help tryem -------------------------------------------------------------------------------




Finds "best" subset of size k (by brute force) in terms of minimizing or max > imizing user-supplied "e"-statistic when estimating a regression model with the dist > ribtion of depvar depending on a linear combination of n potential explanatory varia > bles.

Shows variable number(s) (order in varlist), best (min or max) value of "e"-statistic , and identity of best subset


tryem depvar varlist [if] [in] , k(integer) [cmd(string) stat(string) best(s > tring) cmdoptions(string)]

options description ------------------------------------------------------------------------- k subset size (required) cmd estimation command (default = reg) stat estimation output "e"-statistic (default = r2) best min or max (default = max) cmdoptions options to be added to estimation command -------------------------------------------------------------------------


Uses -mktime.ado- (provided) to cycle through the subsets. Warning: / n \ If | | is large, where n is the number of potential regressors, \ k /

this may take a prohibitive amount of time.

Options Detail -------------------------------------------------------------------------

With only the k( ) option (required), tryem finds subset with maximum r^2 i > n ordinary linear regression.

Other estimation commands are permitted with the cmd( ) option, but then th > e appropriate estimation statistic ("e"-statistic) has to be specified. For example specifying

..cmd(logit) stat(ll)..

as options will find the subset that maximizes the log likelihood under logistic regression

If you want to minimize an estimation statistic (such as Pearson deviance i > n a glm) specify best(min) as an option; e.g.

..cmd(glm) best(min) stat(deviance_p)..

If there are options specific to the estimation command, they may be include > d using cmdoptions( ) - for example for glm with a gamma family and identity link fu > nction:

..cmd(glm) cmdoptions(family(gamma) link(identity)) best(min) stat(de > viance_p)

Examples a) Ordinary linear regression, maximize r^2

. tryem ym3 radex hs12 x* hs43-hs51,k(3)

-------------------------------------------- Best r^2 is 0.361193. Best subset of size 3 is: radex xsun xrg Variable numbers for best subset are:

1 7 9 --------------------------------------------

b) ordinary linear regression, find subset with minimum RMSE

. tryem ym3 hs1-hs7,k(2) best(min) stat(rmse) [output omitted]

c) GLM - minimize Pearson deviance

. tryem ym3 x*,k(2) cmd(glm) cmdoptions(family(gamma) link(iden)) best(min) sta > t(deviance_p) [output omitted]

Author(s) ---------

Al Feiveson, Johnson Spaceflight Center Email:

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