{smcl} {* July 2022}{...} {title:Title} {p 4 4 2} {bf:tvpplot} —— Visualize the time-varying coefficients and impulse responses after {cmd:tvpreg}. {title:Syntax} {p 8 15 2} {cmd:tvpplot} [{cmd:,} {opt plotcoef(namelist)} {opt plotvarirf(namelist)} {opth hor:izon(numlist)} {opt plotc:onst} {opth period(varname)} {opth movavg(#)} {cmd:noci} {opt ti:tle(tinfo)} {opt yti:tle(axis_title)} {opt xti:tle(axis_title)} {opth name(name_option)} {opt tvpl:egend(string)} {opt constl:egend(string)} {opt bandl:egend(string)} {opt shadel:egend(string)} {opt periodl:egend(namelist)} {opth sch:eme(schemename)} {opth tvpc:olor(colorstyle)} {opth constc:olor(colorstyle)} {opt nolegend}] {p_end} {synoptset 23 tabbed}{...} {synopthdr} {synoptline} {synopt :{opt plotcoef(namelist)}}specifies the parameter name (list) to be plotted. The parameter name is stored in {cmd:e(coefname)}. To plot the slope parameters, {it:namelist} is specified by {it:"yvar1:xvar1 yvar2:xvar2 ..."} and locates the parameter to be plotted. These parameters correspond to the coefficients of the variables {it:xvar#} in the equations for {it:yvar#}. To plot the covariance matrix parameters when {cmd:cholesky} is specified, {it:namelist} is specified by {it:"aij ... li ..."}, where {it:aij} denotes the {it:i}-th row and {it:j}-th column element in {it:A(t)}, {it:li} denotes the {it:i}-th element in {it:lnσ(t)}; {it:A(t)Σ(e,t)A(t)' = Σ(ε,t)Σ(ε,t)'}; {it:σ(t)=diag(Σ(ε,t))}; {it:A(t)} is a lower-triangular matrix with ones on the main diagonal; {it:Σ(e,t)} is the covariance matrix; and {it:i > j}. To plot the convariance matrix parameters when {cmd:cholesky} is not specified, {it:namelist} is specified by {it:"vij ..."}, where {it:vij} denotes the {it:i}-th row and {it:j}-th column element in the covariance matrix {it:Σ(e,t)}, and {it:i ≥ j}.{p_end} {synopt :{opt plotvarirf(namelist)}}specifies the parameter name (list) of the time-varying parameter vector autoregression impulse responses to be plotted. The parameter name is stored in {cmd:e(varirfname)}. {it:namelist} is specified as {it:"var1:shock1 var2:shock2 ..."} and locates the impulse response to be plotted, where {it:var} ({it:shock}) is the variable (shock) of interest. This option only applies when the {it:estimator} option is {cmd:var}. {opt plotcoef(namelist)} and {opt plotvarirf(namelist)} cannot be specified together.{p_end} {synopt :{opth plotnhor:izon(numlist)}}specifies the number (list) of horizons to be plotted. This list must be a subset of the number list in {opth nhorizon(numlist)}. The command plots the parameter path over time (horizons) when {opth plotnhorizon(numlist)} specifies a single number (or a list of numbers). The default is the list specified by {opth nhorizon(numlist)}.{p_end} {synopt :{opt plotc:onst}}includes the constant parameter estimate (a line in the graph). This option does not apply when the {it:estimator} option is {cmd:weakiv}.{p_end} {synopt :{opth period(varname)}}specifies the dummy variable indicating the time points to be highlighted in the plots. when {opth plotnhorizon(numlist)} specifies a list of numbers, this option indicates the specific time points to be plotted in the parameter paths across horizons. When {opth plotnhorizon(numlist)} specifies a single number, this option adds a background shade in the graph at the selected time points of the parameter path.{p_end} {synopt :{opth movavg(#)}}specifies the degree of the moving average when ploting a (smoothed) parameter path. The default is {cmd:movavg(1)}.{p_end} {synopt :{opt noci}}suppresses the confidence band in the figures. The confidence band is only computed and stored when {cmd:getband} is specified.{p_end} {synopt :{opt ti:tle(tinfo)}}specifies the graph title. The default is the parameter name.{p_end} {synopt :{opt yti:tle(axis_title)}}specifies y-axis title. The default is "Parameter."{p_end} {synopt :{opt xti:tle(axis_title)}}specifies x-axis title The default is "Time" ("Horizons") for parameter path across time (horizons).{p_end} {synopt :{opt tvpl:egend(string)}}specifies the legend for the time-varying-parameter estimate. The default is "Time-varying parameter."{p_end} {synopt :{opt constl:egend(string)}}specifies the legend for the constant-parameter estimate. The default is "Constant parameter." This option may be specified only when {opt plotconst} is specified.{p_end} {synopt :{opt bandl:egend(string)}}specifies the legend name for the confidence band. The default is "95% confidence band." This option may be specified only when {opt getband} is specified and {opt noci} is not specified.{p_end} {synopt :{opt shadel:egend(string)}}specifies the legend for the background shade. The default is the variable name specified by {opth period(varname)}. This option may be specified only when {opth period(varname)} is specified and a single number is specified by {opth plotnhorizon(numlist)}.{p_end} {synopt :{opt periodl:egend(namelist)}}specifies the legend for the time-varying estimates in different time periods; {it:namelist} is specified by {it:"periodname1,periodname2,..."}, where the order of names should match the increasing order of time periods. If this option is not specified, all the time-varying estimates have the same legend specified by {opt tvpl:egend(string)}. This option may be specified only when a list of numbers is specified by {opth plotnhorizon(numlist)}. {p_end} {synopt :{opt nolegend}}suppresses the legend. The legend is displayed only when more than two of the above elements are plotted in the figure.{p_end} {synopt :{opth sch:eme(schemename)}}specifies the overall look of the graph. The default is controled by {opt set scheme}.{p_end} {synopt :{opth tvpc:olor(colorstyle)}}specifies the color of the time-varying-parameter estimate. The default is {cmd:tvpcolor(green)}.{p_end} {synopt :{opth constc:olor(colorstyle)}}specifies the color of the constant-parameter estimate. The default is {cmd:constcolor(black)}.{p_end} {synopt :{opth name(name_option)}}specifies the graph name. The default is "tvpreg."{p_end} {synoptline}