {* 22May2006}{...} {cmd:help trellis} {hline} {title:Title} {hi: Produces a Trellis Plot} {title:Syntax} {p 8 17 2} {cmdab:trellis} [{varlist}] [{cmd:,} {it:options}] {synoptset 20 tabbed}{...} {synopthdr} {synoptline} {syntab:Main} {synopt:{opt by(varname varname)}} specifies the two variables that determine the array of graphs.{p_end} {synopt:{opt labels}} specifies that the value labels for the by-variables are used as titles.{p_end} {synopt:{opt f:unction(string)}} specifies the command to draw each graph in the trellis.{p_end} {synopt:{opt fopt(graph_options)}} specifies the options applied to each graph in the matrix.{p_end} {synopt:{opt single:opt(string)}} specifies the options applied to a single identified graph.{p_end} {synopt:{opt sr(#)}} specifies the row of the single identified graph.{p_end} {synopt:{opt sc(#)}} specifies the column of the identified single graph.{p_end} {synopt:{help graph combine} options } additional options from graph combine.{p_end} {synoptline} {p2colreset}{...} {title:Description} {pstd} This command creates a trellis plot using {hi: graph combine}. This trellis plot is an array of the same graph type by the levels of two factor variables. It is a convenient way to represent the graphic of interest and whether it changes with respect to two other variables. {pstd} The individual graph type can be any of STATA's graphic commands, even the matrix plot. Any of the options of the graph can be specified and in addition any options for the {hi:graph combine} command. {pstd} The latest version of this command can be found at the SSC website or by the following command {stata ssc install trellis, replace}. {title:Options} {dlgtab:Main} {phang} {opt by(varname varname)} specifies the two variables that determine the array of graphs. {phang} {opt labels} specifies that the value labels for the by-variables are used as titles. {phang} {opt f:unction(string)} specifies the command to draw each graph in the trellis. This can be a simple scatter graph of two variables {hi:twoway scatter x y} or much more complicated commands shown in the examples {phang} {opt fopt(graph_options)} specifies the options applied to each graph in the matrix. {phang} {opt single:opt(string)} specifies the options applied to a single identified graph. {phang} {opt sr(#)} specifies the row of the single identified graph. {phang} {opt sc(#)} specifies the column of the identified single graph. {title:Examples} {pstd} The trellis command can be as complex as the user specifies so only a few of the options can be demonstrated. NOTE you must click on the {hi: webuse} command below to load up the data for the trellis commands to work. ** {stata webuse bdendo} (MUST load data first) ** Scatter plots : {stata trellis, by(gall ob) f(twoway scatter age duration)} Line plots : {stata trellis, by(gall ob) f(twoway line age duration) fopt(sort)} Box plot : {stata trellis, by(gall ob) f(graph box duration)} Box plot (grouped) : {stata trellis, by(gall ob) f(graph box duration) fopt(over(agegrp))} HBox plot (grouped) : {stata trellis, by(gall ob) f(graph hbox duration) fopt(over(agegrp))} Scatter Matrix : {stata trellis, by(gall ob) f(graph matrix age agegrp duration)} Dot plot (grouped) : {stata trellis, by(gall ob) f(graph dot age duration) fopt(over(agegrp))} Bar chart (grouped) : {stata trellis, by(gall ob) f(graph bar age duration) fopt(over(agegrp))} Horizontal Bar chart : {stata trellis, by(gall ob) f(graph hbar age duration) fopt(over(agegrp))} Pie chart : {stata trellis, by(gall ob) f(graph pie age duration) } Histogram : {stata trellis, by(gall ob) f(histogram age)} Sunflower plot : {stata trellis, by(gall ob) f(sunflower duration age) fopt(legend(off))} QQ plot : {stata trellis, by(gall ob) f(qnorm age) } ** {stata webuse nhanes2f} MUST use this dataset for the following examples ** {pstd} Scatter plot with 2 y-variables {pstd} {stata trellis, by(health region) f(twoway scatter copper zinc iron) fopt(legend(off)) } {pstd} Same plot except each individual graph is now plotted by race. The graph needs a few more options to look perfect but it demonstrates the flexibility {pstd} {stata trellis, by(health region) f(twoway scatter copper zinc iron) fopt(xtitle("") by(race, im(0 0 0 0) noixlabel noiylabel note("") legend(off) ) legend(off)) } {pstd} The data from the previous graph are better represented by the box plot below {pstd} {stata trellis, by(health region) f(graph box copper zinc iron) fopt(legend(off) over(race)) } {pstd} Another added complexity is that you can combine mulitple graphing functions and display a single legend. {pstd} {stata trellis, by(health region) f(twoway (scatter zinc copper iron, ms(p p))||(mspline zinc iron,n(40) clw(*3))||(mspline copper iron,n(40) clw(*3))) sr(2) sc(3) singleopt(legend(on ring(0) pos(1) col(1))) fopt(legend(off)) } {pstd} The same data represented by boxplots. {pstd} {stata trellis,by(health region) f(graph box copper zinc iron) fopt(legend(off) ylab(50 175 300) yscale(r(50,310))) sr(2) sc(2) singleopt(legend(on ring(0) pos(1) col(1) bm(tiny) symx(*0.2) keyg(*0.2) region(m(zero) lw(none))) yscale(r(50,310)))} {pstd} Only the race Other is displayed and the box plots are further divided by sex. This highlights what happens when there are graphs with no information {pstd} {stata trellis if race==3, by(health region) f(graph box copper zinc iron) fopt(over(sex) legend(off) ylab(50 175 300) yscale(r(50,310)))} {pstd} Now add labels for health and region {pstd} {stata trellis if race==3, labels by(health region) f(graph box copper zinc iron) fopt(over(sex) legend(off) ylab(50 175 300) yscale(r(50,310)))} {title:Author} {p} Adrian Mander, MRC Human Nutrition Research, Cambridge, UK. Email {browse "mailto:adrian.mander@mrc-hnr.cam.ac.uk":adrian.mander@mrc-hnr.cam.ac.uk} {title:Also see} Related commands {help graph} {help twoway}.